How to choose a heater to give

Cottage means a place to rest in warm weather. In the off-season frosts occur. North of Moscow and in the summer is not uncommon. At night, of course. Let's talk about choosing a heater.

Interesting! Trained people run in the frost, during hard physical work do not experience shivering in cold. Young blood warms better electrical appliances. A healthy lifestyle eliminates the need to look for a heater.

Types of heaters

We do not recommend the use of heat guns in the living room, burning gas, diesel. Slaughter method, but most devices lack protection circuits, except for the presence of flame. Carbon monoxide will not cause an emergency shutdown of the device, the smell is deprived - it will lead to dire consequences. Not isolated cases of family poisoning. Electric heater is safe. Oil heater reduces moisture. However, in cold weather, the indicated class of instruments is good.

Compare oil heater and infrared. In the morning the sun rises. The rays did not heat the earth, the air does not absorb its own energy. Gradually, the temperature rises. Moisture is coming off. In the case of infrared heaters the same picture.

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Imagine: it's damp in the room, I want to dry the fog. But infrared heaters are famous for their efficiency. Heat the surface to a predetermined temperature, then turn off. Remarkable efficiency will quickly fulfill the duties, then the infrared heater is turned off.

It is better to forget about the thermostat - it will not help. Hygrometer, too, should be discarded. You will need to buy a relatively low power infrared heater - it will not turn off in wet weather. Inertial dehumidification of the air will be fed by energy, the air will begin to warm up evenly. The difficulty lies in choosing power than guided. We recommend the following procedure:

  1. Selecting sectors for heating. Infrared heaters are famous for their selectivity.
  2. Find an online power calculator, for example, a gas boiler. We bring in more parameters: the temperature inside, outside the window, the climate zone, the materials of the walls, the parameters of the windows.
  3. We are calculating for our conditions. If the parameters are two sets( winter or spring) - we do the recalculation twice. We reject the stocks proposed by the program.
  4. The resulting power is estimated critically from the point of opportunity of the local energy shield.
  5. We decide what is more important - to get dry air or get warm locally. In the first case, the power consumption is high, in the second one, a saving is obtained, but the humidity remains. Below we will discuss the moment. We believe most readers will stop at saving. The number of heaters is low - the cost of payments by a smaller company.
  6. Regarding two calculations. We hang two garlands of infrared heaters. Part is designed for the off-season, all together - for the winter. Double switch to help steer.

Calculated from the set temperatures. If the numbers are accurate, no adjustment is required. Do not forget - there is a third backup option:

  1. Part of the off-season.
  2. Together for the winter.
  3. Inventory balance not included in calculations.

Off-season will not be equal in power to exactly half of the total capacity. The residue will serve at a temperature different from the calculated one. How many - prompt calculator that helps in the beginning. The order will be reversed. We'll have to pick up the outdoor temperature, until you get equality in power. In winter you want it hotter - this is wrong. In the winter, in the summer indoors should be about 18 - 22 ºС.At first it seems cool. You will notice later: it works better in this mode.

How air is dried with

oil heaters It is difficult to dry the air with infrared heaters. Oil is more difficult to regulate. People are surprised: a closed room dries in the absence of ventilation. In practice, faced with the phenomenon: you can not sleep at night from dryness. No wonder. Mankind has heard a lot about the greenhouse effect: a vapor barrier was made incorrectly in the house, standard polyethylene was laid.

Water molecules no longer pass through walls. Moisture easily passes concrete, brick, wood - and applies to smells. Vapor barrier does not block the movement - slows down the movement of water. Imagine: everything is covered with polyethylene. Inside, the steam supply will quickly increase( people's breathing, cooking) - the effect described is obtained. Defect can be compensated by a well-thought-out ventilation system, temperature regulation - usually it is expensive and difficult, builders consider such difficulties unnecessary.

Regarding the operation of the oil heater in the house, equipped according to the rules. Moisture passes through the ceiling, walls with a design speed. The temperature of the oil heater radiator is high. Comes far beyond 100 ºС.The area of ​​the radiator is intentionally made large to increase the contact: water vapor gains energy for the easy passage of the wall( steam insulator).New moisture from the street comes at a typical pace - the effect of drying.

Infrared heater does not give such a result. The device heats up a little. Ceiling models with metal radiators have a temperature of 160 ºС - little heat is transferred to the air flow: the surface is small, the movement near the ceiling is not so intense. Warm air stagnates, there is no energy transfer, as with an oil radiator standing on the floor. Surfaces — floor, bed, furniture — heated by radiation, have a lower temperature, within normal for rooms. No drying is a big plus.

Household appliances slightly dry the air with heated parts. In winter, the real problem, but not in the off-season. Why scold oil heaters? Competition. Heavy instruments effectively perform at least two tasks that other instruments cannot do:

  1. Dry things if necessary.
  2. Air dried whenever possible.

Humidity excessive harmful - will contribute to the growth of fungi. At a value below 60%, the growth of pathogenic factors slows down dramatically. Pay attention when setting the values ​​of the indoor environment microclimate environment.

Heater choice:

  • Dry things - you need an oil cooler.
  • To save energy, take an infrared heater.
  • The lack of moisture in the case of an oil radiator is easy to fix - put a container with water on top. Try not to fill the inside of the electronic part - an accident is possible. Even the oil heater has a ground loop, not the fact that this will be found on the mating outlet.

Types of heaters differ in their capabilities. Convectors or wind blowers are suitable for speeding up in a cramped room. Lose infrared models in large areas - occupied by the room, not individual parts of the area. The choice of heater for giving is closely related to the assigned tasks, other factors. Cheap wind blowers should not be left unattended, the temperature of the jet will quickly increase - it will cause a fire. Before choosing a heater to give, evaluate whether you can constantly monitor the unit. Oil heater is much more reliable. Most come with fall protection. If not, supply the device with a device.

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