It is necessary to know: all about inedible mushrooms


video. Mushroom pickers with experience know that among forest gifts there are such specimens that will not bring harm, but also enjoyI will not deliver. These are inedible mushrooms. They have no relation to poisonous species, however, such a “harvest” cannot be eaten either. This category includes mushrooms, the pulp of which does not contain dangerous toxins to cause severe poisoning, but at the same time has a combination of signs or one of them:

  • has a very rigid structure;
  • unpleasant taste( most mushrooms are bitter);
  • disgusting smell, which may be present either in a raw mushroom, or manifested in the process of its preparation.

Some species, besides the above description, have ugly growths on their caps.

We offer you a short list of the most famous inedible mushrooms with the name, description and photo. We hope it will help to avoid annoying mistakes and choose only the most delicious mushrooms.

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Resident Coniferous Forest - Row

Ridge mushrooms belong to one of the species, the variety of which can confuse even an experienced mushroom picker. In addition to delicious edible and obviously dangerous poisonous, there are also inedible rows. The most famous of them:

  1. Row Spruce. It grows in wet thickets of conifers and firs. The hat is small, up to 10 cm in diameter, resembling a light brown bell with a slight bulge in the center. The surface is covered with barely visible scales and stripes, and in overripe mushrooms, the caps crack, revealing the light watery flesh with a very spicy taste and an unpleasant smell. The leg is rather high, curved, inside is empty.
  2. Ordering is sulfur yellow. Found in deciduous and coniferous forests. Young mushrooms have rounded caps of sulfur-yellow color, in old ones they level off, and a bulge forms in the center, and the color darkens. After the rain, the skin becomes slippery, and in dry weather it is smooth and velvety. The slender leg at the top is bright yellow, thickening or lending, and becoming dirtier closer to the ground. Legs of old mushrooms decorate dark scales, but not always. The flesh is yellow-green, it smells like acetone, bitter.

Young spruce rows can be confused with conditionally edible greenfinchs, but, unlike the first ones, greenfinchs grow on a short meaty leg and green color predominates in color.

Some scientists attribute the spruce and sulfur yellow to poisonous ones. Indeed, by eating them you can get a mild eating disorder, but a small amount of toxins usually does not lead to death.

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Beautiful russula beauties or appearance is deceptive.

Among the known syrozhek, most mushrooms are considered edible and very tasty, and some especially risky mushroom pickers even use them without boiling. However, there are among them such varieties, which even the most desperate eater will not dare to taste, and the reason is caustic taste.

Inedible russula, which, however, are very beautiful in appearance, include:

  1. Caustic( it is vomiting or burning-caustic).On a white fragile leg, empty inside, there is a prominent bright pink hat with lighter edges, covered with sticky skin. There are also mushrooms with a red or purple color. The flesh is white, thin and friable, has no smell, but is very bitter.
  2. Blood red( sardonyx).It also has a red hat in different variations of this color, but differs in a pink meaty stem in the shape of a mace or cylinder. The edges of the caps are slightly wavy, the skin is glossy, well removable. The flesh is white, dense, spicy and tasteless.
  3. Ostroedkaya. It is a very bright and noticeable mushroom, by which it certainly cannot be passed: the hat of rich purple color with a darker center, first convex, and then leveled. Smooth foot dark pink. The flesh and plates are yellow. The taste is very pungent.
  4. Birch. One of the most bitter syroezhek, pungent taste does not disappear even after prolonged soaking. But it looks quite attractive and even smells delicious, like fruit, with a touch of honey. The leg is white, the hat is beige, the flesh is light and fragile.

Even a grudge is tasteless

Many novice mushroom pickers think that milk mushrooms can be collected and eaten everything and then sincerely wonder why the delicious mushroom cut off under a birch tree turns out to be bitter. This happens if you find inedible milk mushrooms, which are also called lactor for their viscous milky sap, released during fracture.

. Inedible mlechnikov include:

