Why does not the washing machine: analysis of the causes of failure and incremental repair manual

Regardless of the brand and features, the term washing of the equipment is from 5 to 15 years. However, due to frequent power surges, poor water aggregates give mechanical damage in a system crash.

The suggestions below will help determine the cause of yourself, why not turn on the washing machine, and tell us how to eliminate the damage with his own hands.

The content of the article:

  • Causes damage to units
    • №1 - the lack of electricity in the network
    • №2 - fault elements cord
    • №3 - the problem with the button "Enable
    • №4 - failure of the electronic module or programmer
    • №5 - not functioning locking system
    • №6 - fault RFI
    • №7 - damage to internal wiring
  • Step by step repair of equipment
    • Repair inclusion element
    • Check of serviceability of controller and its repair
    • Replacement unit interlocks
    • Stepwise replacement of broken RFI
  • Useful videos on the topic

Causes damage to units

Before disposing of the machine because of its failure, it is possible to diagnose it yourself. Often, minor damage to the product, so replacement parts can not call the master.

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Technology can not run the washing program or even not be included for several reasons. Timely identification will allow them to extend the service life for a few more years and save money on this.

№1 - the lack of electricity in the network

In the case where when the power plug in the socket display is not lit, and products with a mechanical type control device does not start, then perhaps no current flows.

The reason for this can be a problem in the switchboard, the failure of a circuit breaker tripping outlet or tripping in the presence of the RCD.

Electrical panel in good condition
Breakage can occur in the panel due to long term operation, the voltage drops in system burnout or mechanical damage to the wire (e.g., in the case of repair works)

Automatic usually knocks during a short circuit, a sudden drop in the current network or water ingress in the socket. That is working properly, you must make sure it is properly switched on.

If the machine is knocked out, the lever will be in the bottom position - off. If after switching on the device does not work, it means that out of order and will need to complete replacement.

The characteristic features of the security device is a sputtering kick current user when trying to run the machine, after which the device is turned on.

RCD is triggered to prevent leakage currents of fires and the prevention of electric shock when the human art.

Therefore it may have occurred power failure or the device worked because of its low quality. If the reason for the lack of electricity in it, then it is necessary to check its performance and availability problems related to the shield.

In another case, no run equipment failure occurs at the outlet.

Socket for connection of equipment
Externally, the device may look a little singed, with characteristic traces of black holes in the plug connection or melted

That is working properly, you need to use the indicator with a screwdriver to see if the current is in it. You can also try using a different appliance, for example, hair dryers, irons and table lamp. If the product works, then you need to look for another cause.

Using a multimeter, to check the presence of possible phase in the socket in the following manner:

  1. Mark the measuring device and enable AC measurement mode (ACV).
  2. Set the maximum value of the instrument - 220 V.
  3. Probes device connected to the outlet terminals.
  4. Secure Network readings on a special board.
  5. Based on this information to conclude a working outlet or require its further replacement.

When the above methods have been carried out and the cause is not found, then you should test the functionality of the machine parts.

№2 - fault elements cord

Wire products constantly undergoes various deformations - bends, kinks, tension, hall. So do not rule out the possibility of damage during the operation.

To determine the type of the damage is necessary to visually inspect the power cord and plug. On devices may be traces of burning or melting of plastics, corresponding odor.

Connect the machine using a power strip
In the event of such a problem to use the power cord and plug it is strictly forbidden, as it may cause electric shock or short-circuit

Check whether there are fractures in the wire, it is also possible with a multimeter. Connected in this case, the device will need all three wires in turn. Upon detection of cable breakage is desirable to replace, rather than connecting elements with electrical tape.

If the machine is connected to the network via an extension cord, the reason for lack of hiding it can run in the apparatus.

Check operation of the extension cord should also be carried out with the help of other electric appliances. In the event of faulty equipment necessary to connect through another device or directly into an electrical outlet.

№3 - the problem with the button "Enable

Laundry may not start because of a problem with the "Start" button. This problem is most common in the newer generation of device models. The principle of operation of such products is in direct current supply from the power cord to the button.

To check, defective parts or not, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • switch off the power supply;
  • remove the top part of the housing of the product;
  • unscrew and remove the control panel on which the button is located;
  • disconnect the wire connection point of the button;
  • connect them to the meter and check current when the button mode.

