How to wash clothes with Zelenka - 9 popular recipes, photos, videos

Once again, opening a bottle of green fodder, not calculated the force and shed her clothes on? I want to share with you a proven recipe, which will help remove the green stains from clothes in the three accounts.

Get rid of the green spot will household chemicals and traditional recipes
Get rid of the green spot will household chemicals and traditional recipes

Household chemicals or folk remedies?

Jar with green paint - an insidious thing. Just one awkward movement and the question of how to wash clothes by Zelenka, becomes especially important. How to quickly deal with the stain, you'll learn today.

Household chemicals

If you do not like experiments with folk remedies, you can use a specialized household chemicals. Here, there are two suitable options.

Before using the stain remover, check its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric
Before using the stain remover, check its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric
  • remover. It will help to wash off without a trace even the old spot. The main carefully read the instructions on the use of funds and to strictly adhere to the specified dosage in it. I recommend to give preference to the substances in the composition which contains hydrogen peroxide and hlorinol - they are considered the most effective, and the price of them about such same as on other cleaners.
    instagram viewer
  • Domestos. Do not think that it is suitable only for white things with a colored tissue it removes stains as effectively. But it is better to pre-test it on an inconspicuous portion of the article. Apply some Domestos on the material, lather it - green spot will disappear before our eyes.
Domestos cleaning can be used to not only white, but the color of things
Domestos cleaning can be used to not only white, but the color of things

9 popular recipes

You do not know whether the brilliant green with things properly clean using improvised and popular recipes? Still as satisfied with this content, tested on personal experience!

What are the components used:

Illustration Guide to Action
Means 1. Laundry soap

It helps to wash clothes with Zelenka when fresh stain. It is best to cope with the reduction of soap woolen clothes.

Just soap material, and then rinse it in warm water.

Means 2. rubbing alcohol

It helps to remove dirt from the couch, parquet or linoleum. Apply a small amount of alcohol on a clean cloth and wipe the surface.

Means 3. Hydrogen peroxide
It is best suited for cleaning the white stuff. Moisten a cotton ball in it and treat the damaged area.

For colored fabrics should use a weak solution of peroxide that thing has not changed color.

Means 4. vinegar

Apply vinegar on a cloth and wait a few minutes. When the spot of the green stuff will disappear, just rinse the product.

Means 5. Acetone

To display Zelenka, soak a cloth in acetone (or a nail polish remover, as pictured) and treat it contaminated area.

This method is best used on rough fabrics (denim, for example).

Method 6. permanganic acid

Potassium permanganate will help remove dirt on c / b material or bedding. To begin wash the product in hot water, then dip it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

After two or three hours rinse cotton item in cool water.

Method 7. Sunflower oil

The method is controversial, because you eventually have to wash out grease stain from clothes. So use it only in extreme cases.

Pour a small amount of oil on the stain, wait for up to 5 hours, and then put on the cloth, any means to eliminate fat. After 12 hours the product wash.

Method 8. Starch

With it, you can wash even the old pollution. Wet the product with warm water, pour in the area of ​​the spot a little starch and rinse. Repeat this procedure until the complete disappearance of the material with brilliant green.

Method 9. Soda

Delicately care of white cloth and return to her original form. Sprinkle the powder on the damaged area, on top, pour a little vinegar and rinse the resultant slurry with water tissue.

additional tips

I would like to share with you some recommendations that will help to fight pollution is much more effective.

Starch will prevent divorce from green stuff on clothes
Starch will prevent divorce from green stuff on clothes
  • To Zelenka did not leave stains on clothes, Sprinkle fabric starch and moisten.
  • Always check the action of the cleaning composition product on an inconspicuous area.
  • Get a habit of working with brilliant green just over a sink or bathtub.
  • If you decide to resort to using stain remover, Make sure that it can be used for a particular tissue.
In order not to spoil the favorite thing, after analyzing the composition of stain remover
In order not to spoil the favorite thing, after analyzing the composition of stain remover

instead outcome

Print the spot of green fodder with his own hands is not so difficult, most importantly, choose the right tool. Now you know a lot of ways that you can easily check the practice. More recipes you will find in the video in this article. Do not forget to share your experience removing difficult stains in the comments.

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