How to whiten shawl at home - 3 proven ways, and all the details of the wash


  • 1 laundry Features
    • 1.1 Subtleties of hand washing +
    • 1.2 Tooth stains and yellowness
  • 2 Output
Thin viscous and snow white downy products look elegant, but complicate careThin viscous and snow white downy products look elegant, but complicate care

Downy shawls really be considered a national treasure and a real handmade miracle. He will decorate and warm the cold winter. But the white shawl - not eternal: it is soft white with time lost. To return the original appearance need to regularly take care of the thing and wash properly. What are the features and how to whiten laundry shawl cobweb? We'll figure out.

laundry Features

Downy shawls from goat's fuzz require careful operation and a very delicate wash. By the way, wash and soak in the water, they can be, and this is a significant plus.

Frequently wash delicate handkerchief from down can not, he will lose the formFrequently wash delicate handkerchief from down can not, he will lose the form

In order not to spoil the attractive appearance and the beauty of the warm accessory, it should be washed as infrequently as possible. But with the passage of time or of accidental contamination wash is still necessary.

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You can resort:

  1. By hand-washing delicate - with little pollution, or to "refresh" the white handkerchief.
  2. By bleaching specialized tools - to change the tone to a lighter, and to remove stubborn dirt.

To handkerchief from goat down after washing was the same fluffy and soft fluff recommended to comb or comb soft brush with natural bristles. Otherwise fluff matted and will look ugly.

Subtleties of hand washing +

Whiten goat down at home for one or two colors, and you can use the normal wash, do not use special bleaches. This effect is achieved by washing out dust particles and dirt from the fibers and, after washing the product noticeably lighter and acquires an attractive appearance.

However, it should be remembered that frequent water procedures affect the appearance is far from positive. The less frequently wash and neater than wearing down the product, the longer they will look like new.

Hand washing should be very delicateHand washing should be very delicate

It is important to observe the following guidelines:

  • Hand wash only allowed - without friction, push-ups and other manipulations;
  • Water Temperature - not exceeding 40 ° C;
  • as a cleanser - special facilities for care of the hair or the usual children's soap;
  • Mandatory after washing - handkerchief rinse with warm water and vinegar;
  • drying - on the horizontal surface away from the heating device.

Down products can not stand push-ups, stretches and twists. To remove excess moisture, just skip the scarf through the fingers or slightly Xpress in his hands.

When hand washing is necessary to observe the temperature regimeWhen hand washing is necessary to observe the temperature regime

Tooth stains and yellowness

Over time, gossamer scarf can change its snow-white color, it appears unsightly stains, it becomes not so airy and weightless as before. In such cases it is necessary to know exactly what to whiten cobweb at home.

At the same time it can be used as a special bleach for wool and proven ways to do folk.

If the pre-comb fluffy accessory after washing it is not stringyIf the pre-comb fluffy accessory after washing it is not stringy

Instructions in what ways to return the white pet accessories with their own hands:

Picture Description
table_pic_att15066312965 Method 1: gidroperit ammonia +
  • pour into a small container of warm water and add gidroperit rate of 5 pellets per 100 g of wool;
  • gidroperita tablets after adding ammonia pouring rate of 1 h. l. 1 liter of water;
  • omit handkerchief several hours, periodically checking the temperature of the pelvis (it should be constant and not exceed the level of 40-45 ° C);
  • rinsed and straighten the product to dry.
table_pic_att15066313016 Method 2: hydrogensulfite
  • in warm water in a basin add hydrosulfite rate of 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water;
  • leave the product on for several hours, periodically turning it;
  • rinse and dry it in a natural way.
Method 3: Hydrogen peroxide

Housewives peroxide often used as an improvised bleach and can serve to impart whiteness of wool:

  • in warm water, peroxide is added at the rate of 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide per 100 g dry weight of the fluff;
  • you can add a little 96% alcohol at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. 1 liter of water;
  • leave the product on for a few hours;
  • rinse and dry.
After the bleaching, shawl can be dried in a frame, like a hoop, without the risk of stretch product. The main thing is that the frame coincides with the perimeter by a handkerchief.After the bleaching, shawl can be dried in a frame, like a hoop, without the risk of stretch product. The main thing is that the frame coincides with the perimeter by a handkerchief.


Bleaching fluff can produce on its own, if you know some of the features of the material. It is observing all the rules of the wash, you can keep warm accessory fluffy, snow-white, and avoid deformation.

Videos in this article shows all the details of the washing and removal of yellowness with shawls and down products. Better to see once... the rules of non-compliance with the price - a broken thing.

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