Is it possible to register at the dacha: bill, registration and collection of documents

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The State Duma Committee, which carries out activities on land relations, answered the question of many residents of the country: can I register at the dacha? Long response time was negative. However, the incidents in this regard in the Stavropol region did not go unnoticed, and the Constitutional Court authorized residence in the orchard. Now everyone can learn how to register in the country in accordance with the law of 2014.

How to register at the dacha, the law of 2014: the solution of several urgent issues at once

The adopted bill, which permits residence at the dacha, was called by the members of the Duma Committee "a people's decree". A lot of people want to get a residence permit in the suburban areas, so the amendments can solve a considerable number of social problems. One of the deputies is sure that gardeners in old age will register in dachas, and city apartments will leave young people. This will simultaneously allow the resolution of the housing issue, which is becoming more urgent every day.

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To register at the cottage according to the law of 2014 will be able to everyone who wishes, if his housing meets the requirements. The conditions necessary for implementation were also stipulated by the State Duma committee.

Requirements and conditions for registration

Registration in the cottage is not an easy process, as some may seem. To do this, the future residence must meet the requirements set forth in the current legislation.

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First, you need to carefully study documents and papers on the site and the house:

  • Registration at the dacha can be carried out only if the land on which the house is located, is classified as land for the needs of the owner. Only such a status permits the erection of buildings that can later be used for permanent residence;
  • The building must be equipped with the necessary communications for living in it for a year. To do this, you need a heating system, water and light. The conclusion that the room is suitable for housing is issued by the city administration department;
  • A plot of land with a built house must be registered in the Register. This will be a confirmation that the house is on a cadastral register;
  • The building must have a mailing address.

And the main requirement is that you can register at the dacha if the land is owned, and the person does not have other places to live.

Execution of documents

Today, some Russian citizens are worried about whether it is possible to register at the dacha and how to conduct this process. Registration can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Through the bodies of the migration service;
  2. In a judicial procedure, by appealing the refusal, put forward by the FMS, regarding the propiska in the orchard.

The migration service often refuses, therefore, the most common way to get a residence permit is to appeal this verdict through the courts.

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What documentation is required for this:

  • The bodies of the FMS are required to present a cadastral passport of the building;
  • Paper to confirm the category of land;
  • A letter from the city administration, indicating the suitability of the dacha for residence.

If the migration service refuses to register, then it is required to file a claim with the court. For this, the list of the above documents should be attached:

  • Personal statement with the reasons, in accordance with which you need a residence permit in the holiday home;
  • Waiver in writing, issued by the FMS;
  • A receipt confirming the payment of the state fee.

Who can register at the dacha?

Is it possible to register at a dacha in the suburbs? The Russian Committee for Land Relations states that registration of a citizen at the location of the garden house can be carried out in any area of ​​Russia.

The main issue is the recognition of the building suitable for living. For this, the following documents must be submitted to the city administration:

  • Plan BTI for each floor of the building;
  • Xerox copies of the documentation, establishing the right of ownership of the land and the house located on it;
  • The application for recognition of the building is a suitable place to live. It is made in an arbitrary form.

The application is considered within ten days. In some cases, an interdepartmental commission is sent to the dacha to receive all necessary information.

Is it possible to appeal the refusal of the FMS?

The reasons why the migration service can refuse to register at the location of the cottage and land:

  • Nearby there is no social infrastructure: a hospital, a kindergarten, a school. The FMS makes it difficult to answer the question of whether it is possible to live comfortably without these institutions, therefore refuses;
  • The holiday home should be located on the territory of the village, cottage village or village. Only in this case will the house have a postal address;
  • Lack of some utilities;
  • Inconsistency of the structure with the norms of SNiP and safety requirements.
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How to register at the dacha, if the land is owned, but the bodies of the FMS made a refusal:

  • After writing the statement of claim to the courts with a demand to recognize the illegality in the refusal to register the migration services. It requires you to indicate that the house is suitable for living;
  • Attach a documentation package on the technical condition of the house to the lawsuit;
  • If the court takes a positive verdict in your favor, then you need to apply again to the bodies of the FMS and attach to the documentation a written warrant issued by the court.

Registration at the dacha is a long procedure, which has its own peculiarities and subtleties. Despite the fact that the law on possible registration on land plots has entered into force, due to the requirements established by the law, many Russians will not be able to use it. In the future, the State Duma committee plans to make some amendments or changes to the law, but now nothing is known about them.

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