In the case of health button the device will give corresponding sound. If a problem is detected, the item must be replaced.

washing start button on the device
The button can be depressed due to prolonged use of the equipment is clogged with dust or powder detergent, as well as not work due to the breakage of internal wiring

Some equipment has a slightly different principle of the device, and the voltage supplied to the power button, and on the sequencer or electronic module. It depends on the model and the manufacturer of a particular unit.

№4 - failure of the electronic module or programmer

By health data items produced only once has been verified correctly connected the electrical circuit, the integrity of the wires, plugs, the device performs a lock hatch.

These machine components are rather expensive, so the feasibility of their substitution needs to be solved on their own individually.

Sequencer unassembled
The reason of failure of the elements can be rough handling with the technique, a voltage drop in the network, the ingress of moisture into the mechanism or parts of the new marriage

Failure to identify sequencer must be dismantled. Their devices differ depending on the model and brand of the machine. The general procedure for dismantling the same, but the appearance of the details may be different.

№5 - not functioning locking system

Provided switching devices and the power LED lights and no trigger washing program should check the serviceability of an element such as the hatch lock.

Typically, the machine locks the door when you start a program. If this does not happen, then you need to pay attention to this node.

Execution replacement door lock device
In devices with a horizontal loading type laundry door lock is performed with a special lock, which is arranged laterally hatch

For this dismantling is carried front housing the product and measurement of voltage tester this element. If current flows, however, the mechanism does not work, then it needs to complete a replacement.

In that case, if the device shows a lack of tension, then you should check and repair the control unit - the electronic module or of controller.

№6 - fault RFI

In the arrangement of each model special member is mounted, which is responsible for the quenching of electromagnetic radiation during operation, - a noise filter.

Detail allows you to protect other equipment from elektrovoln that can bring it down. In the event of failure the machine will not be included in this site, and the LEDs are off.

noise filter stiralki
A filter can break down after prolonged use of the product, a short circuit or a factory defect. When breakage breaks the electrical circuit, therefore, no voltage is applied to the control unit and the technique does not work

In addition, the surge protector prevents the electronic system inside the device from burning out or failure.

The more expensive the product and more functionality in it, the more nodes are likely to fail in the event of power surges. A strong likelihood that one of the important elements of burns: the board, the engine, heater, wiring.

Therefore it is essential to carry out a timely replace the filter in case of failure to secure the device to the more serious damage.

№7 - damage to internal wiring

Most devices have such an internal structure in which the wires are in contact with each other and can intersect with vibration, twisted, fall out of the socket and terminate electrical circuit.

Display automatic washing machines
In the event of such a breakdown technique will be included, but will display with or simultaneously light up or flash or fade

To identify the section break or burnout, you must complete disassembly of the device. Close inspection of the wiring and circuits, as well as the use of the tester will help identify problem areas. In the subsequent need to replace or solder damaged areas.

Step by step repair of equipment

After examining all possible types of damage, as well as to diagnose the washing machine, then should begin to replace the required parts or assembly. For repairs need a screwdriver, multimeter, electrical tape, schemes, as well as new parts if necessary.

Presented instructions below will help to perform the repair of a particular product assembly. Before disassembling and testing the unit should read the manual to understand the features of the internal layout and the type of damage to a particular model.

Repair inclusion element

The power button can not work due to sticking or contamination. In this case it is recommended to make the field of cleaning, which element is run.

It will be sufficient to use a cloth and some sharp object in the presence of a strong raid, for example, a knife.

To perform cleaning, it is necessary to disconnect from the network device and perform dismantling the front panel. It is necessary to carefully dismantle the panel, remove button and clean all plastic parts. Next, perform the assembly in the reverse order.

Spare part switching elements
If the button does not work because of the failure of the internal wires, then you need to buy a new part. When ordering, specify the model of the machine and its serial number

Disassembly of the machine is carried out in a similar manner. For convenience it is better to use a camera or phone, and fix all the disassembly steps. This will prevent errors during assembly.

Next, you need to perform replacement parts and test the results using a tester. After assembling the device again to check whether all is correct and whether the program start-up is carried out.

Check of serviceability of controller and its repair

If other controls and the network connection unit checked and are correct, then it is necessary to proceed to the analysis of controller. It requires complete disassembly of the components into small particles, and inspect them carefully.

