Detailed description and characteristics of tomato varieties Katya F1

An excellent early maturing culture that opposes diseases and natural whims has managed to become popular with a huge number of gardeners due to its characteristics. Even amateur lovers can grow this variety, as the plant does not need specific care. At the same time, tomato bushes give excellent yields of tasty fruits, their cultivation leaves only favorable impressions. In this article we describe the characteristics of tomato Kate.

Table of Contents

  • Prospects for Planting
  • Grade

    Grade Grade


    • Bred by specialists of domestic breeding not so long ago. The plant is determinant, has several simple inflorescences, each of which gives from five to eight early fruits. The ripening period is up to two and a half months from the date of transplanting.

      The height of the bushes does not exceed fifty centimeters, the yield reaches ten kilograms from each square of the plot. In greenhouse conditions, this figure is one and a half times higher. Tomatoes are medium in size, bright red sometimes pink, round in shape.

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      Tomato seed label Katya

      Advantages and disadvantages of the

      variety. Among the clearly expressed advantages are the following features:

      • culture is characterized by precocity;
      • plants do not impose special requirements for cultivation; they perfectly tolerate a dry period, high temperature conditions;
      • there is always the opportunity to get a good harvest;
      • pronounced resistance to many "tomato" diseases;
      • excellent keeping quality and transportability - almost the entire crop retains its presentation even with long shipments;
      • fruits ripen evenly, which greatly facilitates their cleaning;
      • taste of tomatoes is excellent.

      There is a slight negative:

      • branches of the bushes are rather weak, the weight of tomatoes can break. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to provide them with solid support.
      Tomato shrub Kate

      Soil requirements for planting

      To achieve maximum yield, it is recommended to grow tomatoes in sandy or loamy places with good air permeability of the soil composition.

      If there is increased acidity of the soil at the site, then it is necessary to add dolomite flour or lime at the rate of three to four years to it at a rate of two to six hundred grams per square.

      For places where a lot of clay is suitable, the addition of rotted manure or compost in the amount of one and a half - two buckets per square meter. Many people use river sand for the same purpose, having previously soaked it in dissolved urea( 150 grams per bucket of water).

      Loamy soil is ideal for tomatoes Katya

      Sowing rules

      Tomatoes are grown using the seedling method. In order to receive early harvests already in mid-summer, the seeds must be sown in early April. Before this, the planting material is treated with a weak solution of manganese for fifteen to twenty minutes. This measure will prevent bacterial diseases.

      For planting it is recommended to use a universal substrate or to prepare a mixture of compost, peat and sand, taken in equal parts. Seeds are buried one and a half to two centimeters, leaving enough space between them so that the shoots can normally form.

      The soil is moistened, the seeds are heated to improve their sowing characteristics. As soon as the first shoots appear, you can remove the plastic film from the boxes.

      Watering is done with small streams, the plant does not tolerate excessive moisture.

      After about three weeks, the seedlings can be swooped in separate cups.

      Seed treatment with potassium permanganate against pests

      Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground

      This can be done in the first half of May, if the threat of night frost has passed. For planting applies the scheme "seventy to thirty" centimeters. Planting density should correspond to three - four plants per square meter. At the same time culture is formed in two - three stalks.

      Under the size of the seedling is a hole, water is poured in the amount of one liter. After checking the quality of the seedlings, you can perform the planting, deepening it somewhat more than it was in the planting container.

      Experienced gardeners are advised to remove the lower leaves in order to deepen the sprout as much as possible( up to half of its stalk).It should be observed a small slope of seedlings toward the north-west.

      When transplanting, the roots of the seedlings are carefully crimped and bent in such a way as to direct the tips of the system to the bottom of the planting hole. Then the plant is watered, the well is covered with dry soil.

      Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground

      Grade care after transplanting

      The soil between rows must be constantly loosened so that no crust forms on the surface. At the same time, it is recommended to remove weeds.

      One and a half weeks after transplantation, seedlings can be spud for the first time, to give her the opportunity to form new roots. After three weeks the process can be repeated.

      During irrigation, up to one liter of water should be poured into each well. Watering should be carried out in the afternoon, when the sun is not so bright.

      The first feeding is done ten days after planting. Used composition of organic and mineral fertilizer components. For this, part of a mullein is bred in a bucket of water, twenty grams of superphosphate is added. This amount of solution can handle a dozen bushes.

      At intervals of a couple of weeks, the second and then the third feeding are performed. At this time, apply dry mineral compounds during hilling or loosening the soil. On the square of the plot make no more than twenty grams of superphosphate, ten - ammonium nitrate and fifteen - potassium salt.

      Masking - a mandatory procedure to conduct!

      It should be done in the morning so that the plant can heal damage during the day. The soil in the beds can be mulched with straw, deciduous humus, compost.

      Proper storing of tomatoes

      Diseases and their prevention

      Tomato variety is known for its resistance to the most dangerous diseases. As a preventive measure, plants should be treated with fungicide formulations. In order to protect your planting from harmful parasites, insecticidal treatment should be carried out.

      The most common mistakes in caring for Kate:

      • , due to short stature, many people neglect the garter of twigs;
      • some gardeners believe that stading is not necessary;
      • sometimes watering is carried out not under the root system; cold water is used for this;
      • for growing tomatoes in the greenhouse should be organized regular airing.

      If you want to get early harvests of tomato, we advise you to pay attention to this variety. By fulfilling all the growing and care requirements, excellent performance can be achieved.

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