How to wash clothes with a pen - 12 recipes for every occasion

You wound up in a family of small "artist" who loves to paint marker all things straight? Do you think that will not be able to wash them? Do not worry, virtually all traces of the marker can be removed without expensive cleaning. Today I will tell you about proven popular recipes which will help to wash pen with colored clothes and white goods.

To spot from pen was printed on the back side of the product, place them under his white paper towel
To spot from pen was printed on the back side of the product, place them under his white paper towel

Markers are different

Before I tell you, than to wash pen from the clothes, I want to note that the highlighter felt pen strife. Ink composition, they may be very different, respectively, and methods for their removal may be different.

More often than not there is a basis of markers:

  • water;
  • chalk;
  • alcohol;
  • fat;
  • Paintwork.
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Markers can be water, chalk, alcohol, fat-based paint or
Markers can be water, chalk, alcohol, fat-based paint or

Before proceeding to the removal of stains from the pen, it is necessary to find out its composition and then choose how to clean.

We deduce stains from pens folk recipes

In this section, I will share with you tested recipes that will help bring the stain without a trace, without damaging the fabric. You just have to choose a method that is suitable for your situation.

3 recipes from the marker on the basis of water and chalk

Remove the stain from the marker easiest water-based. This type of pollution is not eats into the fabric and svezhepostavlennoe contamination can be washed with plain water and soap. If you still have time marker to dry, then use one of the recipes:

Illustration Guide to Action
Recipe 1. Soda and ammonia

Mix one part of soda and two parts liquid ammonia. The resulting paste is put on pollution and wait for about 5 minutes. After rub the treated area with a sponge or old toothbrush, and rinse the product.

Recipe 2. Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide, which is always there in the home medicine cabinet - the best answer to the question of how to wash clothes with a white marker.

Moisten a cotton ball in it and start to get wet dirt. Periodically change your tampon until the stain disappears. Then just rinse thing.

Recipe 3. Detergent

Soak colored product with dish detergent and wait an hour or two. I can not guarantee 100% effectiveness of this recipe, but unlike ammonia and peroxide, it is not exactly lighten the color of things.

4 prescription from a paint marker on the basis of

Remove stains with paint pen basis can only be by means of a solvent. The following tools should be fine:

  1. Refined petrol.
  2. Acetone.
  3. Nail polish remover.
  4. White Spirit.
In the photo - the best way to remove stains from paint markers on the basis of
In the photo - the best way to remove stains from paint markers on the basis of

Please note one important nuance - all of the components are quite aggressive, they are able to not only change the color of the clothes, but also damage the fabric. Therefore, before resorting to a particular agent, check its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material.

If everything is in order, proceed as follows:

  • sheet under the fabric paper towel;
  • dip a cotton swab in solvent;
  • thoroughly soak the area with otkisat and leave for 30 minutes;
  • wash the product.

If the stain still remains, the procedure should be repeated.

4 prescription from an alcohol-based markers

Stains from alcohol pen with the removed tissue on the principle of "like cures". I mean that you have to take the help of alcohol components:

  • rubbing alcohol;
  • cologne;
  • vodka;
  • methylated spirits;
  • ammonia.
Alcohol well copes with stains of an alcohol-based markers, and the price of the funds available
Alcohol well copes with stains of an alcohol-based markers, and the price of the funds available

Whichever tool you choose, remember to clean the stain should be, moving from the edges toward the center. And do not forget to put a white cloth paper towel - so pollution does not move to the opposite side of the fabric.

Will prompt you several effective prescriptionsBased alcohol-containing components.

Illustration Guide to Action
Recipe 1. Pure alcohol and soap

Prepare a cleaning composition with his own hands. To do this, rub a piece of soap, and the chips mixed with a small amount of alcohol.

The resulting mass rub the affected area, after the rinse.

Recipe 2. Ammonia and turpentine

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply the mixture on the stain. Rub it a little, then wash the product with powder.

Recipe 3. Glycerol

By this way it is possible to resort, when there is no time to fully engage in breeding spots.

Just soak the product in the pharmacy glycerin for a couple of hours. After the stain can be easily derived with warm soapy water with the addition of a pinch of salt.

Recipe 4. Alcohol and lemon juice

In equal proportions and moisten the mix components in a liquid resulting normal cotton swab. After attach it to the contaminated site for about 20 seconds. Remove residue with a clean swab.

I want to warn - this method does not always work the first time, so it may have to repeat the procedure.

1 recipe from an oil-based marker

To remove all traces of the marker oil-based color and white clothes there the only reliable way to - treat them with vegetable oil. Action scheme is simple:

  • oil the contaminated area;
  • Leave it for a few hours;
  • wash item using zhirovyvodyaschih means (starch, dishwashing detergent, etc.).


As you can see, bring pen from the clothes simple. I shared with you proven popular recipes that long delay the trip to the dry cleaners.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Also I advise you to watch the video in this article - there is a lot of useful information that will be useful to you.

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