Learning to care for the garden at home

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Gardenia rosette, you can have a lesson or a lesson lesson a lesson lesson a lesson or lesson lesson a lesson or lesson and you will like a household.most beautiful indoor plants. But if gardenia settles on the windowsill, care at home should be constant and very attentive.

In nature, this culture forms large shrubs or even trees. During flowering, they distribute a magnificent fragrance to many meters around, and the most lush peonies and roses can envy the flowers of gardenias.

The first stories about the wonderful gardenias that adorn the chambers of the Chinese emperors belong to the Song Dynasty, which existed about a thousand years ago. Although in the palace gardenia could express themselves fully, even then gardeners tried to achieve the most lush flowering, preventing the growth of the crown. So gardenias have become spectacular miniature bonsai. In Europe, where culture first appeared in the second half of the 18th century, it was also limited in growth by cutting and shaping the crown.

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How to care for the garden at home? This question is haunted by modern flower growers, who have decided to decorate their collection with an amazing, but whimsical flower.

Today, in addition to these techniques, flower growers have access to specially bred room varieties. These plants are relatively small in size, and care of the garden in terms of pruning is a little easier, but still the culture does not cease to be demanding and difficult to grow.

The conditions of keeping and particularities of room gardening at home

A decorative species originally from Southeast Asia in nature prefers to live in heat, needs acidified, aerated soils, loves the sun, but in the afternoon it may suffer from too bright rays.

The optimal arrangement of pots with gardenia is windows facing south or west. However, in the first case, especially in the summer, the plant will have to be covered from the scorching rays. In winter, gardenia is not limited in "sunbathing", on the contrary, put on the most sunny places.

Read also: How to grow gardenia from seed?

Like many evergreen species, room gardenia has its own range of temperatures that are comfortable for growth and flowering:

  1. In summer, during the daytime, the air in the room can warm up to 21–24 ° C, and at night it can cool slightly to 15–18 ° C.
  2. In winter, the care of a gardenia flower at home changes, and the room temperature drops to 16 ° C.Minimally allowed to cool the room to 10 ° C.

It is possible to maintain the temperatures necessary for the plant by ventilating, but at the same time the flower should not be allowed to enter under the stream of cold air. This will adversely affect the formation of buds, and in some cases, gardenia simply discards the existing flowers, and flower buds dry out.

The same unpleasant effect can be observed if the room is not damp enough and hot. To saturate the air near the plant with water vapor, you can use household appliances or put the pot in a pan with wet clay, so that the roots do not have direct contact with water.

To maintain foliage health and freshness:

  • use regular crown irrigation with warm filtered water;
  • wipe the leaf plates with a damp cloth;
  • when caring for the gardenia suit her a warm shower, preventing the substrate from getting wet in the pot.

Watering and gardenia fertilizer for home care

In the spring and summer, the soil is kept moist, but does not allow moisture to accumulate in the pan under the pot. This mode of watering helps gardenia maintain strength during the active growing season and flowering. In the cold season, watering is reduced. This is caused by the almost complete cessation of flower growth and a decrease in its need for moisture. If, at home, when taking care of a room garden, this feature of the plant is not taken into account, there is a risk of losing the flower due to rotting of the peripheral roots and the spread of infection.

As gardenia feels good in acidified soil, a small amount of citric acid can be added to irrigation water from time to time. Just a few drops per liter of warm distilled water will improve the absorption of nutrients from the soil.

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It is more convenient and more rational to use complex mixtures and means for blooming azaleas like gardenia. Such dressings are carried out according to the instructions for the specific tool. But along with the replenishment of the nutrient composition of the soil for gardenia, it is useful to arrange weekly foliar nutrition with microelements. Even in winter, the plant would benefit from this procedure when it detects signs of chlorosis on the foliage. But the mere receipt of mineral substances from the soil is not enough, so it must be fed to it. They do this only in spring and summer, 4-6 weeks after transplantation.

Garden care after purchase has its own characteristics. Planted for sale plants are planted in the soil, saturated with fertilizers of prolonged action, so they long and without additional fertilizer soil bloom throughout the growing season.

But if such a gardenia is in an excessively wet peat mixture for a long time, or its roots are so thick around the ground so that the roots protrude from the drainage holes, you will have to take urgent measures to care for the gardenia and its salvation. And here you can not do without a transplant, which is carried out in the spring before the start of active growth.

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This means that:

  • soil supply will soon be insufficient for the full development and flowering of the bush;
  • plant will stop its growth, its decorative effect will significantly decrease;
  • gardenia will bloom less or even refuse to open the buds.

Transplantation is done by carefully transferring the ball into a larger pot. Free space is filled with fresh soil for gardenias or azaleas. If the transshipment is carried out with the emergency care of the gardenia after its purchase, it is better to cut the flowers on the crown so that they do not exhaust the already weakened specimen.

Pruning helps maintain gardenia in a form suitable for residential conditions. Pinching or cutting off excess shoots start from the second year of the flower. Fearing such as in the photo, do not care about gardenia at home.

After withering flowers are surely cut off, dried or excessively overgrown stems are removed.

As the buds are laid on the tops of the new branches, the formation of the crown causes branching of the shoots and at the same time helps to lay the future with a lush and long flowering.

Cut parts of the branches can be used for rooting. Cuttings with a few leaves a couple of centimeters are immersed in water, where a little root-stimulator is added. After the appearance of their own roots, the young gardenia is transplanted into a light nutrient substrate. With proper care, gardenia at home will bloom next year.

How to please naughty gardenia - video

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