Reproduction of petunia cuttings - rules and tips

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Large-flowered and terry hybrids, as well as ampel varieties of petunia, in the past, in the past, in the time, by the time, by the time, by the time, by the time, by the time, by the time, by the time, by the start, by the time, by the time, by the start, by the time, by the time, by the start, by the time, by the time, by the beginning, by the time, by the start, by the time, by the start, by the time, by the time, by the start, by the time, by the time, by the beginning, by the time, by the time, by the beginning, by the time, by the time, by the beginning, by the time, by the beginning, at last, by the time, by the time, by the time, by the beginning, by the time, by the beginning of 19Unfortunately, collecting seeds from them is almost impossible, but even if you manage to do this, it is unlikely that something worthy of them will grow. The reproduction of petunias by cuttings allows them to fully preserve the color and properties of the mother plant they like.

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When it comes to breeding petunias, many people prefer to buy a bag of seeds and grow seedlings without even knowing that there is a simpler and much less expensive way to do this.

Benefits of breeding petunia cuttings:

  • Ability to save favorite variety;
  • Minimum cash costs for the purchase of seeds and seedlings;
  • The apparent simplicity of the method.

In cases where very few plants of a rare species have grown from seeds, they can be propagated by cuttings.

Petunia, propagated by cuttings, blooms a few weeks faster than that grown from seeds, and has a better developed root system.

Summer cutting

In our weather conditions, petunia-decorated flowerbeds delight the eye with lush blooms until frost occurs. However, in its homeland due to the humid warm climate it is a perennial plant.

By creating petunia summer conditions in the middle of winter, you can save your favorite flower. Just with the arrival of autumn you need to transplant it from the ground into a flower pot and bring it to the room. It is still better not to carry the “old” plant into the house; it is much more correct to pre-cut it in July or early August.

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How to propagate petunia cuttings correctly?

With a stalk cut from your favorite, you need to cut off the flowers and lower leaves, plant it in a flower pot or other container and put it in penumbra for a couple of weeks. The stalk should be approximately 8-10 cm long, with two internodes.

Before planting, its tip can be slightly “powdered” with a root. Although some growers are of the opinion that its use is not advisable, and may even harm the plant.

Types of cuttings:

  • From the main seedlings;
  • From last year's plant from a flower bed;
  • Water cutting.

Petunia rooted very easily, the main thing is to maintain a sufficient level of moisture. As with its excess, rotting will begin, and with a deficiency the plant will not grow.

Winter cutting

A cool, bright room with a temperature of about 16 degrees is an ideal place for wintering petunias. The lower the temperature, the less light the plants need. Watering at this time should be moderate. Approximately from November, it is desirable to make light of the lamp. In early January, after applying nitrogen-containing fertilizers, the backlight should be increased to 16 hours per day.

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When the plants turn into full-fledged bushes, and enough greenery appears, you can proceed to grafting. It is carried out on the same principle as in the summer. In the prepared soil, the plant is placed on a third of the length of the cutting. When processing growth stimulants, a recess is made no more than 1.5 cm.

For 2 weeks, the seedlings are kept under a mini-greenhouse, for which you can use empty plastic bottles or glass jars. The greenhouse should be ventilated daily to prevent mold. The soil should always be wet, so daily spray spraying is recommended.

Petunia is propagated by cuttings in the same way from seedlings. The main seedlings after cutting the cuttings will thrive and develop even faster, do not be afraid that you will damage it.

Optimum time and conditions for grafting

Theoretically, petunia can be propagated by cuttings all year round. Based on the fact that after cutting the cuttings, it will take about 2 months until the flowering stage, the petunia multiplied by this method in March will bloom in early May.

The greater the capacity in which you plant the plant, the more luxurious the bush will be, and in the case of the ampel petunia, the longer the lash. However, if you need to grow a large number of seedlings, plastic cups filled with a universal floral primer are most often used. In the bottom of the cup must make a hole, and put a drain on the bottom.

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A uterine bush should be periodically fed with complex fertilizers. As new shoots form, cuttings are cut from it again. During rooting the petunia does not need additional feeding. In the future, you can alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

To improve the bushiness, when the first 6-8 leaves appear on the plant, a nip is made, which is later repeated after a couple of weeks.

Reproduction of petunia by cuttings in water.

Cutting in ordinary water is another simple method of breeding petunia. From the uterine bush, we harvest apical cuttings 10–12 cm long. In order not to spoil them in water, we remove the lower leaves, leaving only 3-4 of them. It should be noted that the longer the cuttings are left without a nutrient medium, the less their ability to root, therefore, they should be immersed in water as quickly as possible.

Features of breeding petunia in water:

  • Choose an opaque dish;
  • If the water has evaporated, you do not need to change it, just add a little;
  • To create a greenhouse effect, you can cover the container with a transparent cap;
  • Terry varieties better rooted in the soil.

A week later, the stalk will sprout the roots and it can be planted in the soil.

If out of the planted seeds often only half of the specimens emerge, then with cutting, with rare exceptions, almost everything is accepted. Provide seedlings with proper care, and the reproduction of petunias is sure to succeed.

Reproduction of petunias by cuttings -

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