Home air conditioning with his own hands: how to do in a house

The heat, even if it is long awaited, still falls suddenly upon us. Rain, of course, fed up, but the scorching heat is exhausting and reduces the ability to work. Well, when there is a split system, but about it, few people think of winter or a rainy spring. In the summer its purchase and installation of turn into a hole in the family budget.

Some craftsmen hesitant to do a home air conditioner with your own hands, using the means available and inexpensive materials. The idea of ​​the assembly budget homemade quite attractive, but before you start to implement it, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of this unit and study the technology of its manufacture, right?

We suggest to familiarize with different types of home air-conditioning facilities. Among the proposed techniques do you make sure to select the right solution and be able to collect the cooling device yourself. Walkthroughs and photo instructions will help in the implementation of the plan.

The content of the article:

  • Factory air conditioning: types and disadvantages
    instagram viewer
    • Compression device and its design
    • Evaporative instrument: the principle of the device
    • Pros and cons of the factory air-conditioners
  • What can you do with your hands?
    • Ice paired with a fan
    • Fan and copper tube
    • Quick photo-management in manufacturing
    • Tricks with a cardboard box
    • Plastic bottles and sheet of plywood
    • Addition circuit fan
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Factory air conditioning: types and disadvantages

Before attempting to make their own air conditioning, it would be good to find out what the device is, how it works and what effect can be expected from its operation.

Air Conditioning - it is technically complex device that was originally used only to cool the room in summer. With improved and become more complex over time, air-conditioner.

modern air conditioning not only able to control the indoor climate, but even humidify and purify the air contained therein.

Different kinds of air conditioners

A wide variety of modern climatic device called air conditioning and acquire in order to feel comfortable at home, regardless of the weather conditions

Devices that are currently commercially available, can be divided into two types: the evaporation and compression.

If the evaporative models can only cool the air, and to influence its humidity, the compression can either decrease or increase the temperature in the room.

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Location split-system units

Climatic equipment compression type includes two working parts. One of them takes the warm air from the street, the other - delivers it chilled in the room

The indoor unit air conditioner

Also cooling air flow in the hot season and heating it in the cold compression system of filtered air mass

Monobloc air conditioner window

Window air conditioner, located in a window box on a window sill, two working components are in the same building, but on the principle of work is still kind of compression

Mobile air conditioner without the air duct

Portable monobloc air conditioners work on evaporative pattern. Most of them only cools the air mass

Location split-system units

Location split-system units

The indoor unit air conditioner

The indoor unit air conditioner

Monobloc air conditioner window

Monobloc air conditioner window

Mobile air conditioner without the air duct

Mobile air conditioner without the air duct

Compression device and its design

Compression - the most common type of air conditioners, which is often used in everyday life. Its design consists of nodes which are generally associated with any refrigeration equipment: compressor, condenser (radiator), evaporator, thermostat and fan.

Each of the elements of the complex performs a specific task:

  • compressor moves the refrigerant (e.g., Freon) along the contour of the device;
  • radiator It is used for cooling and condensing refrigerant;
  • evaporator - a place where the liquid becomes vapor while reducing refrigerant pressure;
  • thermoregulator We need to control the refrigerant flow moving over the evaporator, Thus saving the set temperature is provided;
  • fans help to intensify the process of heat transfer, and send into the room flow of cooling air.

schematically work compression air conditioner It can be represented as follows.

The principle of operation of the compression air conditioner

If you examine the above diagram displays the principle of operation of the compression air conditioner becomes clear purpose of each of the elements of a split system (+)

Refrigerant in the gaseous state (t + 10-20 ° C; 3-5 atmospheres pressure) supplied from the evaporator to the compressor. There, the gas is compressed and heated (t + 75-90 ° C; pressure of 15-25 atmospheres). He then enters the condenser.

Here, it becomes a liquid, because the outside is cooled by an air flow which is forced through the heat exchanger.

When the refrigerant leaves the condenser and travels in the heating and cooling unit, it has a high pressure and temperature at 12-20 ° C higher than the environment.

Typically, heating and cooling unit - a thin tube-helix of copper. In this device the cross section for the passage of refrigerant is regulated. According to Bernoulli's law where the velocity of the refrigerant moving above the pressure less. The pressure drop reduces the fluid boiling temperature and evaporation of the active substance.

