Error E9 in the Samsung washing machine

Error E9 in the washing machine Samsung was used until 2009.In modern technology, it corresponds to the code LE - meaning leakage.

The causes and malfunctions are identical, but during the operation, the manufacturer has changed error codes several times. Let us tell you what E9 error means on the board, how to fix the problem yourself, and in which case it is better to call a specialist.

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  • 1 The main causes and signs of failures
    • 1.1 Compatible or badly connected
    • 1.2 hoseE9, there is a leak somewhere. When the level of liquid in the tank decreases more than four times in a row, the controller interrupts the washing and gives an error. Completion of work can occur both at the start and when moving to a new mode of operation( spinning or rinsing).

      Depending on the release date, the Samsung technician will display LE fault codes or an E9 error.


      broken or poorly connected Physical damage to the AGR, owners usually notice without turning to the screen. If water is poured around the unit - most likely, the equipment shows on the E9 display. If the machine is new, the drain hose is probably connected in violation of the technology.

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      Repair in this case is not required, you just need to eliminate the consequences of the negligence of installers.

      The sensor controlling the filling of the

      equipment fails. In washing machines, where aquastat is monitoring the water level, the error E9 on the display can be displayed without obvious visual signs of problems. In this case, the water level sensor itself is faulty.

      Solving the problem - replacing aquastat with a new one.

      The integrity of the drum or the pads of the

      is broken. Together with the clothes, solid objects can get into the washing machine that can penetrate not only the compactor, but also crush the plastic parts of the drum. As a result, the unit is leaking, E9 is lit on the screen, the work is blocked.

      Small cuts in the rubber parts can be glued, for a full change it is better to attract a specialist.

      Comprehensive malfunctions

      In some cases, it is difficult not only to fix the damage, but also to accurately determine the cause of the failure. Having dealt with what to do before calling repairmen, we turn to the definition of complex problems.

      Fault Possible causes What to do
      E9 flashed, the tray is full of water. Clogged or broken seal. Small gaps to seal their own, purge the pipe. For replacement call master.
      The machine does not start operation. The pressure switch is faulty. Blow-up the part, if the error does not clear, the part must be replaced, which means contacting a specialist.
      E9 lights up when the washer switches from mode to mode. Junk electronic unit. If the board is completely burned out, its replacement is necessary. But more often enough soldering.
      In the washer with aquastat, the error E9 appears after the launch of the wash. The relay may have failed. To remove the error, you must replace the aquastat.
      Leak at the back of the washing machine. Shlag blocked or mechanically damaged. Replace hose.
      What does the disappearing, then the emerging E9 sign mean? The problem may be in the wiring - insufficient contact between the wires. Buying a new cable will help.

      Before fixing a serious damage to the washing machine yourself, assess your strength. For minor repairs, the master is not needed, and complex faults should be entrusted to the warranty service.

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