SE error in LG washing machines

What should I do if the LG washing machine failed? Pay attention to signs of breakage.

If the error code SE lights up on the washer display, the CM can take water to the tank normally, however when switching to washing the program stops, the drum does not spin.

This breakdown is characteristic of an Al Direct Direct Drive direct drive machine, as well as a belt drive eraser with a three-phase noiseless electric motor.

Material content:

  • 1 What does the SE code mean, and why does it appear
    • 1.1 Why does the
  • 2 code come on? How to repair

What does the SE code mean, and why does it appear

for the similarity of electronic symbols. Whatever you call it, the fault remains the same.

The error code SE informs the user about problems with the motor. Due to the fact that the motor shaft does not rotate, the drum does not roll the laundry.

However, this malfunction does not always require repair of the washer, it happens that you can clear the error yourself and solve the problem.

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Why the code

lights up? If the Lji washing machine( LG) shows the error SE, the reasons may be:

  • Weak connections. It is necessary to check all the connectors that are connected to the motor. It happens that they depart, which means a breakdown of the contact and interruption of the signal. Additionally, inspect the wiring loop from the motor to the control module. If something is broken, correct or replace the damaged part of the wire.
  • System failure could also cause an error on the scoreboard. De-energize the washing machine by pulling the plug out of the socket( no more than 20 minutes).After switching on, the error SE should be reset.

If you failed to clear the error, then you need to start repairing the parts. Read how to fix the breakdown below.

How to repair

When LG CMA issues the SE error code, then in 90% of cases the reason lies in the breakdown of the tachogenerator( Hall sensor).This device controls the speed of rotation of the drum. Therefore, when it malfunctions, the drum “does not know” with what speed to work, and the system writes a fault code.

Sometimes it happens that the failure lies not in the tachogenerator, but in the burning of the resistor. Then you need to replace the resistor.

In any case, you need to check the tachometer. It is located below, on the motor shaft.

  1. Open the back of the machine.
  2. Remove the belt from the shaft and loosen the motor mounting screws.
  3. Disconnect the connectors, remove the engine.
  4. Release the tachogenerator contacts, attach the multimeter test leads to them.
  5. The part is operational with resistance of about 60 ohms.
  6. Optionally, configure the tester to measure voltage.
  7. While checking the tachometer, scroll the engine. The norm is an indicator of about 0.2 V.

If the Hall sensor is faulty, you need to install a new element. What does it mean: with the engine removed, disconnect the tachogenerator wires, remove the cover. The cover can be fastened either on latches or on bolts that need to be unscrewed.

Remove the part and install the new one in the reverse order.

What else can cause a breakdown:

  • If the motor malfunctions on the screen of the LG washing machine, the error SE is lit, the washing process does not start. How to fix the situation: you need to change the motor. How to remove the engine from the CM, already described above. Additionally, watch a video on the topic:
  • If your washing machine does not rotate the drum, but writes an error SE, a control unit check is required. In case of breakage, it is easy to replace the unit. It is more difficult to repair the control board, solder the contacts and clear the tracks, so you can contact the service center.
  • With constant vibrations during the spin cycle, wires and connections can be worn or pulled inside the LG washing machine. Check the wiring harness from the control unit to the motor.

Before starting work and repair of the machine, do not forget to disconnect it from the network and communications. If the recommendations helped to remove the error SE from the display and restored the work of the LG LG, then everything was done correctly.

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