In the evaporator, which then enters a freon, it again becomes a gas by the active expansion and heat at weaning air contained in the refrigerated space. The device is used for the sake of this stage, which is the main. The gas is then again fed to the compressor. The cycle is closed to repeat again and again.

Evaporative instrument: the principle of the device

A remarkable feature of the evaporating device is that it does not use gas, the use of which has a negative impact on the environment. Operation is not based on the change in the aggregate state of the refrigerant and the evaporation of ordinary water.

The housing device with a pallet made from moisture resistant materials, which do not react to sudden temperature changes. It contains all the device nodes.

The base structure - the water pump, which is used to saturate the filter cooling moisture. The pump is equipped with a filling container with valves, through which the water supply.

The operating principle of evaporative air conditioner

It is important that ordinary water, which is used in the evaporative air conditioner does not have a negative impact on the environment ()

Cold water enters the filter from the tank where it is pumped from the sump. To enhance the cooling effect in the pan can be put ice.

Cooling filters are used to increase water evaporation area, thereby increasing the efficiency of the instrument. As a material used for the manufacture of cellulose or special polymers.

The honeycomb structure of such filters provide maximum possible cooling air passing therethrough.

Activate the movement of air masses and forces drive them through the air, and then the cooling fan helps filter.

This device operates as follows:

  • Fan draws the warm interior of the housing outside air;
  • airstream passes through the filters where cleaned and saturated with water from the tank;
  • water vapor is cooled and humidify the air that enters the room.

The drier outside air, the more water the evaporation process occurs, and the better the device.

Pros and cons of the factory air-conditioners

In many regions of our country people can not survive the summer heat without air conditioning. These devices are necessary and useful. With this statement it is unlikely someone will argue. But along with the merits, they have a number of shortcomings that need to know to predict and reduce their negative impact.

Let's start with the "pluses":

  • creating room temperature climate in the house;
  • filtering of air mass;
  • the use of humidifiers and ionizers in a number of advanced models.

These advantages are obvious. They force us to take a positive decision when purchasing this device.

polluted air conditioning

Without proper care conditioner becomes dirty quickly and becomes a hotbed of the present fungi and pathogens that provoke the occurrence of diseases and allergic reactions

But there are also disadvantages":

  • the device itself to be costly, and would have to pay more and for its installation, and after-sales service;
  • power consumption and, therefore, account for it to grow;
  • dust extracted from the air, accumulates on the filters, which promotes the growth of microorganisms, e.g., bacteria Legionella - causes serious pulmonary disease;
  • without air conditioning humidifier reduces the humidity in the room, which adversely affects the nasal mucosa and eye, contributes to aging skin;
  • cooled stream of air masses can cause common colds;
  • noise generated by the device, capable to annoy people.

If the device for bad care, it can broadcast the odors that are filled with all your accommodations. Detailed information about service features split-system is shown in this article.

So, it makes sense to try to make their own device has the advantage of air-conditioning plant and devoid of at least some of their shortcomings.

What can you do with your hands?

I draw your attention to the fact that we do not strive to exceed the factory products. It is unlikely that we will be able to achieve the same cooling capacity.

Our goal - to build a device that does not consume a lot of energy, is inexpensive and, in case of its ineffectiveness, can be sent without regret in the box and in the trash. But imagine how you will appreciate homemade in luck!

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Homemade portable air conditioner

Homemade device to lower the air temperature is useful for the city and the country. Made with his own hands the instrument will help reduce the negative impact of heat on the human body, and pets

Using the available tools in the manufacture of

In the manufacture of home-made climate systems used industrial and technological principles of junk means at hand, not worth anything

Apparatus homemade incubator

Self-made climate system can be used not only in living rooms, but also in poultry houses and barns for livestock

Modernization of low-power fan

Collected his own hands devices can be cooled or heated air to drain his or saturate necessary for normal breathing moisture

Homemade portable air conditioner

Homemade portable air conditioner

Using the available tools in the manufacture of

Using the available tools in the manufacture of

Apparatus homemade incubator

Apparatus homemade incubator

Modernization of low-power fan

Modernization of low-power fan

Most home-made devices, as experience shows, are composed of two main parts:

  • unit, which allows to reduce the ambient temperature;
  • elements that contribute to the spread of the cooling effect on the entire space.

