Radish belongs to the popular spring vegetables. Its value is due to simplicity, ease of maintenance, precocity, the possibility of early planting in open ground, utility and taste characteristics. While other vegetable crops are at the seedling stage, its succulent root crops already supply the human body with beneficial substances, making it possible to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins after a long winter.
Table of Contents
- Optimum Time for Planting
- Vegetables Preparing for Sowing Works on Radishes
- Choosing and Preparing Seeds to be Planted
- Preparing the Soil in Spring, Providing Good Early ShootsCaring for a newly planted plant, watering mode
- Secrets of growing in open ground, thinning and feeding
- Pests and control with them
- Harvesting, how muchtit
optimal timing for planting a vegetable
planting radishes in the open ground occurs earlier than other vegetables because of its ability to withstand cold and even easily tolerate night frosts. You can begin to sow in late March or early April.
To speed up the germination process, crops should be covered using film material. Early ripening varieties of radishes allow you to harvest the first crop within three to four weeks after germination. Early varieties should be planted at the beginning of June, and middle-ripening ones should be planted in July, only when using the seedling method. You can also sow late-ripening varieties in open ground at the end of August or September.
A bold gardeners sow a vegetable before winter before the onset of the first frost. The podzimny sowing makes it possible to harvest earlier than any early variety planted in spring has ripened.
Preparation for work on sowing radish

Planting radishes is a simple procedure. Common problems that may arise in the process of growing a culture are the looseness of root crops, bitterness, and the formation of peduncles before harvest. But all these difficulties are resolved by competent choice of the variety and the observance of the methods of cultivation. Therefore, to obtain a rich harvest, it is important to pre-select high-quality material for planting and prepare the soil.
Selection and preparation of seeds that are going to plant
The best option is to buy seeds in specialty stores. First you need to sort them out, sorting by size. The pledge of friendly germination and development of the largest root crops are considered to be seeds from 3 cm long. Before planting, keep the seeds in water or wet tissue for 24 hours. And before sowing, soak for 20 minutes in hot water to protect against the development of various diseases. After warming up, cool, enrich them with useful microelements, by processing with growth stimulants, and dry thoroughly.
Soil preparation in spring, we will provide good early shoots.

For full growth and development of radish, you need to prepare a favorable soil. Culture prefers loose, nutritious, well-drained soil with an optimum acidity of 5.5-7.0.
Choosing a site to give preference to a warm, protected from strong wind. What matters is how much sunlight per day falls on the landing site. In accordance with the norms of crop rotation, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, cucumbers and legumes are considered the best predecessors.
The ideal solution to plant radishes every year in a new garden bed, which will help improve the crop rotation of the garden.
The soil should be prepared in autumn. To do this, clean the plot of plant residues, dig and enrich with compost or humus. With the onset of spring, as soon as the earth thaws under the warm rays of the sun, , before planting a vegetable, must be dug up again, adding mineral substances.
Proper planting technology, planting at the right depth

Growing radish in open ground provides for a well-performed planting, which includes the following operations: Acceptable embedding depth is 1 cm. Deep embedding of seeds will change the shape of the roots.
When the weather conditions are comfortable, shoots will appear for 3-4 days.
To plant vegetables in egg cells.
You can plant radishes in cells from under the eggs. This method has been tested and tested by many gardeners and is recognized as the best. As a result of this approach, ripe radish has an even and neat shape. And does not require thinning in the process of standard care.
For this you need:
- Prepare the bed, by digging and loosening the traditional method. After that, the ground must be leveled.
- At the cells, cut the bottom with a knife and lay it on the ground, pressing it down a little with the holes to the ground. Fill the cells with soil and put one seed in each well.
- Top up crops with soil and water thoroughly.
When sown in egg trays, radishes will sprout with the same activity as with the conventional method. In addition, this will automatically follow a certain landing pattern.Planting radishes in egg cells
Care of a newly planted plant, watering mode
Further care for crops includes the following activities:
- Maintaining a certain moisture regime.
An important care operation is considered to be watering, since growth, development and yield of a vegetable crop depend on it. Therefore, after planting, it is necessary to irrigate daily, preventing the topsoil from drying out, otherwise the taste qualities of the roots will deteriorate, they will become bitter, and also decrease in size. Morning and evening are favorable times for watering. - Thinning of frequent shoots.
The procedure should be carried out on the fifth day after germination, while leaving stronger plants. For a good ripening and high-quality fruiting of a vegetable, seedlings should be 5 cm apart from each other. - Loosening the soil.
Excessive moisture and its stagnation can lead to cracking of root crops or the appearance of diseases such as keel, black rot. To prevent this from happening, after watering you need to loosen the ground. Do it carefully, without damaging the root and growing root crop. - Fertilizing complex fertilizer.
Culture responds well to organic and mineral nutrition. After each application of fertilizer, mulching should be carried out using a mixture of peat and rotted manure. This will facilitate the absorption of fertilizers, as well as protect the plant from weed growth and keep the environment moist. - Timely measures to protect against diseases and pests.
It is necessary to constantly inspect the plants in order to identify foci of destruction by its diseases and pests and, if a problem is detected, to correctly prescribe treatment using proven protective equipment.Means for tillage and top dressing
Secrets of cultivation in open ground, thinning and top dressing
There are some secrets that allow you to grow high-quality root crops in open ground.
- Each vegetable grower may encounter such a problem when the plant goes to the arrow and then blooms. In order to avoid this, one should avoid sowing density, dryness of the soil and low temperature indicators.
- You can not make fresh manure in the ground, because of this radish will be hollow inside. Top dressing should be done using overheated organic matter.
- When planting, it is desirable to sow one seed at a time, since thinning damages the root system of the main plant, resulting in poor growth and the formation of arrows.
- Chemicals cannot be used in cultivation, since they are more likely to be ingested. Therefore, radishes need to be sprayed, only using folk remedies, which can be infusions of garlic, wormwood, celandine, tobacco chips.
The first dressing of radish sprouts
Pests and control of them
Therefore, it is important to establish the first signs of ailment in time and produce appropriate measures that will help the plant to deal with them faster.
Diseases Adequate For 4 years, This section did not grow |
Painted oysters in | On the surface of the leaves, petioles formed a touch of white with powdery color, which with acquired light-colored brown textures and over time light brown development of this disease | |
Bacteriosis | Root crops become covered with mucus and begin to emit a smell of rot. At this, of radish leaves | is yellowing. We need to be able to find out what we can find in our desktops how to find out how to find out how to find out how to find out how to find out how to find out how to find out what liquid |
.As a result, the plant stops growing and | dies. For prevention, organize the correct care. In case of a lesion, treat radish with appropriate preparations. First of Allshould be removed selectively, as aging. When you reach a medium-sized root, you need to carefully pull it out, taking it by the tops and pulling it up, and you can serve it to the table. And leave the rest to grow to technical ripeness. Radishes are easy to collect, it is important to do this in a timely manner. But even if you are late with the collection of this vegetable, in this case, you can get seeds for the next planting. It is possible to cultivate radishes in the open field during the whole summer season. Even novice gardeners can cope with simple rules of planting and care. These rules of course vary in the Leningrad region, in the Urals or in Krasnodar. It is important to timely plant radishes on the bed and create comfortable conditions for it to grow. |