Water pump "Agidel": device diagram, installation, overview of characteristics

Are you looking for an unpretentious and easy-to-use electric pump for irrigation and water supply of a country house? Agree, it would be good to buy an inexpensive unit that can perform its functions without fail over many years.

Perhaps you are interested in the water pump “Agidel”, about which neighbors in the area were flattering? But you doubt its efficiency and expediency of such an acquisition? We will help you familiarize yourself with the details of this pump - the article presents its characteristics, pros and cons, as well as features of installation and connection to the system.

It also contains the operating rules, the implementation of which allows to multiply the service life declared by the manufacturer, selected photographs, current schemes and thematic videos, revealing the nuances of preparation for the launch and the subtleties of regular of use.

The content of the article:

  • Model range and manufacturers
  • Technical characteristics of Agidel pumps
    • Series Agidel-M
    • Series Agidel-10
  • instagram viewer
  • Purpose and scope
  • Device and principle of operation
  • Operation of pumps “Agidel”
    • Rule # 1 - Preparing the Pump for Operation
    • Rule # 2 - Fill With Water Before Starting
    • Rule # 3 - Operational Safety
    • Rule # 4 - Maintenance
  • Advantages and disadvantages of pumps Agidel
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Model range and manufacturers

As testimonials from consumers and specialists show, “Agidel” is indeed a reliable and durable equipment. Moreover, these electric pumps have long been known to summer residents and gardeners throughout the CIS.

Electric pumps "Agidel" refer to type surface centrifugal pumps and produced PromGrupp LLC - the receiver of the Ufa Aggregate Production Association, which has been producing electric pumps under the Agidel brand for over 50 years.

Over the years, the design of the pump has not fundamentally changed, except that for the manufacture of some parts began to use high-strength polymers instead of alloys.

It should be noted that the Ufa enterprise produces all components for Agidel electric pumps independently, and the build quality is highly appreciated by specialists.

The cost of these electric pumps is lower by a factor of 2–5 compared with imported counterparts, and in terms of performance, reliability and durability, they are almost inferior to global brands.

Water pump Agidel for vertical installation

A series of surface centrifugal pumps Agidel is designed for the intake and transportation of water from open reservoirs, shallow wells, wells

The range of pumps "Agidel" can not be called diverse, it contains only two models:

  1. “Agidel-M” - small-sized electric pump used to supply water from a small depth of up to 8 m and for short distances. Available in vertical, horizontal and universal format.
  2. “Agidel-10” - pump of average power of self-priming type, capable of lifting water from a well or a well up to 7 m deep. Available only in horizontal version.

Both versions are equipped with a centrifugal-type injection mechanism, which is driven by a single-phase motor running on 220 V.

If we compare both pumps, then “ten” looks more preferable: this unit has more pressure by 33% and performance by 14%, however, power consumption is 2 times higher than that of the modification “M”.

Electric pump

Models “M” and “10” are advanced versions of the first pump in the BC series of Ufa manufacturers that have been manufactured for more than forty years.

Perhaps you will find information about the best a dozen centrifugal pumpsrepresented on the market.

Technical characteristics of Agidel pumps

Electric pumps “Agidel” can be used for pumping water from open reservoirs, shallow water wells, wells. Pumps are able to work for a long time, due to the presence of special protection against overheating.

Series Agidel-M

The electric pump “Agidel-M” belongs to the class of small-sized pumps, its weight is 6 kg, and its dimensions are 24x25 cm. The unit is used for pumping water with a temperature of not more than 35º C.

Absorption height, characteristic of most modifications of M, does not exceed 8 m. However, if equip the unit with an ejector, then this figure will increase to 15 m.

Between the bottom of the suction valve and the bottom of the water intake source must be more than 0.3 m. Before starting, the pump requires priming.

Device modification pump Agidel M

The monoblock design of the Agidel M pump includes two main components: a centrifugal pump and an electric motor designed for continuous operation

The maximum water pressure generated by the pump of this brand is 20 m, capacity - 2.9 m3 / hour. Model “M” belongs to the class of economical equipment for pumping water, its power consumption is 370 W. The mains voltage is 220 V.

“Agidel” brand electric pumps are not designed for operation at sub-zero temperatures, therefore, winterization requires warming.

