Today there are a large number of melons, including this variety. It perfectly transfers a cool and wet summer season of Europe. The second name for Cantaloupe is Musk Melon. Externally, the plant is different oval or slightly flattened forms, the fruits are colored yellow or orange color, the foliage is dark green. On the cut stands out a lot of juice and pulp.
Table of contents
- What is Cantaloupe?
- Benefits and Disadvantages of
- Muskmelon Fruits Chemical Composition
- Best Forts Cantaloupes
- Cultivation Features of
- Planting Seeds and Care of First Shoot
The plant belongs to the pumpkin family. Bushes are powerful, with large foliage. Fruit weight reaches one and a half kilograms. The melon is covered with a striped, somewhat relief peel.
The variety is widely known in Western Europe, America. Candied fruit of excellent quality is made from its fruit, and tasty jam is made. In addition, Cantaloupe is enriched with carotene, which increases its value. It is used in the preparation of some dishes, because the berry has a strong aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. From here and the second name of a melon - musky.
Variety does not impose special requirements for cultivation, resistant to most diseases.Cantaloupe refers to mid-season, is not recommended for long storage, but has a good transportability.
Cantalupa came to the territory of Russia from Italy.
Candied Melon
Advantages and Disadvantages of Musk Melon
First you need to recall that this berry is considered the ancestor of almost all varieties grown in Europe and one of close relatives of Central Asian cultures.
Among the positive qualities, the following are noted:
- the coarseness of the retina on the peel does not allow the fruit to crack due to excess moisture;
- culture easily tolerates a humid and not very warm summer;
- compared with Asian varieties Cantaloupe matures in two - three times faster;
- plant perfectly resists powdery mildew, a disease common to all melons and gourds in the rainy season;
- has an excellent taste.
Of the shortcomings can be noted this - short storage. For this reason, the melon is recommended to be eaten for three weeks after harvesting .With longer storage the fruits lose their attractiveness.
Melons Cantaloupe
The chemical composition of the fruit
It is valued not only for its taste, but also for its beneficial properties. According to certain indicators for Cantaloupe, there is no equal among other fruits. It contains the most:
- ascorbic acid;
- carotene;
- inosine;
- fiber;
- silicon.
For example, it most of all contains carotene, a lot of sucrose. In terms of sugar, cantaloupe exceeds watermelon.
The presence of iron in cantaloupe is almost twice as high as chicken meat and seventeen times more than milk. The presence of vitamin C, which is ahead of the watermelon three times, is also highlighted.
Musk Melon is recommended for people suffering from obesity, cholesterol, hair loss. The presence of Inosine in the product does not allow such diseases to progress.
The potassium in the berry stabilizes the pressure, so the fruit can be eaten by hypertensive patients. Low calorie fetus allows you to include it in the diet.
A positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract is noted, because the useful components of the fetus are absorbents for toxins and quickly remove them from the human body.Melon peel is used in the preparation of nourishing masks for the skin of the face.
The best grades of Cantaloupes
Selection work on the breeding of new varieties continues quite successfully. Among the most promising are the following:
Another variety bred from an East American plant. Powerful plant has long scourge and large leaves of a dark green shade. The aging period is average. Fruits have a rough mesh on the skin, oval-shaped, their weight reaches 1.7 kg. Longevity is normal, the harvest should be removed in a timely manner so that the melons do not over-ripen. It has good disease resistance;
One of the new varieties with average aging times. The plant perfectly gets used to new features of the climate, indicators of soil composition, moisture level. Fruits are small, flattened or oval. Their weight does not exceed six grams. The variety has good resistance to root rot;
Hybrid Iroquois
Cantaloupe variety Blondi
Gallium variety
Charente hybrid
Known worldwide. Fruits differ in small weight - from six hundred grams to one kilogram. Its performance Charente is similar to other melons, but the main feature is a strong and persistent aroma and savory flavor. It is grown only in France, in protected soil conditions. Most often it is used as an additional ingredient;
The result of the work of Israeli breeding specialists. Externally, the variety resembles Cantalup. It does not impose any special requirements on the conditions of growth; it tolerates equally well an elevated level of humidity and a dry period, and is resistant to cold. Mid-season variety with pulp of pistachio hue. The fruits are not very large. The main value lies in a good immune system and the ability to adapt to different climate conditions;
Another hybrid. Known for bright yellow flesh, excellent juiciness with characteristic sourness. The term of full maturation is from two to one and a half months.
Peculiarities of growing
For planting melons, experts recommend picking up areas separate from other crops. They should be well lit and warmed by sunlight, not exposed to cold winds. It is best to stop the selection on the southern slopes.
Planting seeds and care for the first shoots of
Melons are planted in two ways - in the ground or seedling method. The second option is most often used in areas with a cold climate. The soil before planting should warm up to eighteen degrees of heat. The soil should be light, well pass water and air. In the autumn season, it is recommended to add organic matter to the bed at the rate of five kilograms per square meter.
After sowing or planting seedlings, it is recommended to cover the beds with plastic wrap to create protection from insects. But before flowering, you should definitely remove it. Watering should be plentiful, especially in hot weather.
Water should not stagnate between the rows. It may harm the stems and future fruits. Water should be poured under the stem or near it.Weed vegetation should be carefully removed until the melon forms creeping stems. But you should be careful. Sprouts strongly resemble clover, they can be easily confused. As soon as the bush gets stronger, he will begin to survive the weeds.
Melon on the bush
Pinch, fertilize and form the bush
To make the plant more branchy, it is necessary to pinch it. This will help the bush to form side branches. It is necessary to feed during active growth using nitrogen compounds. Upon completion of flowering and the appearance of melons in the ovary, phosphate and potash fertilizers are used.
To stems do not curl on the ground, they can be tied up. Experienced gardeners use low grids, but for the resultant fruits they will have to think about support.
Using Cantaloupe
In addition to the usual fresh eating, cantaloupe makes excellent candied fruits and preserves. It is caused by a small shelf life. It is made from berries and dried fruits, but this process is rather complicated and long.
Culture, although it is distinguished by medium-sized but very tasty fruits, is still popular not only for industrial cultivation, but also for home gardens. It is considered the only species successfully cultivated in Russia.
- Planting Seeds and Care of First Shoot