To check for the presence of faults and repairs programmer should:

  1. Disassemble the front panel of the unit to gain access to the mechanism.
  2. Sequencer withdraw and go to its dismantling exploded.
  3. Pressing the side locks, release the cover and remove the board.
  4. Inspect the card and check for burning places, if necessary, solder such places.
  5. Using a multimeter to measure resistance at the contacts.
  6. Check the presence of foreign particles in the debris of the central gear.
  7. Cut all of the gear device and the core.
  8. Rate visual integrity, treat the parts with alcohol and assemble in reverse order.

When disassembling this unit, be sure to check the winding engine.

Repair programmer unit
In operation, the unit element may be from burning, and consequently interfere with proper operation. During the detection problem will need to replace the wire

Some cars have a more complex design programmer, so repair is not always appropriate. Often the elements are simply replaced by new ones.

Replacement unit interlocks

The locking device may fail as a result of long term use of the product.

Permanent heating equipment and quenching leads to the fact that the bimetallic strip deforms and loses its functional properties. The result is a failure of an element, which requires a complete replacement of the lock apart.

Locking device of doors
When the door is open the device replacement of parts is carried out by extracting the lock. To do this, use a Phillips screwdriver and pliers, with the help of which you want to remove the cuffs collar

To carry out the dismantling is required to untwist the two screws that secure the lock to the housing of the product. After the release element is necessary to extract it, gently holding hand from the back side.

For the convenience of the housing unit can be slightly tilted back so that the drum does not interfere with the free access to the workpiece. Attempt to replace the lock with UBL is quite simple:

  1. You must disconnect from the old cell connectors with wires and reconnect them to the new part.
  2. Carry out the replaced spare, fasten it with screws.
  3. Return to the original position the cuff and secure the clamp.
  4. Check the operation of the device by running a test laundry.

If the device is jammed door in the closed position, and it is impossible to open, need to disassemble the upper part of the body.

With the help of the hands to feel the location of the place of the castle, click on the lock to open the door. Next, perform a replacement of the broken element according to the above instructions.

Stepwise replacement of broken RFI

Initially, it should be understood that the surge protector can not be repaired. If it breaks it will require complete replacement with a new part. It can be purchased from a specialist store - buy the same or similar in characteristics to choose.

Noise filter in the washing equipment
Damage to the filter may outwardly appear constant knocking machines in the distribution board, which faces possible closure or even fire

To test the need to replace this item, required to produce the following list of manipulation:

  • disconnect the unit from the mains;
  • remove bolts on the rear panel and detach the upper housing;
  • in the top part of the filter that you need to check with a multimeter.

It is carried out by previously setting the tester to position the resistance measurement.

Multimeter diagnostic machines
Connect the test leads to the device you need to input and output capacitors. The value on the device should be approximately 0.47 microfarads

Contacts should be tested in pairs, and the resulting figure should be 680 ohms. The data may differ slightly from those indicated.

However, if the resistance values ​​are close to the value of infinity and the capacitance is equal to zero, then this indicates the failure of the element.

Replacement of parts should be carried out in this order:

  1. Remove the retaining bolts, with which the housing is fixed filter.
  2. Stages of disassembly may be photographed, so as not to get lost in the assembly procedure.
  3. Disconnect connectors with wires and connect to the new product.
  4. Collect all the items one by one.

Next you need to check the correct operation of the equipment. It is better to carry out the launch of a short wash without clothes.

If the desired item in the store, and there is no need to wait for some time until it delivered, you can connect an external mains filter.

This device looks like a normal extension, and is connected to an electrical outlet. You can connect other electrical appliances that you often use.

Useful videos on the topic

Pulley will help to understand the reason of not including machine Whirlpool, as well as perform their own repairs or parts needed to replace them.

Videos for identifying the causes of failure of the device and especially the replacement start button.

In the plot destination interference filter is described in detail in the washing equipment, especially its replacement in case of failure, as well as ways to start up the device without it.

It should be noted that the equipment differs high-tech electronic control and complex system design. therefore in the case of any failure will require detailed diagnostics and testing many elements stiralki. This requires some knowledge and tools, and detailed photographic and video instructions to help yourself cope with the decision even complex problem.

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