For example, when using well pump arrange insulated caisson, recessed below the level of soil freezing.

Surface pump

The pump body is made of high-strength aluminum, so the unit has a low weight, allowing it to be installed on almost any smooth surface

Series Agidel-10

Unlike the “M” model, the Agidel-10 electric pump is a more powerful and large-sized device. Its weight is 9 kg, and its dimensions are 33x19x17 cm. Operation of the unit without pouring water is prohibited, otherwise the mechanical seal will fail.

The suction height of this modification is 7m. The pump provides a maximum design head of 20 m, which is the sum of suction, discharge and pipeline losses.

Productivity makes 3,6 m3 / hour. Installation method - horizontal. "Ten" consumes exactly twice the amount of electricity - about 700 watts. Works from the single-phase power supply network with a voltage of 220B.

Unlike the previous model “Agidel-10” can not be manned with an ejector. The body of the electric pump is made of aluminum alloy.

Scheme of the water pump Agidel 10

Constructive parts of the pump Agidel 10 are the electric motor, centrifugal and jet pump

Purpose and scope

Surface pumps “Agidel” are popular with summer residents and owners of country houses. Units are installed on a flat surface in special containers, utility rooms or under a canopy to protect against precipitation and sunlight.

Despite the adaptability to work with open reservoirs, it is desirable that the pumped water passes through a preliminary filtration. For example, when using a unit for pumping water from a well, a bottom filter device is recommended.

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Components of Agidel pumps

Pumps brand Agidel can be used only for pumping clean cold water from water intake workings, pools, open water

Pump Agidel in the water supply system

In the water supply scheme, the surface centrifugal pump can serve as both the main water pumping unit and the device for increasing the pressure in the system

Use of pumping equipment by summer residents

Inexpensive equipment perfectly copes with the water needs of summer residents. It can work for a long time, because equipped with overheating protection

Efficiency and service life applied to the body

Agidel M is able to pump up to 2.9 m3 / hour without overheating the engine. Until now, in the secondary market can be found pumps with this logo, released in the last century

Components of Agidel pumps

Components of Agidel pumps

Pump Agidel in the water supply system

Pump Agidel in the water supply system

Use of pumping equipment by summer residents

Use of pumping equipment by summer residents

Efficiency and service life applied to the body

Efficiency and service life applied to the body

The scope of application of pumps is quite limited, but it fully meets the needs of the owners:

  • autonomous house water supply system;
  • crop irrigation;
  • water supply to water consuming appliances;
  • filling/pumping out of pools and reservoirs;
  • water supply from a well, a well, an open reservoir.

“Agidel” pumps are not recommended for pumping water from flooded basements, as at In most cases, the water will contain coarse suspended particles that will quickly bring the unit out. out of service.

Your pump has stopped pumping water and you do not know what to do? You may find information about repair of the pump brand “Agidel”.

Electric pump

If you plan to operate the pump in winter, you need to take care of the insulation device so that the temperature of the environment surrounding the pump is above zero.

Device and principle of operation

Electric pumps “Agidel” have a simple monoblock design, typical of all centrifugal surface pumps.

Since the first version of the “Agidel-BC”, the unit's device has remained the same, only special protection against overheating, allowing the pump to operate without interruption for a long time.

The electric pump with marking of M consists of two main parts: electric motor and centrifugal pump. In the "Ten" set of the engine and centrifugal pump is also supplemented with a jet pump.

It is responsible for ensuring the “self-suction” of water supplied to the system by the centrifugal counterpart.

The electric motor, which serves as a drive for the pump, includes a stator with a built-in thermal fuse that protects the winding of the mechanism from overheating.

Also included in the motor is a rotor, bearing shield, flange. Cooling during operation is carried out by a wing fan, which is closed by a cap-cap.

The principle of operation of the pump is based on the action of centrifugal forces, due to which the unit provides water supply. The source of centrifugal force is the impeller located on the rotor shaft.

In the flange are cuffs that protect the motor from water ingress into it.

Diagram of the device of the centrifugal pump Agidel M

Electric motors of all modifications of pumps Agidel must be carefully protected from the slightest ingress of water - the main reason for their failure

Water enters the pump through the receiving valve, which also serves as a filter that prevents foreign objects from entering the pump (large particles, debris, rock residue, etc.).

