Convenient dvuhklavishnye switches by increasing the benefit to the functional load-Key analogues. If instead of the common single wiring device is equipped with a double home appliances, the savings will be significant.
To make the connection double switch should be in compliance with the standards and safety regulations.
In this article we will explain how the double switch, What are the advantages of these devices, as well as detailed instructions for installation and connection.
The content of the article:
- How is the double switch?
- Benefits dvuhklavishnyh models
- Popular schematics
Assembly and Installation Instructions
- The choice of materials and training tools
- About the connection of cables in the junction box
- Mounting the switch on the wall
- Do not forget about safety
- Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
How is the double switch?
No device is not properly connected, without first studying its "stuffing" and principle of operation. In this sense, the switches do not represent particular complexity.
Device models dvuhklavishnyh repeats odnoklavishnikov structure, but different number of terminals and the principle of connection. External difference is reflected in the model name - it has two separate buttons, each of which controls the electrical circuit.
The switch can be divided into two parts: internal and external. The first consists of a decorative frame keys and - primary light source control tool. They both protect the operating elements. Second - this is the internal mechanism of the terminals
In the manufacture of devices used metal and plastic parts. In particular, the contacts are used for conductive metal - steel and copper.
To better see the individual elements of the switch, we shall understand how the disassembly and connection.
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Most often, external parts are made of plastic - safe material that does not conduct electricity. When dismantling or demolition are removed first, and the installation are recorded, on the contrary, in the last instance
The mechanism is mounted on a metal frame and is a volumetric module with several terminals, and sometimes buttons. The top panel affixed markings indicating the ability to connect various wires
If the mechanism is podrozetnik, then fastening is usually used or spacer tabs located on both sides, or special openings which when installed allows you to align the body instrument
The main elements of the mechanism - contacts that serve for fixing the wires. On the one hand connect the appropriate wires on the other - the exhaust. Contacts are self-locking, force due to the springs, and screw
Decorative part - frame and keys
The inner part of the switch - the mechanism
Locking tabs or screws
Contacts of the connection diagrams
Legend, which uses numbers and letters may vary on different models. For example, L may represent a common feed phase, whereas figures 1.2 - exhaust phase. Also to indicate the input-output arrows may be used.
Benefits dvuhklavishnyh models
Worth to abandon the usual and simple one-button devices in the device in favor of a double?
In fact, the advantages are obvious:
- from a single device can operate in two different lighting fixtures or groups of two lamps;
- the intensity of light in the room lends itself to adjustment, depending on the number of active light sources;
- due to selective switching of individual luminaires energy savings occurs;
- if desired illumination mode can be controlled in two rooms (kitchen and corridor, bathroom and toilet);
- more rational and economical consumption of electric wires.
Adjusting the light - it is possible to create a comfortable environment to perform certain actions. For example, to work or read, you can use the two buttons to turn on all the lights chandeliers 5-6. And for the rest enough 1-2 bulbs, creating a diffuse, ambient lighting.
Another advantage of the advanced models - different design. Due to the color and the variety of styles you can pick up the device, in appearance the most suitable for decoration.
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The keys are made in an unusual design: enclosed in a circle, so repeat the flowing lines of the circle. Collection models are generally more expensive than conventional
Features models are modular and appearance, and installation of the nuances. Two identical part-halves by connecting a jumper connected
Outdoor or overhead model is most often installed in apartments and houses with wooden walls, requiring external wiring
The backlight is not only beautifies the device, but also performs a useful function: the unit lights up in the dark so it was easier to see
"Circle squared" model
Tandem switch with separate modules
Waybill model for the wooden walls
Switches with natural or colored illumination
As odnoklavishniki, dual models are embedded and patch. If the walls in the apartment / house made of brick, concrete, aerated concrete or gypsum board, usually set the internal switches.
Installation of overhead equipment is typical for wooden houses, where when installing internal wiring expect some difficulties related to the standards of the SAE.
Popular schematics
When you select a scheme to connect the double switch, you should consider two related factors:
- which earthing system used in the house - TN-C or TN-S;
- one or the two light fixtures controls the switch.
TN-C earthing system considered obsolete. switch mounting feature is that it receives from the switch board only two wires instead of three.
If you connect to the same switch two lamps, it would look like. Note that the neutral wire (blue) combines the earth and zero. Thus, the third wire is not needed
In the houses of the new building uses modern system TN-S. Before you connect your own double switch, you must make sure that from the machine to the site of the power plant will stretch a three-wire cable attachment.
Compare the difference in connecting.
The circuit is characterized in that from the electrical junction box stretched three conductors including ground. Accordingly, each lamp / lamp group is also fed land
The presence of a third grounding conductor does not affect the wiring in the switch mechanism: there still remain only the phase conductors, one incoming and two outgoing.
If the lighting controlled with one switch, are located in different buildings, the scheme will be different only breeding conductors in different directions. Consider a design in which one group of lamps is in the room, the second corridor.
Wiring from the electrical panel and switch, and connection lived in the junction box there is a similar pattern, but more wires in different directions
If the machine is connected a three-conductor wire, the earth is connected to ground luminaire groups and veins as well as zero, bred in the two sides.
Connecting the chandeliers two keys single switch simplifies installation only in that instead of the two wires have to pull one - from the switch to the chandelier
The emergence of a third grounding conductor circuit fundamentally does not change: it moves away from the circuit breaker panel and junction box is connected to the ground of the two groups of lamps.
Distribution of a lamp chandeliers groups can occur in different ways, depending on a light intensity requirements. Pyatirozhkovy device can be divided in two ways: 1 + 4, 2 + 3.
The number of connection variants increases shestirozhkovoy chandeliers: 1 + 5, 2 + 4, 3 + 3. That is, the more lamps in the lighting device, the more options for combining them into a group.
