Cleaning down jacket at home without washing: 3 methods, photos and video

Even the lightest down jacket can be cleaned without the help of experts
Even the lightest down jacket can be cleaned without the help of experts

Recently, I realized, cleaning down jacket at home is possible. And for that there are different ways and means. I want to share with you how to clean down jackets, not to leave streaks, and do not fluff lost.

How to clean the jacket?

Method 1. Washer

Washing machine copes with most dirt on the jacket
Washing machine copes with most dirt on the jacket

The first and easiest method - is to put a down jacket in the washing machine. It is important to know how to properly wash it:

  • Choose only the delicate cycle a temperature not exceeding 30-40 ° C;
  • Spin feature is disabled;
  • As powder using liquid detergent - it is best to rinse with a cloth;
  • The drum is put 3-4 ballsNot to lost the fluff.
To fluff is not lost in one lump, mark a few balls in the drum.
To fluff is not lost in one lump, put a few balls in the drum.

Method 2. Detergents

The second method involves the use cleaner feather. But I warn you, all chemical agents require strict adherence to the instructions for use. Otherwise, you can ruin your jacket.

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In the photo - an example of a special liquid laundry detergent products made of fluff
In the photo - an example of a special liquid laundry detergent products made of fluff

instruction use of funds:

Illustration Sequencing
Step 1

Put the jacket on a smooth, flat surface.

step 2

Soak brush for clothes detergent solution (the proportion on the label).

Then zastiryvaem problem areas.

Wear gloves to protect your hands from chemicals.

step 3

Clean sponge soaked in warm water, wipe portions, which agent has been applied to clean down jacket.

step 4

Hanged jacket on a hanger, dry them outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.

Dry jacket around electrical equipment is not necessary, it must be dry in natural conditions to fluff was not lost in a hard lump.

Method 3. means available

The third way is to use the available tools. For example, one can prepare a solution of ammonia and detergent.

Ammonia will help get rid of stubborn stains from the fabric surface
Ammonia will help get rid of stubborn stains from the fabric surface

Dosing ammonia:

  • you will need to dissolve 1 spoonful of dishwashing and 1 spoonful of ammonia with warm pure water (100 ml);
  • Mix these substancesThat there was a foam;
  • Apply to problem areas the resulting liquid and rub the rigid brush;
The solution must be applied to individual plots - most polluted
The solution must be applied to individual plots - most polluted
  • clean sponge and warm water rinse processed place foam;
  • then dry the clothes on the street (Without the use of electronic devices).

How to clean the jacket without washing?

How to clean without washing down jacket? Yes it is possible! If you are wondering how to clean a soiled jacket on, proceed as follows:

  1. Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide Mix in equal proportions.
Greasy collar down jacket removes ammonia and hydrogen peroxide
Greasy collar down jacket removes ammonia and hydrogen peroxide
  1. This mixture must be carefully applied to the portion where spot formedEven if it's fur collar.
  2. After 5-10 minutes rinse liquid deposited with a clean sponge and warm water.
  3. Next, hang the clothes on the streetThat it was dry and weathered persistent smell of ammonia.
Collar before and after cleaning
Collar before and after cleaning

There is another way, how to wash greasy places on feather bed with purified gasoline.

In order not to spoil the clothes, you need to check the effect of gasoline. For this purpose, a few drops of a substance applied onto inconspicuous part of the jacket (pocket or inner side of the sleeve). Monitor the reaction of the material if the structure and / or color is not changed down jacket - can be used.

Gasoline perfectly removes stains on various kinds of fabrics
Gasoline perfectly removes stains on various kinds of fabrics

Cleaning of down jackets in the home of greasy stains of several stages:

  1. Damp sponge in warm waterThen put on its bristle thin layer of gasoline. Wipe the problem area.
  2. At the expiration of 5-10 minutes wipe on top of the wet aromatic cloth to get rid of the odor.
  3. Post a down jacket on the street.
Cleaning effect of outer clothing with their own hands
Cleaning effect of outer clothing with their own hands

As a bonus

To clean the jacket at home, you can apply shampoo. its price is not high, and it cleans the surface of jacket - tested.

For down jackets, you can take the most common and inexpensive shampoo. The main thing is that it is well foamed.

any shampoo is suitable for washing jackets
any shampoo is suitable for washing jackets

Do the following:

  • Add the shampoo in warm water and beat to foam formation.
  • Apply foam onto the contaminated area, and soak the fabric.
  • Then rub the brush, rinse and dry.


Now you know how to clean the jacket at home. If you have anything to add, I invite you to the discussion in the comments! Also you can see the video in this article to find out more in this topic.

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