Here let us look at how to make an efficient air conditioning in the home of what we have at hand.

Ice paired with a fan

Simply this device can only be a wet sheet, through which curtain window opening. Also, incidentally, a way to cool and humidify the incoming air in the room.

For its construction need plastic bottles or other containers filled with ice. Well proven flat containers with special refrigerants for refrigerators-bags - cold accumulators.

They can be bolted to the fan grille wire or placed in a basket attached to the rods of the lattice. The more ice, the cooling device works better.

The ice in the bottles on a ventilator

Ice, frozen in a plastic bottle - it is a heavy object to be securely attached to the grid or just put on the table at the fan level

The effectiveness of this design, consisting in a container of ice and fan, too, can be improved by collecting it in a special way.

We need:

  • five-liter plastic bottle for water with a lid;
  • Computer fan - a diameter of 120 mm;
  • four self-tapping screws and a screwdriver;
  • advance a frozen ice.

The bottle makes two holes opposite each other. One is a round: it is inserted into the fan so that it is exposed to air inside the tank. Fan necessary rigidly fix the screws on the bottle surface.

Back view

This photograph clearly shows how the computer fan may be mounted in an opening made on the back side of a five liter bottles

The second hole made rectangular. In this case cut through only the bottom and side walls of the rectangle. The resulting valve is bent upward. Through the rectangular hole into the bottle lay the ice include fan and all. You can enjoy the coolness.

When the need for the device is no longer working, you can close the valve box to save the remnants of the cold.

With a similar device, but more complex and "LP" design, we suggest you read in a block of video instructions posted at the bottom of the article.

Fan and copper tube

If we are going to make a compact cooler of a fan with a protective lattice and copper pipes through which water, it is necessary to immediately focus on the theme of water will move.

It must either be running or the water should be placed in a bucket, which will be part of the device. If there is a water meter, a second embodiment of a recirculating media preferable.

One of the variants of the successful duo of ice with a fan and a copper coil will present a selection of the following photo:

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Step 1: The apparatus spiral of copper tube

On the front of the old fan turns flat panel we wind the copper tube. The turns must be uniform, the distance between them equal. The gaps between the turns have to be, they are necessary for air traffic

Step 2: Mounting the spiral plastic clips

If one tube is not enough to completely cover the front panel via the pin attachable thereto following. Ready coil is attached to the front panel fan with plastic ties

Step 3: Connect the plastic tubing to copper

To start and finish the edge of the copper coil connect two polymer flexible tube. Just wear them on a copper coil and fix the metal clasps

Step 4: Set the ice bucket and pump

Head polymeric tube for fan and drop them in a bucket of ice or ice water. One of the tubes is connected to a pump located in the bucket

Step 1: The apparatus spiral of copper tube

Step 1: The apparatus spiral of copper tube

Step 2: Mounting the spiral plastic clips

Step 2: Mounting the spiral plastic clips

Step 3: Connect the plastic tubing to copper

Step 3: Connect the plastic tubing to copper

Step 4: Set the ice bucket and pump

Step 4: Set the ice bucket and pump

This useful homemade cool the air in the room for half an hour at 5-7º productive work.

For work, we need to:

  • Fan with front protective grid;
  • copper tube cross-section of 6.35 mm and 5-10 m long;
  • thin wire or flexible plastic clips;
  • a flexible hose made of transparent plastic with an inner diameter of 6 mm;
  • aquarium submersible pump (capacity of 600-1000 liters per hour);
  • bucket or Thermobox (the latter is preferable);
  • metal clamps;
  • cold accumulators.

Flat containers filled with quick freezing liquid - this is a cold batteries that are used in Bag-refrigerators, automotive and other products Thermobox similar purpose to maintain the desired temperature.

The filler may contain therein water and brines, or silicone gel.

For our homemade silicone battery fits best. If the tank in which he was placed, will be well thermally insulated, it can hold a week in it at 0... + 2 ° C. As Thermobox can use the bucket, but not with a round and rectangular cross section.

To enhance the isolation it (with lid!) Outside and inside okleivayut polystyrene layer 3-4 cm thick.

The device with a copper tube

Tails plastic buckles-grippers after fixing of the copper tubes on the array surface must be cut off so as not to impede the rotation of the fan blades

If all that is necessary is prepared, we start to work.