Assembly and Installation Instructions
The connection process can last 15 minutes if you want a simple replacement of an old device, or a few days, if there is a need for laying new wiring.
The choice of materials and training tools
If the house / apartment repaired, try to change the old aluminum wiring with copper, which are superior to them in all ways. It is regulated by norms and PUE.
When choosing a mounting location, do not forget about the recommendations of the EMP: the height from the floor - 60-180 cm, the distance to the pipeline - 50 cm away from the shoal - 15-20 cm
The wires must be laid on the ceiling or horizontally, or vertically downwards - to the installation site. This will prevent accidental cable breakage during subsequent repairs.
For work on electrical installations require hand tools with insulated handles:
- Universal screwdriver;
- pliers;
- pliers;
- office building or a knife;
- Screwdriver indicator.
Also suitable marking material and protective gloves with insulation.
If you have to Stroebe wall, pre-need to worry about the presence of wall chaser, punch or drill, and the plaster or mortar for plastering walls
The switch is selected, focusing on interior design. When buying a new cable system into account load. Lighting Group are among the most low-power segments of the network, so it is suitable VVG 1.5 mm² cable, but better VVGng - with plastic protection low flammability.
Counting the cable by means of roulette. The total length of wires must be added the stock to twist in the junction box and installation in terminals. For more information about the cable section of the calculation, see the this material.
About the connection of cables in the junction box
The first stage - the connection cable to the machine, which is in the switchboard:
- Working living (red. or korich) - into the terminal of the circuit breaker.;
- null (syn.) - to the neutral bus;
- grounding (green. or green-yellow.) - to the ground bus.
Works with automatic devices that are on the board, it is advisable to entrust electricians who are responsible for the state of obschedomovoy network. Yourself to make any changes in the switchboard is prohibited. We also recommend you read the article, where we examined in detail the color-coded electrical wires. Read more - go on link.
The shield wire is pulled to the junction box, and from it - to switch and light or two devices / groups. It is important not to confuse wire connection in the junction box.
The conductors are connected as follows: the machine phase + the phase switch part; 2 off-phase circuit breaker to each of two lamps phases; zero with zero guard + 2 lamps; Plot with flap + 2 ground luminaires
As a result, the junction box must perform five compounds. For this purpose, twist, solder, or a more modern method - the terminal box.
Mounting the switch on the wall
switch mount in two ways: in a special box (Escutcheon) or directly into the wall. The second method is preferred when the device is mounted in the plasterboard wall. Consider the basic instructions on how to connect and install a double switch in the home.
Before mounting ET must connect all lights from the operating circuit: a chandelier, a chandelier with a group of spotlights or lamps in different locations. properly test the switch is not possible without the initial installation of fixtures.
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Cut the wires so that they do not take up much space in the recess after the installation of the switch. We release the ends of the cores of the protective layer of about 0.9-10 mm
Incoming live wire (.. Red, korich) inserted into the corresponding terminal, by contrast, are on the other side terminals for outgoing phases - 2 pieces. fastening screw
We find two terminals for phase conductors onto lamps, insert the stripped wires, anchoring. Exiting phase are usually pink, red, white or brown
Check the reliability of fixation lived in the terminals and insert the switch mechanism in the wall or podrozetnik. Is attached to the legs or clamps. Connect the power, check the tester
Check how exactly set the inside of the switch, we can use this level. If necessary, slightly changing the body position
Fasten housing with special mounting screws. The switch must sit firmly, otherwise it may slip out of the recess as a result of active use
At least insert and snap a decorative plastic frame and two keys. The frame should stand still, and the keys, on the contrary, to move freely
When the switch is fully assembled, once again we check his work, but using the keys. Turn on the machine, press the turn both keys
Step 1 - cutting and wire stripping
Step 2 - Connect the incoming phases
Step 3 - phase connection outgoing
Step 4 - Installation of the mechanism on the wall
Step 5 - Check the horizontal position
Step 6 - fastening mechanism in the wall
Step 7 - Set of decorative frames and keys
Step 8 - testing of the switch
It is possible that the bulb does not light up. You have to re-parse the switch and make sure the wires are inserted into the right terminal. The reason may lie in the wrong connection of wires in junction box - will have to look into it.
Detailed wiring diagram dvuhklavishnogo switch considered in this article.
To further make it easier to determine the work function of each wire, even during installation marked veins.
Do not forget about safety
Any manipulation of electrical installations should begin with a trip the circuit breaker, which is located on obschekvartirnom panel. After that, once again verified the presence of mains voltage indicator with a screwdriver or a tester - and so each time before you start working with wires.
If the shield is located on the landing, at the time the work is recommended to hang a sign with a warning that someone accidentally turned the switch.
If you start to learn the basics of wiring, do not work alone, and be sure to invite your partner for the insurance he and hold the ladder and pliers will give
Protective gloves with insulation can also protect against electrical shock, although they are not very convenient to work with the wires. During shtrobleniya and plastered walls better use of working clothes, comfortable shoes and a mask or respirator to protect the lungs from dust.
Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Interesting information about the methods of connecting wires, installation of the switch, connect the devices fill up your knowledge of home wiring.
Nuances connect appliance with backlight:
Details about the connection wires in the junction box:
Connecting the chandeliers with soldering:
On the choice of places to connect to the machine:
Having experience with wiring, you will easily cope with the mounting dvuhklavishnogo switch - the main thing is not to be mistaken with a choice of schemes and lend a reliable wire. But lived better to seek help from a professional electrician or all of the actions carried out under its control in the event of doubt as to the connection or connections.
Do you have practical skills in connection dvuhklavishnyh switches? Or have questions on the topic of the article? Please post them in the comments section and we'll try to answer them promptly.