Description and characteristics of cabbage Kale( Russian cabbage)

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The global popularity of cabbage cabbage is growing steadily. On the shelves of our stores, it is still difficult to find it, but many restaurant owners and fans of living cuisine have begun to be interested in it. Without a doubt, cabbage is another fashionable trend. Her breeding engaged for a long time, but in large quantities about this plant began to speak only now.

The plant is really unique, it has great benefits for the human body, but it is not considered a panacea for all diseases.

  • Table of Contentsand storage rules
  • In cooking

Description and characteristics of cabbage varieties Keil

This plant is widely grown in Europe. However, with the advent of the seventeenth century, it was almost fully pressed by the most fruitful and able to resist diseases of the variety. But in the northern regions of Russia, thanks to its frost resistance, Keil was grown until the end of the eighteenth century.

The product is truly unique, in its nutritional value, it can be compared

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with meat and fresh vegetables .The iron content of Russian cabbage surpassed beef, its protein is absorbed much faster than the analogue of animal origin.

So after eating with the consumption of such cabbage you will not want to sleep, since the body will not need to rest in order to direct its energy to the processing of heavy products. You will stay awake, feeling inner lightness and a surge of energy.

The variety is easily recognizable by the waviness of the edges of the leaves.

This cabbage variety is easily recognizable by its appearance. It differs somewhat playful curl, on the edge of the foliage passes wavy .

Unusual forms are the reason that cabbage is often used as a decorative ornament of flowerbeds.

The advantages and disadvantages of Russian cabbage

Culture is considered to be the dietary product , containing a solid set of components that are beneficial to the human body. The composition has nine amino acids, as in meat. This gave every reason to dignify the plant "new beef."

Kyle is a source of Omega 3, vitamins and minerals .A more detailed analysis of the composition reveals curious facts on the exorbitant amount of vitamin A.

Scientists proved that the plant contains zexanthin and lutein , which protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, cabbage contains:

  • easily digestible calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc.

These are compounds that can prevent the development of cancerous tumors in the body.

Useful substances in cabbage Kale

But there are also negative aspects:

  • is recommended to refuse such a product if there is an individual intolerance;
  • plant can be harmful to kidney diseases, because contains a large amount of oxalic acid .

Growing seedlings

To plant seeds should be six to seven weeks until the frost ends. Best of all, if you sow a couple of seeds in a cell.

The landing depth should be 1 centimeter .In order for the shoots to be friendly, it is necessary to maintain a temperature regime equal to 24 degrees .As soon as sprouts appear, it can be reduced to to 16 degrees .

Good illumination and ventilation are considered prerequisites. Weeks after six seedlings are considered completely ready for transfer to the ground.

Cabbage sprouts Keil

Growth conditions of this variety

For normal growth of cabbage, soil composition with acidity 5.5 - 6.8 is required. If the value is lower than this, then a small amount of acidic compost is allowed to enter the land. At high acidity, the earth can be mixed with sulfur.

For normal growth of beds, it is best to arrange on a hill so that they are well lit by the sun.

How to prepare the ground for growing

The soil on a cabbage patch should be fertilized. Any soil composition is suitable for planting, but it is best if it is sandy, peaty or medium clay .

A bit of humus mixed with wood ash is added to each well prepared for transplanting seedlings.

How to plant cabbage correctly in open ground

The landing holes are prepared at a distance of 40 centimeters .Their depth should be sufficient to plant the seedlings to the first leaf. Landing is carried out perpendicular to the surface, the shape of the root system does not matter.

Seedlings are planted in the ground to a depth of the first leaf of the

. Care after planting

The most important condition is watering. The earth should always remain hydrated, so you have to water every day , preferably - in the evening .Every six weeks of growth, fertilizer formulations must be applied in order for the culture to grow strong and tasty.

Having noticed that the leaves begin to turn white and rot, the plants must be mulched, and the foliage removed.

So that the root system does not lack oxygen, after the rain and watering, the ground should be and the should be well loosened. Periodically cabbage must spud, while removing weed vegetation.

Diseases and their prevention

In order to take timely measures to protect against diseases, cabbage must be constantly checked for lesions and the appearance of harmful parasites.

If any, needs to use the popular means of , which are quite effective and completely safe for the culture.

Harvesting and storage rules

Store leaves in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days

A couple of months after planting individual cabbage leaves can be cut, new ones will grow instead.

Store foliage in the refrigerator for a maximum of seven days. .To improve the conditions it is recommended to put the leaves in a container with water. The frozen culture is stored no more than two months , before it should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Often the cabbage is left on the beds before the onset of frost. From this, it only improves its taste.

In cooking

Keil cabbage salad

Keil can be used in the preparation of the following dishes:

  • vegetable soups .Best of all - in okroshka, because cabbage will not undergo heat treatment and will retain the maximum amount of useful components;
  • as a side dish .Together with a fatty meal, cabbage is great to help the stomach digest food;
  • in salads. It is recommended not to cut it, but to tear it with your hands;
  • in the preparation of cocktails .A large amount of chlorophyll will help to clear the stomach, give the body strength;
  • as snacks .Just dry the leaves in the oven.

As you can see, Kale capsule is really an amazing vegetable, with the use of which you can cook a large number of tasty and nutritious dishes.

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