Dutch breeding varieties have long won the love of Russian summer residents. Particularly noteworthy is the tomato with the sonorous title President. Productive hybrid early ripening, gives commercial fruits. The hybrid is used for growing on private farms and in small farms.
Table of contents
- Description and characteristics of tomato President of
- Breeding history and growing region
- Advantages and disadvantages of
- Planting seeds
- Planting seedlings in open ground
- Cultivation of growing
- How to get seeds for next year?
- Diseases and their prevention
- Reviews of gardeners about variety
Description and characteristics of tomato President of
Early ripe hybrid. In the state registry by type of growth is classified as an indeterminate plant with unlimited growth power. When grown in a greenhouse, it can behave like semi-determinant varieties: it stops growing independently, the stepchildren produces a moderate amount.
It is possible to grow up a hybrid both in an open ground, and in greenhouses.
Bushes grow from 1.5 to 2 meters, depending on the method of formation of the bush( one or two stems) and the quality of care .The load of fruits is high, on one bush of a tomato matures up to 7 kg of fruits. To support the branches and the stem, you need a strong support. Garter bush is required to hold several times per season.The fruits are large, flat-rounded in shape with a slight ribbing, weighing from 200 to 300 g. The color of the ripe tomato is classic, red. The flesh has an excellent taste, dense structure, well cut, beautiful on the cut. Along with a good tomato flavor, the flesh is distinguished by a special aroma, peculiar to varieties rather than hybrids.
Early tomatoes are used to make light summer salads, decorate sandwiches, as raw materials for tomato juice. Can be tomatoes President canned and salt. Peeled tomatoes are stored well, ripen for 10 days. After short-term storage, the fruit taste becomes richer.

Breeding history and region of growth
President 2 F1 - Dutch product. Originator "MONSANTO" - a company from the Netherlands. The variety was tested on Russian fields before being included in the state register. The tests were successful. In 2007, the hybrid of the first generation of the President of the 2 F1 was entered in the state register, indicating in the column "region of admission" - all regions. For 10 years, the variety has become popular among summer residents and among farmers. Growing this early, productive hybrid is beneficial for both.
Advantages and disadvantages
A description of all the advantages and disadvantages is presented in the table.
- great for salads. Plantingseeds. Tomato seedlings can be planted in the greenhouse after May 15th. Suitable for these purposes seedlings aged 50 to 60 days. Proceeding from this, the term of sowing seeds for seedlings is calculated. For early production, it is optimal to sow from mid-February to mid-March. Seedlings are planted in open ground later( end of May - beginning of June), respectively, seeds are sown at a later date( mid-March - early April). Sow initially in shallow boxes filled with fertile soil: quality purchased, prepared independently from garden soil, peat, humus, sand. Boxes to accelerate germination cover with foil, keep in a warm room( 25-28 ° C). When forming 2 leaves and reaching 5-7 cm in height, seedlings should swoop in larger boxes or in separate glasses with a volume of 350 to 500 ml. Seedling temper before transplanting to a permanent place by reducing night temperatures to 8 ° C. ![]() It is possible to bind a tomato both on the planting day and for the next 10 days. Agrotechnical cultivationTomato care President standard. It comes down to the usual agricultural practices:
![]() How to get seeds for the next year?In the forums, many gardeners share their successes in growing tomato President from their seeds. Subject slippery, varietal characteristics of the second generation of hybrids are not saved. But if you want to experiment, then you can prepare your own seeds from the tomato President, grown in his greenhouse. You can use the advice of an experienced gardener who has been growing President tomatoes from her seeds for many years. She offers to choose the highest quality fruit. It should be 100% ripe. It is necessary to cut the fruit in half, squeeze the seeds along with the juice into a small container. Pour some water into it and leave for 3 days. The contents of the cup every day gently interfere. By the end of the third day, mold may appear on the surface, but this is not a problem. Pour water into the cup and mix it for the last time. Quality seeds will lie on the bottom, empty ones will float on top. Drain all unnecessary, clean, rinse, dry seeds, put in storage in a paper bag. Do not forget to specify the grade and date of collection. ![]() Diseases and their preventionThe variety is practically immune to diseases. Proper farming with the indispensable root and foliar dressing is the best prevention of disease. When growing in a greenhouse need regular airing. In open ground, mulch during the period of prolonged rains will prevent the appearance of a fungal infection. The appearance of pests( whitefly, spider mite) is possible, but good care and regular inspection of the plants will help in time to save the plants from pests. Reviews of gardeners about the varietyIrina, Krasnoyarsk Territory: planted 8 tomato bushes for the sample in a polycarbonate greenhouse President. Sowed on seedlings in early March, landed in the greenhouse after April 20.Tomatoes began to sing in the month of June. Actively fruited until mid-August. Pasynkov compared with other varieties were few. Formed bushes in 2 trunks. High-quality fruits, dense, sweet, large. Diameter 6-8 cm. Nothing processed, fed 3 times. Once an infusion of grass, before flowering ammonium nitrate, during the fruiting of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Sort liked in all respects. Olga, Samara: , F1 President has been growing for more than a year. Planted in a greenhouse. From one bush I collect up to 6 kg of tomatoes. Tomatoes are red, tasty, thick, shiny skin. The pulp is dense. Tomatoes keep their shape well when sliced. Fruit weight from 150 to 300 g. Disease resistance is good. The harvest does not depend on the weather. ![]() bush Elvira, Leningrad Region: President can only say good words about the variety. For all the characteristics it is good. In the greenhouse bushes grow up to 2 meters, care for them is negligible. To prolong the fruiting spraying the bushes with a solution of boric acid and serum with iodine. Phytophthora was not either last season or now. Natalia, Perm: variety President F1 soot in the greenhouse for the second year. The first year was my blunders. Did not make fertilizer for digging and fertilized little in the summer. The harvest was not bad, but the fruits were not very large. Today she brought in superphosphate for digging and fed Kemira all summer. Tomatoes have grown everything as on the selection of large 200-250 g. The shape of the fruit is wonderful. The skin is shiny. The taste is good. Next season I will definitely plant 10 President bushes. It is necessary to have several bushes of tomato President in his garden. Grow early tomatoes can be without the use of chemistry and great labors. Productivity, good taste, early ripeness are the arguments in favor of this hybrid Dutch selection. |