  1. . Thorny. A medium sized mushroom with a slightly convex or open hat with jagged edges, the color varies from pink to light brown. In older specimens, reddish flaking flakes resembling small spikes are often formed on the surface of the cap. Hollow leg of the same color, curved, yellow plates under the cap are firmly attached to it. The pulp of this inedible fungus is yellowish or greenish, odorless, but very pungent.
  2. Sticky( aka gray-green or slimy).The name fully corresponds to the appearance: the light foot sticks to the hands, on top it is decorated with a dirty green, even gray, hat with dark spots. Milky juice is also sticky, flowing when fragile, white and sharp, odorless pulp is broken.
  3. Hepatic. Small mushrooms are completely painted in a beautiful brown color, the cap is slightly funnel-shaped, smooth. The flesh is also brown, but lighter, very fragile, does not smell, disgustingly acrid.
  4. Golden yellow( aka golden).The cap is concave, smooth, red-golden color, with darker thin stripes or spots. Leg slightly lighter, thick at first, then becomes hollow. The flesh and juice are white, but yellow when cut. There is no deterrenting aroma, but the mushroom tastes very bitter. The shape of the mlechnik is similar to camelina, but the latter has orange juice with a transition to a greenish tint.
  5. Gray pink( also known as amber or roan).The hat in the form of a funnel and a leg painted in a dirty pink, closer to brown, color. White-pink plates under the cap are firmly attached to the loose leg. A characteristic feature of this load is a sharp unpleasant smell emanating from the yellowish flesh and resembling lovage or chicory.
  6. Resin black( aka resin).The hat is chocolate-brown with a velvet surface, almost flat. The sturdy leg is in the shape of a cylinder with an expansion in the upper part and is covered with a light down. The pulp and juice are white, but when cut, they turn pink. Interestingly, despite the bitter taste, the mushroom produces a pleasant fruity aroma.

According to some sources, sticky lacquer belongs to poisonous mushrooms: a large number of toxins can cause severe poisoning.

Beautiful, but bitter boletus

Among the handsome boletus there are such "comrades" who, even after long cooking, do not become tasty. Their dense pulp contains a lot of bitterness, making it completely unsuitable for consumption.

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Inedible boletus mushrooms include:

  1. Beautiful( he is beautiful-pedigree or just inedible).The mushroom body is characteristic of the species and is very fleshy, the cap is brown in color, covered with dry skin. The stem is pink-red entirely or yellowish with a pink mesh. The creamy bitter flesh turns blue when cut.
  2. Chunky( it's rooted or bitter spongy).The cap in the shape of the hemisphere is off-white, smooth, often cracked. The stem is lemon-colored with a light grid; it has a thickening in the form of a tuber near the ground. The flesh is also yellow, when pressed blue, odorless, bitter.

Resident of meadows chlorophyllum lead-slag

This inedible fungus with a difficult name looks like umbrellas, and some scientists attribute it to poisonous species. Fully toxic properties of lead-slag chlorophyllum have not yet been fully studied, so today it is so far simply referred to the category of inedible fungi.

In order to avoid possible eating disorders, it is better not to risk and touch the mushrooms that you encountered during the walk.

Mushrooms have a hat, like an umbrella. In older specimens, it is prostrate, but in youth has a bell-shaped form. The hat is painted gray-white, in the center there is a small knob, darker. The peel on the surface of the cap of chlorophyllum is lead and slag dry, with remnants of the covering. The tall leg is thinish, white, but becomes brown when broken. At young mushrooms it is decorated with a ring from above. The flesh is white, on contact with air turns pink.

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Fragile lover of stumps scaly alder

On the rotten remains of tree species at the end of summer you can find small mushrooms with brittle pulp - scaly alder. The ocher-yellow cap in the center has a darker color, and along the edges - the remnants of the veil. The brownish stem is first banded, but then becomes smooth. The yellow flesh breaks easily and bitterly.

For the fiery color of the mushroom is also called alder moth.

Earthen dweller Hebeloma rootlike

But you can hardly confuse anyone with other mushrooms, this is the rootlike Gebelom, but all because of its long gray leg, covered with small brownish scales, is half hidden in the ground. But the cap is rather small, at first semi-circular, then leveled. The peel is shiny, light brick, with ingrown scales. The flesh of young hebelomy is sweet, but then the sweetness disappears, giving way to bitterness. It does not have duplicates, because of its taste it is not consumed.

The smallest mushroom is meat ascocorin

Violet-purple fleshy growths on trunks and stumps, it turns out, also mushrooms called meat askocoriné.Indeed, in color they resemble fresh meat. The mushrooms themselves are very small, no more than 1.2 cm, they first grow individually, but quickly merge into a solid dense carpet. The shape of an adult fungus is varied: it can have a funnel in the center of the shiny cap, or it can be convex. A large family of inedible fungi ascocorin, grown on a tree, looks like a multi-tiered growth, with each next "floor" tightly rooted to the previous one. There are mushrooms and legs, but they are very small, less than 1 cm. Although the mushroom pulp does not have a bitter taste or an unpleasant smell, they are considered to be inedible due to their miniature size, which is rather difficult to process before cooking.

Going to the forest, remember - the external beauty of the fungus can be deceptive, and is able to deliver at least disappointment. Carefully read before walking pictures of inedible mushrooms, selected in the article. Be careful and carefully choose only edible mushrooms, and at the slightest doubt it is better to return home empty-handed than to bring frankly unpleasant surprises. Have a good hunting"!

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