This valve in the model “Agidel-M” plays the role of a shut-off valve when the pump is primed before starting.

The housing connector and flange are sealed with a rubber gasket. Model “M” is additionally equipped with a screw for air release. To install the pump in a vertical position in the housing there are mounting holes. For horizontal placement are holes in the rack.

Grounding circuit of the electric pump Agidel 10

The pump “Agidel-10” is equipped with a four-core power cord for connection to the electrical network, which is reinforced with a plug with a built-in grounding contact

Operation of pumps “Agidel”

At installation of pumps it is necessary to observe three conditions:

  1. Installation and operation should be carried out at a positive ambient temperature.
  2. It is forbidden to use Agidel units without a grounding device.
  3. The pump must be installed on a flat surface.

It is recommended to reduce the distance between the source of water intake and pump machine. The smaller it is, the more efficient the pumping is.

In addition, the unit requires reliable protection from precipitation and from direct exposure to sunlight heating the body.

The best option would be the device insulated caisson or a special container for the pump. If you plan to winter operation, it is necessary to produce insulation of the place where it will be located.

Well, if you can install in the basement or back room at home. However, it is necessary to understand that the unit will be removed from the place of water intake, which means that its pressure characteristics will decrease.

Rule # 1 - Preparing the Pump for Operation

The most important thing in the preparatory work is to install the pump so that water does not get into the electric motor. Before starting the pump, it is necessary to check the receiving valve, filling 500 ml of water into it.

In case of the slightest leakage from the drainage hole in the flange of the unit, the work should be stopped, the pump should be disassembled and the sealing cups should be replaced.

All units of the electric pump “Agidel” should be sealed. The connection points of the valve and the nipple with the hoses connected to them must be tightened with hose clamps, in extreme cases with wire.

For threaded connections it is recommended to use FUM-tape, linen tow, sealing thread of the “Tangit Unix” type.

It is recommended to think over the installation scheme with a minimum number of dots. The connection should not be subject to frequent dismantling, as in this case, its tightness is lost.

The joining of the water pipe with the inlet valve must be made by means of a rubber hose with a wall thickness of at least 4 mm and an internal diameter of 25-30 mm.

The outlet for connecting the pump to the mains must be installed indoors or under a canopy. The electric pump must be grounded without fail!

Pump Installation Diagram

Grounding can be arranged using bare steel wire, one end of which is connected to the pump, and the other end to the grounding conductor, which can be metal structures

Rule # 2 - Fill With Water Before Starting

The “Agidel-M” pump must be filled with water before each commissioning. The meaning of the filling is to squeeze the air out of the pump through the locking valve and fill it with the working fluid.

Pour 1.5 liters of clean water through a funnel designed for pouring in 4 to 5 minutes. before the start.

Water can be poured into an electric pump using a vacuum pump or an ejector. At the same time, the air pumping lasts until the equipment starts pumping water.

This is a rather laborious method, usually used only for large pumping stations, however, it can also be used for “Agidel” electric pumps.

When filling modifications with the letter M, it is better to give preference to schemes excluding the possibility of air suction through the funnel.

When using filling schemes with the possibility of suction, it should be taken into account that if the water level in the funnel decreases, air may be leaked, which is why the unit will immediately stop working.

The scheme of filling the centrifugal pump Agidel 10

It is not allowed to operate the surface unit without pre-filling with water, because this may cause damage to the mechanical seal.

Rule # 3 - Operational Safety

Proper operation of electric pumps “Agidel” is reduced to compliance with the following recommendations of the manufacturer and electrical safety standards.

Consider them in more detail:

  1. Do not use a surface centrifugal pump at a great depth.
  2. Do not allow dry running, i.e. operation without pre-casting.
  3. It is necessary to carefully protect the motor from water ingress into it, because this will immediately lead to its breakdown.
  4. Do not allow the operation of the electric pump without grounding.
  5. Do not touch the housing of the operating unit.
  6. Do not use an electric pump to transfer chemical media.

To ensure a smooth start and stop, the pump “Agidel” can be equipped with an individual water supply controller (KIV), which reduces the risk of overheating of the electric motor, warns water hammer system.