Remove from the fan front grille and fixed on it by means of plastic clamps copper pipe. The more turns will be fixed, the better will be the work of the device, but in everything you need to know when to stop: the air flow from the fan should move freely between the tube coils.

The ends of the copper tube remain free. But the ends of plastic straps better cut to the product look more aesthetic. The lattice is mounted on the fan and the ends of the copper tubes is directed towards the water reservoir arrangement.

Transparent plastic hoses put on a copper end and secured with metal clamps.

connecting hoses

Transparent hoses must be connected to the terminations of copper tubes with metal clamps, and one of the second end of hose wear on the pump nozzle

Plastic hoses will be two. They must be able to get to the chilling tank. End of one of the hoses attached to the nozzle of the pump. The second hose (long) located in the tank. Capacity is filled with cold water with ice.

There also can be placed cold accumulators. Better for hoses and wires to drill holes, the cover tightly closed Thermobox.

Content Thermobox

It looks like the inside of the Thermobox, located under the sealing cap: it may be cold water, ice, and cold blue batteries

After switching on the pump and the fan in the water network should start to move freely through the hose to the fan, and then through the copper pipe, giving cold circulated fan, and again the hose in Thermobox. If everything is true, the system is working properly.

Quick photo-management in manufacturing

In fact the options presented climatic devices are upgraded fan. Let them highly efficient and provide a number of free useful features still will not work. However, to cope with the debilitating heat in case of emergency, they are very much help.

Those who wish to build a climate unit of waste materials, we offer a more interesting model here:

Fan cooling circuit

Fan, complete circuit with the pumped on it with ice water, differs from previous systems in that the copper coil is installed inside the lattice which will protect the product from accidental damage

To assemble this device require axial fan with a removable lattice panel copper tube, plastic ties, mini submersible pump and portable refrigerator - box with thermal insulation foam.

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Step 1: Unlocking the external fan grille

Unfasten clamps around the perimeter of the grill of the fan casing, remove it and prepare to conduct work: carefully wash and dry them

Step 2: Laying turns of copper coil

Arbitrarily bend the copper pipe so that the turns do not go beyond the contour of the fan grille. They should not interfere with the housing closed

Step 3: Rounding exiting the tube around its axis

One copper pipe coils are thrown through the fan axis, and deduce the rear wall for connecting the discharge tube

Step 4: Fixing the copper pipe with plastic ties

Fix a bent copper tube to the outer opening of the fan with plastic ties, tails which should be on the inside panel

Step 5: Cut tails plastic cable ties

Tightening all ties, cut off the excess plastic tails, so they do not interfere with fan blades

Step 6: Preparing the pump for pumping water through the coil

The pump is connected to the plastic hose through which chilled water in the refrigerator will be injected into the fan coil

Step 7: Connect a plastic hose to the copper tube

Connect a plastic tube to both edges of the copper coil. In addition, it is mounted on the external grid, connect the hose from the pump. On the opposite side to the extracted segment of the rear wall of the tube, attach the short length of hose. Its length should be sufficient to freely drop into a container of water and ice

Step 8: Attaching the coil and the hose connection

Portions of the copper tube and plastic hose connections are strengthening metal clasps. Then immersed in both sides of the hose mini fridge with ice water

Step 1: Unlocking the external fan grille

Step 1: Unlocking the external fan grille

Step 2: Laying turns of copper coil

Step 2: Laying turns of copper coil

Step 3: Rounding exiting the tube around its axis

Step 3: Rounding exiting the tube around its axis

Step 4: Fixing the copper pipe with plastic ties

Step 4: Fixing the copper pipe with plastic ties

Step 5: Cut tails plastic cable ties

Step 5: Cut tails plastic cable ties

Step 6: Preparing the pump for pumping water through the coil

Step 6: Preparing the pump for pumping water through the coil

Step 7: Connect a plastic hose to the copper tube

Step 7: Connect a plastic hose to the copper tube

Step 8: Attaching the coil and the hose connection

Step 8: Attaching the coil and the hose connection

After assembly of home-made testing by immersing the foam pump in the refrigerator with water and ice. To verify the operation of the system, measuring the temperature of the room before the start of work and after half an hour. The model will be improved, including in the working circuit fan speed controller.

Tricks with a cardboard box

The basis of this design is still the same table fan and ice. But the device becomes quite interesting, so we decided to show it to you. The best part is that all valuable components of this device can easily be given to the starting position without losing its functionality.

