Choosing varieties of kumquat for orchards in Russia

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The tree of kumquat is known all over the world and is in great demand. This exotic plant with unusual and fragrant fruit. Numerous varieties of kumquat can decorate any room and become a real zest of the winter garden. How does kumquat look like and its photos can be seen below in the article.

Description of the plant

This tree has many advantages. Kumquat or kinkan, as it is also called, has a small growth and beautiful appearance. The leaves of the plant are small. With proper care, they cover the shoots abundantly, thus giving the tree a special chic.

There are many species of this plant, but only some of them are suitable for growing at home. Kumquat flowers from April to May. You can observe this process within 50 days.

In Japan, this plant is called "golden oranges".

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Unlike ordinary citrus fruits, this species can form buds twice a year. Kumquat decorative can grow up to 60 cm tall.

Useful properties of the plant:

  1. Systematic consumption of fruit can protect the body from colds. Also, berries favorably affect the immune system. Microelements, which are part of the peel, are capable of killing bacteria and dangerous microorganisms.
  2. The leaves and fruits of the plant are used to restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Infusions and decoctions can cure ulcers, relieve inflammation of the duodenum, and also help with constipation.
  3. Kumquat is a low-calorie product. It is often used for cooking dietary dishes. This vitamin plant, which accelerates the metabolism.

It helps with arthritis, arthrosis. Kinkan is also recommended for use in neoplasms. Berries of the tree can dissolve tumors and help restore all processes in the body.

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In addition to its positive qualities, citrus kumquat has drawbacks. Since the plant belongs to the family of citrus fruits, it can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, fruit is not recommended for pregnant and young mothers who breastfeed.

Feature of Kumquat grade Marumi and Maiva

Kumquat Marumi is a tree, which is often called Japanese Fortunella. The plant differs in the presence of thorns. It has foliate plates oval in shape. This variety belongs to a group of cold-resistant trees.

Fruits are round, slightly flattened. With proper care, they are able to reach, cm in length. They differ in saturated orange peel. The skin is rather thin and fragrant, which can not be said about the inside. The flesh is sourish. The berry consists of 4-7 lobules. In each fruit there can be up to three seeds that are used for reproduction.

The rind of kumquat fruits is saturated with a huge amount of essential oils.

Kumquat Meiva is distinguished by its sweet fruits, which also have an orange color. Berries are very rich in vitamin C and other trace elements, which are necessary for the human body. The plant develops well at home. If you plant it and follow all the rules of care, then the tree will bloom abundantly and bear fruit for a long time.

Description kumkat Fukushi

Kumquat Fukushi or Obovata, as it is also called, has a lush symmetrical shape. The tree has no thorns, which makes it possible to grow it in the premises where small children live.

Kumquat Fukushi - the best option for growing at home.

The Fukushi variety is different in form of fruit. In this plant they look like a bell. Grown berries to 5 centimeters in diameter. The rind is orange and sweet, the flesh is sour-spicy. The plant is unpretentious. It perfectly tolerates low temperatures. With proper care, the plant blooms profusely. Buds are colorful and produce a pleasant aroma.


Feature of the grade Nagami

This is one of the most popular species. Citrus kumquat Nagami is the youngest variety, which was derived from the classic species. This tree is also frost-hardy, but has a different form of fruit. The berries are elongated, without seeds. They can reach 5 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter. The skin is sweet, and the flesh is sour. Eat citrus entirely, without cleaning from the skin. You can also make marmalades from them or use them for making jam. The flowering period falls on the summer, and begins to bear fruit in the winter.

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Variety Nagami still called Margarita. The fruits of this tree are often used in folk medicine. With these berries, they make funds that are used to accelerate the healing of wounds and with fungal infections. Kumkat Margarita also helps to get rid of respiratory diseases.

Kumquat Malay: a feature of the variety

This plant is very popular at home. Because of its large size, it is not grown at home. Often kumquat Malay is used as a hedge. Fruits the plant abundantly. Berries, like other varieties, are orange. They are quite large and contain about 8 seeds.

Kumquat Malay can positively influence the central nervous system and improve mood.

A tree grows up to five meters high. Deciduous plates of elongated shape, slightly pointed at the ends. In comparison with other species, this variety is afraid of cold weather. In the open ground it is grown only in the homeland, and in the northern hemisphere only in greenhouses or winter gardens. How does a plant kumquat can be seen in the photo.

Care of the plant at home

With proper care, the tree can grow up to 10 centimeters each year. To the plant developed well, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

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Location. The tree loves a lot of light. During the summer, kumquat can be taken to fresh air. A good option would be a balcony or terrace. In winter, the vase should be placed on windows with the maximum amount of light. To make the plant feel good, it is recommended to use additional lighting.

The soil. The tree of kumquat, which is indicated in the photo, should be planted in a special substrate. The best option is the mixture consisting of sand, humus, garden and turf.

Irrigation. The plant is very fond of watering. In summer, when the air temperature is high, the leaves should be sprayed. Also, you can occasionally put the plant under a warm shower, but before the procedure, cover the top layer of soil with polyethylene.

Fertilizer. This is an important point in the care of the plant. If you do not feed the tree periodically, it will not normally bear fruit. The period of application of mixtures depends on the size of the flowerpot and the size of the tree. If kumquat grows in a small pot, then you need to fertilize it more often, something that is voluminous. Use for this purpose should be universal preparations, which are sold in any flower shop.

Pruning. To the tree had a beautiful appearance, it is necessary to conduct the formation of the crown. Do this in the spring. It will be correct if there are two or three shoots left on each branch. The rest should be removed using garden shears. Proper pruning stimulates the growth of young growth.

Knowing what kumquat is and what the photo looks like, you can buy a beautiful and incredible useful plant. This is a tree that can decorate any room, and also become a real delicacy of children. The right choice of plant variety and appropriate care, can yield a plentiful harvest.

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