Connection diagram of the CIV to the pump

KIV provides automatic shutdown of the pump in case of malfunctions of the hydraulic system: breakage of a hose or pipeline, lowering the water level in the water source

Rule # 4 - Maintenance

The manufacturer determines the service life of electric pumps "Agidel" 5 years. Of course, subject to all rules of connection and operation, as well as safety precautions, the pump can last much longer.

Throughout all service life the pumps "Agidel" do not demand special service.

When using the pump as a pump for summer irrigation and periodic water supply at home, at the end the season, it is necessary to disassemble the electric pump to clean the fan and the working shaft from adhering dirt and sediments.

It is also necessary to lubricate the friction parts. Winter storage of the pump is carried out in a dry place at a positive temperature.

Breakdowns of the “Agidel” pumps usually occur after 5 years of operation and are associated with hose rupture or gland wear. In the first case, the hose is replaced with a new one, and in the second, the oil seal is changed with the help of a repair kit.

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Replacing the motor shaft seals

Step 1: A common cause of disability of the Agidel pump is worn seals at the junction of the mechanical and electrical parts. It is better to change both glands at once. To do this, disassemble the housing and turn over the pump.

Remove pad retention bolts

Step 2: Remove the bottom pad that has opened to us by unscrewing 4 bolts. In the case of loosening use the end head on the ratchet. She also unscrew the central bolt

Removing the pump pump to replace seals

Step 3: Unscrew four more screws and separate the electrical part from the mechanical component of the pump

Removing worn motor shaft cuffs

Step 4: Remove worn seals using available tools. They can be removed with a head that was used for unscrewing or with a wooden pin.

Removing damaged oil seals

Step 4: Carefully remove the worn seals, try to remove all the smallest crumbled parts of the elastomer from the holes

Filling elastomer sealing elements

Step 6: Before installing on the position of the cuffs, they must be pressed. This will require a vise and any part with a similar diameter.

Installation of the pressed epiploon

Step 7: Press the first seal into the hole intended for it, put a plastic sleeve over it and press the second seal

Reassemble the pump in reverse order.

Step 8: After installing both glands, assemble the unit in reverse order. Then turn on the pump to make sure that the shaft is no longer leaking along the shaft and the pump does not catch wasted air

Replacing the motor shaft seals

Replacing the motor shaft seals

Remove pad retention bolts

Remove pad retention bolts

Removing the pump pump to replace seals

Removing the pump pump to replace seals

Removing worn motor shaft cuffs

Removing worn motor shaft cuffs

Removing damaged oil seals

Removing damaged oil seals

Filling elastomer sealing elements

Filling elastomer sealing elements

Installation of the pressed epiploon

Installation of the pressed epiploon

Reassemble the pump in reverse order.

Reassemble the pump in reverse order.

Advantages and disadvantages of pumps Agidel

Centrifugal surface electric pump “Agidel” is a reliable unit used for irrigation or for supplying water from a source to a water consumer.

The pumps “Agidel-M” and “Agidel-10” have many advantages:

  • low cost;
  • easy maintenance and operation;
  • maintainability;
  • low power consumption, especially the “M” model;
  • electrical safety;
  • reliability, durability.

The disadvantages of electric pumps “Agidel” include the inability to use at a depth of more than 7 m (10 m) and the need to be located near the water source.

Please note that at present there are a lot of fakes of pumps “Agidel” made in China, the casing of such units is made of plastic, and the build quality is very low.

Pump fakes

The original pump “Agidel” is produced only by LLC “PromGroup” in Ufa, the body of the electric pump is made of metal, the manufacturer gives a guarantee for the equipment for a period of thirty months

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Preparation for work and start of the pump “Agidel-M”:

Video review of the pump “Agidel-M” (interview with the manufacturer):

Russian-made Agidel pumps are inexpensive and reliable units that are well suited for seasonal use. Electric pumps have both their advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing a pump, it is recommended to immediately think about its location, since Excessive distance from the water source significantly reduces productivity and pressure. At observance of all rules of installation and operation the pump “Agidel” is able to serve at least 20 years.

Do you use the “Agidel” pumping unit at the dacha? Or just planning to buy this pump, but you have any questions? Do not hesitate - ask your questions in the comments to this article.

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