We need:

  • Boxes of sufficient size so that it can fit a large saucepan;
  • pot itself;
  • table fan with a protective grille;
  • wide tape;
  • Gypsy needle and coarse thread;
  • scissors, stationery knife;
  • ruler or measuring tape and the marker;
  • ice.

Corrugated cardboard box, we need to make a box with no bottoms on the size of our pots. Pan should fit snugly into the box, that is, match it to length and width, but the height of the box is required to exceed the pot 15-20 cm.

To do this, cut out the box office knife and cut her a base and a cover. We turned on the markup box, in 2-3 layers prokleivaya its edges and the edges with tape.

Box and blinds

Ready box (top view) should not be on the side surfaces of any openings, except slots equipped with blinds, which is clearly visible in the photo on the left

The walls of boxes shall have no openings. From the remnants of cardboard cut out a square box cover. It is better to make it a two-layer.

mark up circle whose diameter 2-2.5 cm should exceed the scope of the fan impeller in its center, his blade free entrance to cut a circular hole and did not touch the edge in the process of rotation. Fasten the cover in its place with tape.

At the level of the upper edge of the pan, placed in the box, cut in its wall a rectangle of height of 3.5-4 cm. The length of this "embrasures" may be different, but it should not extend to each of the side edges of the box 4 cm to design the rigidity maintained.

From this cut-out and will go out cool air. A flow control is necessary to build blinds for him.

For this cut from two strips of corrugated cardboard, the length of which is less than the cut 4-5 mm and the width is greater than 5 mm. Putting together these strips at a distance via Roma needle thread and harsh. Punctures making the upper strip in the region of 7-8 mm from the edge, and the bottom - 12-15 mm.

Blinds inserted into aperture and fix each strip into three points. The thread is not pulled together, and fasten units.

Try to move your finger blinds. The design should be free to move and do not crumble when driving. Now you are ready to assemble the device. Bed under a pot mat or old cloth in several layers, so that the device works more quietly. The stability of the pan at the same time should not be affected.

The pan with ice box

Left through the round hole in the lid of the box is clearly visible ice which is at the fan grid, covering a large saucepan, and the right device photographed during operation

Put the pan and cover with its front protective grille of the fan with the concave side up. Spread on the mesh pieces previously prepared ice. Procure him better in plastic cups because large pieces melt slowly smaller. Cover structure duct.

The opening of the top cover inserted down the fan blades. You can turn on and check the quality of work.

Melted ice turns to water, which need time to pour out of the pan, so that it does not leak and soak the box. Otherwise, the fan may fall into the water, resulting in a short circuit.

A good look at the whole process of the construction of the air conditioner can be by looking at the video that we put in a special box at the bottom of this article.

Plastic bottles and sheet of plywood

This wonderful design needs no electricity and even in the frozen water. The only thing that is necessary for its operation - draft.

job easier device principle explained with an example. Open wide your mouth and exhale sharply on his hand. The skin feels warm. And now need to pull his lips and blow again with the same force as in the first time.

At this time, the air jet cools your skin. When air passes through a narrow channel, at the instantaneous expansion it cools.

Securing the bottles on the sheet

Thus a simple way with the use of stoppers from bottles own occurs to the sheet blanks fastening holes plywood

Prepare a piece of cardboard, but it is better plywood. It must match the size of the opening of the window that we want to close this design. Reserves and plastic bottles. From each of them we will need only the top third with a cork. Her and cut off.

By the way, the plug must be removed, but do not throw away. They come in handy for fixing bottles on the leaf surface.

We need as many bottles that they cover the entire surface of the sheet, but do not touch each other. To the size of the holes for them, you can use a long stick, which is celebrated through the neck slit center.

To drill holes for a standard bottle need crown with a diameter of 18 mm. Use the drill to drill all the holes one by one.

The finished sheet

Leaf is ready to use and can be installed in the window opening, for which he originally was intended

The openings are inserted into the upper part of the cut bottles without caps and plugs are fixed by their own, who cut off the top. This yields a ring with an internal thread, fine retaining segments bottles.

It remains only to install air conditioning in the finished window opening out craters. Specialists ensure lowering of the temperature in a room by five degrees.

