How to do the pruning of cherries for good fruitingThe easiest way to stir them slightly and shed boiling water. Hot water will not only damage the number of adult insects, but also destroy eggs. If the time for picking berries is already close, and the gardener does not want to risk their quality, the crown of the cherry can be treated with plain water. Strong streams directed at the affected branches easily wash off insects without harming the plant itself and the future harvest.
Insecticides: how to process aphids on cherries?
With the help of modern means of combating insects, coping with aphids is a snap. Manufacturers offer a lot of affordable and effective drugs. How to treat aphid on a cherry, so that the result of the treatment was long, but did not affect the ripening fruits?
When choosing a chemical control agent, you need to carefully consider the recommended processing times and dosage.
Most often, the first treatment is carried out before bud break, and for irrigation it is used:
- is a universal, popular Spark, containing not only lethal substances for cherry aphid, but also easily digestible potassium, as well as other compounds useful to weakened plants;
- natural "Fitoverm", which quickly decomposes, does not pollute the environment and does not harm the ovary;
- other systemic insecticides active against adult insects, their eggs and larvae.
Before you deal with aphids on cherries, the selected drug is diluted according to the instructions. For spraying, it is better to choose a non-sunny, but not a rainy day, so that the insecticide gets on dry leaves and shoots. The treatment is carried out on top of the foliage, and on its back side, where the majority of insects hide.
Than to treat aphids on cherries: folk remedies
Since our distant ancestors were familiar with aphids, as a garden pest, there are a lot of natural, affordable and often absolutely safe methods of dealing with cherry aphids.
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How to use folk remedies than to process cherries from aphids? Among the popular options:
- solution from half a crushed piece of soap, dissolved in 10 liters of warm water;
- three-day infusion 500 grams of wood ash per 10 liters of water;
- herbal infusion, for which the same amount of potato or tomato tops, tobacco leaves or dandelion are taken on a bucket of water.
Such treatments are completely harmless and can be carried out several times per season as needed.
In addition, you should not forget about the fragrant essential oil plants that easily scare off insect pests. This fennel, thyme, marigold, horseradish, dill. Sown next to the cherry orchard, they will save him from the invasion of aphids.
If you plant low-growing varieties of nasturtium under the crown of a tree, then this culture, like a wild-growing bed-dead, will divert the pest to itself.
Preventive Measures
Experienced gardeners know that if you pay due attention to prevention, then the question: “How to get rid of aphids on cherries?” Will lose its relevance over time. Insects will have almost no opportunity to seize the garden, in which:
- regular pruning of damaged branches is carried out;
- eliminates weeds, fallen leaves and other plant debris;
- gardener treats plants for fungal and bacterial infections;
- trees are healthy and do not have a lack of moisture and nutrition;
- stands are whitewashed, while in winter they are protected from frost.
In this case, it is necessary to observe the measure when applying nitrogen fertilizers. Their excess leads to enhanced green mass formation that attracts cherry aphids and other sucking and leaf-eating pests.
Video about how to deal with aphids