Oil heater is hot, things are wonderful drying( carefully with water entering the electronic circuit), air. In wet climates, the chilly weather is boring. Turn on the oil heater for the night - in the morning it will be drier. Doctors vied with each other: in winter they are sick of lack of humidity, but they would recommend measuring the parameter, not trusting it blindly. Indeed, batteries reduce the percentage of water vapor: not in any weather, not in any climate, the reduction is unsafe. Increased background is unfavorable, get a psychrometer: you will know more precisely the value of the parameter. Relative humidity is favorable in the range of 40 - 60%.
The use of infrared heaters in the apartment
Regarding the use of heater models in real cases. We do not take into account built a house on their own. There are tenants who have at least one wall facing the street - in this case infrared heaters will be useful. The thickness of the supporting structure in this place is increased, the cold is felt even in a light frost. What to do? The obvious solution does not apply to infrared heaters:
- Warm the wall.
Do not thicken the mineral wool: microscopic dust, getting into the lungs, causes severe chronic diseases. Workers for the first time engaged in the production of basalt cotton wool in the late 19th century were injured. We do not recommend using polyurethane foam: the life of polymers varies in the range of 5 - 10 years, then the process of decomposition begins. When disintegrating, toxic substances are released that cause convulsions, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. Better effects occur when equipping a sleeping room. Polyfoam is good, but the same polymer( polystyrene foam).There are few options. Use ecowool, cork tree. The first material contains boron: causes asphyxiation in rodents, does not affect humans. The woody base is relatively harmless. Traffic jams are a great option. The material will provide sound insulation. Thickness should be significant. Find on the Internet a program for the calculation of thermal modes of supporting structures, evaluate the mode. Ecowool cover with drywall - pasted decorative material.
The second solution is the use of infrared heaters:
- . The stores offer infrared film-type heaters.
Assortment - from primitive pieces of polyethylene with embedded heating cables to colorful mats, panels, posters( the stuffing is the same).The difference in equipment infrared heaters. In the case of the film we see some semi-finished product: you need to tie it with wiring. Rugs - the finished product, equipped with a thermostat. The wall freezes outside, typical bare concrete is impacted by freezing and defrosting cycles. The material ages rapidly, although concrete has record parameters. When warming, the freezing point penetrates deeper into the concrete: the greater thickness of the wall loses its strength. Therefore, insulated facades - will increase the durability of buildings.
It will be necessary to warm the wall outside for the good of the house. We aggravate the situation by laying ecowool from the inside. Will help infrared heaters based on the panel. If you hang the heating canvas on the wall - not only the room will receive heat. Half the energy of the infrared heater goes into the wall. Panels are too thin to contain a sufficient layer of insulation. Efficiency will leave much to be desired, but in our case - a significant plus.
We hang an infrared film-type heater on the wall: moves the freezing point further out. The maximum damage in the cycles of transition temperature through zero gets the outer cladding.
What to say about infrared heaters? Electric models consume energy. Wall insulation forever. Infrared heaters are expensive. It is expensive not in monetary terms, but in consumer: the quota is not limited to each apartment - it cannot be exceeded. Valid induction cooker, plasma panel for half a wall. Extra consumers in the form of infrared heaters are not needed. Registered electric hob gives the right to discounts when buying kilowatts from a supplier; in practice, it is unrealistic to get a discount. Beneficially look infrared heaters - gas fireplaces. We'll have to divert the products of combustion.
Developed local laws prohibiting spoil the appearance of the house. We do not speak about SNiPs: they look painfully at the affecting of supporting structures. In case of luck, we get an infrared heater with a capacity of 5 kW and above - the luxury is not available to electric models. A snag in the lead pipe. Gas does not give soot, you can start the exhaust on the loggia. Coal is more complicated. In the first case, a project is needed - prices will not be loyal. It is necessary to coordinate the construction: the supporting structures are affected( symbolic design fees are foreseen).
If there is a familiar company, at a reasonable price it will do the job - it is worthwhile. If a project must be dealt with by an organization with a license, the construction site has no strict limitations. The executor takes responsibility for following the instructions. If there is experience, there is confidence in the correctness of the work done - install the infrared heater yourself.
A profitable device gives a lot of heat by convection. Modern models often in the portal contain a grid of ceramics or steel: heated red hot, radiates. Heat is felt at a considerable distance from the firebox. Before choosing a home heater, think about its availability to children.
By convection, the case will give off an impressive amount of energy. When calculating the fuel consumption do not forget: The efficiency of infrared heaters that work on combustion is not as high as that of electric infrared heaters. Energy prices are formed from two considerations:
- Price per kilowatt of heat supplied.
- The complexity of the use of this type of fuel.
Firewood, coal are cheap energy carriers for infrared heaters. Do not discount: the money saved in the winter will be spent on summer vacation. It is permissible to assemble an infrared heater - a fireplace with his own hands. The project will have to order. Easier to perform residents of the upper floors. If you can get permission to lay the pipe on the roof - the difficulties are solved. For residents of the lower floors we recommend to limit gas. Not the fact that it is allowed to remove the combustion products on the loggia. There were no direct bans.
Rather, pipes should be outside the outer wall. There is a fixed figure, as far as it is necessary to make a visor. The choice of heater for the house is determined by the material capabilities, the location of the equipment.
The layout here is as follows:
- gas contains sulfur and other compounds that destroy the supporting structures;
- consequently, beat said moment in order not to get damages at home.
Gas in the apartments burns without problems. In the boiler( fireplace), the amount of fuel is immeasurably higher than that used for cooking. Over time, significant damage to buildings will be inflicted. The walls of the loggia must be impregnated with penetrating insulation. Do not worry: will increase the life of the walls, if there is no glazing, in other cases, strengthen the insulating properties. It is advantageous to use a filter for cleaning the combustion products.