Addition circuit fan

One of the obvious disadvantages of the previous devices is that it deprives users of natural light in the room. In addition, in your area may be a problem with drafts. Then use this notion.

To prepare its realization:

  • stable domestic fan;
  • six bottles of plastic;
  • a thin sheet of plastic or cardboard - you find that;
  • Plastic collars-tightening;
  • Knife stationery;
  • hot-melt silicone.

The principle of operation of this cooler is the same as the previous model. Only it did not mount the window opening is necessary, and it can work in any room: it is portable.

Since the manufacturing process in the finest detail to familiarize the following photo guide:

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Step 1: Prepare the plastic bottles for use

Let us take the six pieces of plastic bottles of 1.5 liters of production. Desirably, but not necessarily, to pick up containers of the same color

Step 2: Cut an unnecessary portion of the bottle

Focusing on the top edge of the label, carefully cut off whatever is below it. So we act with all bottles

Step 3: Remove the roof and surrounding grounds

Unscrew the plastic cover. Carefully notched remainder of it at the base of the neck, and remove it. Then remove from the remaining 5-bottles

Step 4: Check the height and the evenness of crop

Spread all 6 pieces on the table, check the evenness of cutting and the height of workpieces. When necessary, we make adjustments or doing other bottle preform

Step 5: Drawing base for vetroduya amplifier

To manufacture the base sheet take cardboard and traceable thereon circle diameter equal to the diameter of the workpiece 4m

Step 6: Cutting base for air flow amplifier

Placing the cutting board on the table or replacing it with a sheet of plywood, with a sharp knife to cut the base unit

Step 7: Drawing on the basis of outline blanks

Based on the cut from cardboard we draw the outlines of six blanks made of bottles

Step 8: Cut circles for mounting workpieces

According lined outline of blanks cut out circles. Knife acting cautiously, trying not to damage the base

Step 1: Prepare the plastic bottles for use

Step 1: Prepare the plastic bottles for use

Step 2: Cut an unnecessary portion of the bottle

Step 2: Cut an unnecessary portion of the bottle

Step 3: Remove the roof and surrounding grounds

Step 3: Remove the roof and surrounding grounds

Step 4: Check the height and the evenness of crop

Step 4: Check the height and the evenness of crop

Step 5: Drawing base for vetroduya amplifier

Step 5: Drawing base for vetroduya amplifier

Step 6: Cutting base for air flow amplifier

Step 6: Cutting base for air flow amplifier

Step 7: Drawing on the basis of outline blanks

Step 7: Drawing on the basis of outline blanks

Step 8: Cut circles for mounting workpieces

Step 8: Cut circles for mounting workpieces

All actions to reveal the base and cut circles for fixing blanks from bottles should be done very carefully and gently. If the cut is exceeded, this will not be the blank firmly "sitting" in the nest. True opportunity to correct the error is still there - you can correct the defect sizing tape. Further:

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Step 9: Removing a circle cut out of the ground

We extract from the base of the cut circles. We try not to break or damage the thin bridge between the circles

Step 10: Pasting problem areas basics

If there are suspicions about the reliability of jumpers, it is better just to glue a white cloth, landed on the PVA glue, or tape

Step 11: Install the blanks in the seats

The prepared cardboard based seats set preform made of bottles

Step 12: Align improvised device

Carefully turn over the assembled device vetroduya setting his neck of the bottles on the table. We check the evenness, adjust if necessary

Step 9: Removing a circle cut out of the ground

Step 9: Removing a circle cut out of the ground

Step 10: Pasting problem areas basics

Step 10: Pasting problem areas basics

Step 11: Install the blanks in the seats

Step 11: Install the blanks in the seats

Step 12: Align improvised device

Step 12: Align improvised device

Now home-made device that should concentrate the air flow and strengthen its motion, left to collect and attach to the fan:

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Step 13: Formation of holes for ties

Selecting the area between the bases of blanks suitable place pierce two holes for the plastic straps. There should be 6 pairs

Step 14: Fitting

Try on a homemade wind power to the fan casing. Celebrate it ties the installation point

Step 15: Securing the top home tie

To simplify your work, we fix first the uppermost tie at the fan grille. Her tighten until it stops, and the rest - no

Step 16: Delay of ordinary couplers on the device

Weed out through the front grille of the fan the other ties, but do not tighten them. After installation of all let's see what you need to improve. Tighten only after patching

