Description and characteristics of cucumber variety Murashka f1

Cucumber Murashka refers to the first generation hybrids. This is a versatile variety that can be grown both in open field and in greenhouse conditions.

Table of contentsMurashka

In Russia, Murashka variety cucumber seeds were sold in 2003.Hybrid on the characteristics refers to early ripening , 35-40 days after sowing the seeds, the first cucumbers will begin to appear.

Hybrid with parthenocarpic type of pollination of ovaries. This means that cross-pollination is not required for the plant, and the seeds inside the fruit are not fully developed.

Indeterminate shrubs( not limited in growth), branching stems average. The distance between the nodes is small. In a node 3-6 bundles of ovaries can be formed. Fruits grow from each ovary, weighing 85 to 100 g and in length up to 17 cm .Fruiting plant throughout the season.

Described fruits are lumpy, with small pimples, on which there are small spikes. Bottom fruits are light green in color, closer to the base is rich green.

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The average weight of the fruit is 85-100 g.
It has good resistance to such diseases as powdery mildew and cladosporia. However, the hybrid is susceptible to the development of root rot and downy mildew.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Before planting a plant in its own area, it is necessary to examine all its advantages and disadvantages.


  • fruits during the whole season;
  • Gives a rich harvest, over the summer you can collect up to 13 kg of fruit;
  • Cucumbers taste good, no bitterness aftertaste;
  • Powdery Mildew and Cladosporium Immunity;
  • Can be grown indoors and outdoors;
  • Female type of flowering, hollow flowers are rare.
Grade Murashka fruits throughout the season


  • Shrubs differ in unlimited growth;
  • Does not reach for collecting seeds.

Soil requirements for planting

Soil preparation is one of the most important stages of planting cucumbers in open ground. If the soil is not fertile enough, then the harvest will be bad.

The best soil for planting a hybrid is sandy and loamy.

Soil should be fertile and fertilized .Choose better places in open areas where there will be a lot of sunlight.

Seedlings are desirable to grow in those places where onions, tomatoes, potatoes or cabbage were previously grown. After watermelons, pumpkins, melons or squash cucumbers are not recommended to be planted, since these crops feed on the same substances, which means that after them the soil for the seedlings will be too poor.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, you need to dig up the soil with and remove all weeds. Then make mineral and organic fertilizers.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to dig the soil and remove all weeds.

Per 1 sq. M.m. need to take:

  • 10 - 14 kg of manure( can be replaced with compost);
  • 25 g of urea;
  • 25 g of superphosphate;
  • 25 g of potassium sulfate( 15 g of potassium chloride can be replaced).

Prepare the mixture and mix with the ground in the beds. After that you can start planting seedlings.

Seeding Rules

The second important stage of planting the Murashka variety is sowing seedlings. Crop seedlings are planted in open ground or greenhouses at the end of May. It is very important to make sure that at night the does not have strong frosts .Since the young seedlings are very weak and even with a slight decrease in temperature may die.

The soil should be heated to 15 degrees.

If the spring has stood out cold, then the planting of seedlings is better to postpone for June. In this case, the harvest will be late.

Seedlings are planted when the threat of spring frost has passed.

Seedlings planting stages:

  • It is necessary to prepare the soil in advance;
  • Make the beds and water abundantly;
  • To plant the seedlings at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other;
  • Then pour a watering can.

Even if the night frosts have long passed, it is advisable to cover the seedlings with warm cloth.

Care of the variety after planting

Hybrid is not required for special care, but for yields to be higher, simple rules of farming should be observed.

Cucumber care includes:

  • Loosening the soil and removing weeds;
  • Watering;
  • Application of mineral and organic fertilizers.
While the bushes are still small land in the beds it is necessary to loosen at least once a week. This procedure will help to saturate the soil with oxygen, which is necessary for seedlings to grow. Weeds can also be removed during weeding.
You can water Murashka cucumbers every day.

You can water Murashka cucumbers every day. every day. The more often watering the plants, the more abundant the harvest.

Cucumbers can be fed by two methods:

  • Extra Root;
  • Root.

Foliar dressing is carried out in those cases if it rained summer, there are frosts at night or the root system is damaged by the bushes.

Feeding under the root should be made in the evenings, when the heat subsides .It is advisable for this procedure to choose a cloudy and cool day. Before you feed the plants the soil should be watered plentifully.

For the summer, you need to make at least 4 supplements .But, if the plants are healthy and feel good, the number of dressings can be reduced.

As the first feedings you can use:

  • 1 tbsp.lurea and superphosphate 10 l;
  • Chicken Dung( 1 kg of litter per 15 liters of water);
  • Cow or horse manure( 1 kg per 6 liters of water).
Horse manure

can be used as the first feeding of seedlings. When the bushes begin to bloom, they are watered with a solution of wood ash( 1 cup per 10 liters).In the period of fruiting, you can use a solution of nitrophoska( 1 tablespoon. Per 10 liters.).You can also use manure or chicken manure as in the first dressing.

Errors in care

  • Abundant watering of the bushes;
  • To plant seedlings at the same place every year;
  • Plant seedlings on poor soils ;
  • Ignoring the procedures for the application of mineral and organic fertilizers.

Diseases and their prevention

Most of the variety Murashka is affected by diseases such as perinospora ( downy mildew) and root rot.

Peronosporosis on the leaves of the cucumber
The first sign of its appearance is the formation of numerous light yellow spots on the leaves.

Gradually, the bushes become brown and dry. Cause downy mildew fungi. The reason for their appearance can be abundant watering with cold water.

To get rid of peronosporosis, the bushes should be watered with whey solution or sprayed with kefir mixed with iodine.

The second common disease is root rot .The cause of development can be watering with cold water, too close to the bushes to each other and sudden temperature changes during the day. The danger of root rot is that the disease can persist in the soil where the affected plants were growing.

To get rid of root rot, the soil should be removed from the stems. Then process the root system with a solution of copper sulphate and wood ash( in 1 liter of water, 2 tsp. Of vitriol and 6 tbsp. Of ash should be diluted).

When the roots dry up they need to be buried with earth. Those bushes that died, you need to dig and burn away from the dacha.

Harvesting and storage rules

Harvesting can be done during the entire fruiting period.

Harvesting is possible during the entire fruiting season.

To keep fruits fresh, their can be dipped in an water container. Fruits should be covered 1-2 cm. Once a day the water should be changed. With this method, cucumbers can be kept fresh for up to 3 weeks.

Another way is to place the vegetables in a plastic bag, after wrapping them in wet gauze. You can keep vegetables fresh up to 10 days .

Cucumbers Murashka varieties loved gardeners for simplicity and yield. The only disadvantage of this hybrid - with the wrong care on the bushes can appear downy mildew and root rot.

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