Step 17: Cut tails plastic cable ties

Cut the excess plastic cable ties, so that they are not tangled in the blades

Step 18: Check the fan power

Here is the fan in motion with his hand, to see if there are parts that prevent the rotation of the working part of the device

Step 19: Test operation of modernized equipment

We measure the temperature of the treated area before turning on the equipment and its revitalization

Step 20: Putting into operation of homemade vetroduya

After five minutes, check the temperature in the room dropped how many points, evaluate the effectiveness of home-made and proceed to operation

Step 13: Formation of holes for ties

Step 13: Formation of holes for ties

Step 14: Fitting

Step 14: Try-in "vetroduya" to the fan case

Step 15: Securing the top home tie

Step 15: Securing the top home tie

Step 16: Delay of ordinary couplers on the device

Step 16: Delay of ordinary couplers on the device

Step 17: Cut tails plastic cable ties

Step 17: Cut tails plastic cable ties

Step 18: Check the fan power

Step 18: Check the fan power

Step 19: Test operation of modernized equipment

Step 19: Test operation of modernized equipment

Step 20: Putting into operation of homemade vetroduya

Step 20: Putting into operation of homemade vetroduya

Cut off from the upper part of the bottles, guided by the line of the label to get the same segments. Next, we will do the foundation. For this purpose, plastic sheet or cardboard traceable circle corresponding to the diameter of the fan. With the help of office knife cut out the circle.

At regular intervals we arrange the resulting circle segments bottles funnels down. Encircle the circumference of sockets and accurately cut them. The result was a mounting plate.

Is applied to the opening of the funnel bottles and fix them in this position with adhesive tape so that they do not change their position in the process of gluing. Glue bottle to the mounting plate by applying glue on both sides.

It remains only on the mounting plate between the holes to make bottles for fastening plastic fasteners, which the panel will be attached to the fan grille. Tighten fixing, cutting off the ends, otherwise they prevent rotation of the blades.

If there is no time to experiment, and cooling facilities issue is becoming increasingly important, it is possible to buy a practical and low-cost model of a split system.

We have prepared a block of articles that will help in the selection of a home air conditioner:

  1. How to choose a split system in an apartment in the house: the best brands + recommendations to customers
  2. Mobile split system: a dozen of the best options for portable climatic equipment
  3. Split into 2 rooms: as arranged and operates equipment + nuances of selection of such equipment
  4. Split system inverter or plain, which is better? Advantages and disadvantages + tips on choosing

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

In this video presented by the fastest and most affordable method of manufacturing air conditioner from a five-liter plastic bottle.

Visual series, which reproduces the process of creating the cooling device from the pan and carton will help you to clarify all the details, if something remains unclear.

This article presents the simplest and most popular designs that can build any man, but for those who like to use their existing skills of the master have also something that exists.

Air Conditioning - technically sophisticated device, without which the summer life of modern urban residents is hard and bleak. But this expensive instrument needs in the cost of service and food.

We offer you to build your own hands one of the above the most popular among the people and devices to take advantage of them. Perhaps you will find the factory model is not as attractive as this budget homemade.

Have experience in manufacturing home air conditioner? Please tell the readers about your way of a cooling device assembly. Comment publication, participate in discussions and add photos of their homemade. the feedback unit is located below.

Errors of Samsung air conditioners: how to find a malfunction by code and fix it

Errors of Samsung air conditioners: how to find a malfunction by code and fix itVentilationAir Conditioning Systems

Air conditioning systems from a Korean manufacturer are quite reliable devices, but sometimes difficulties arise in their work. In order to protect the equipment from serious damage and help to cor...

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Daikin air conditioner error codes: troubleshooting and remedies

Daikin air conditioner error codes: troubleshooting and remediesVentilationAir Conditioning Systems

An air conditioner is a complex unit, consisting of a large number of elements. Even the most advanced equipment, to which the Daikin air conditioner belongs, is not insured against the failure of ...

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Errors of Artel air conditioners: decoding of fault codes and tips for their elimination

Errors of Artel air conditioners: decoding of fault codes and tips for their eliminationVentilationAir Conditioning Systems

Agree that repairing an air conditioner is an expensive procedure that requires a lot of investment. If you give the device to a service center, you need to be sure of the expediency of the work so...

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