The benefits of mint for the body in traditional and traditional medicinewhich links belonging to the family of yasnokotkovy and amazing spicy-taste, which no other garden or wild plant has. Today, a little more than 20 kinds of mint are widely used, used both in culinary and in traditional and official medicine. The experience of using this plant raw material was even among the healers and scientists of antiquity. Avicenna and Hippocrates mentioned the benefits of mint for the organism in their writings, calling for mint-based headaches and digestive disorders, fever and mental illnesses to get better drugs.
In Russia, mint has long been considered one of the favorite types of spicy greens. Already in the 19th century, in addition to local wild species, it was possible to see cultural plantings of this plant in gardens and pharmaceutical gardens, and mint leaves, which have many useful properties and a minimum of contraindications, as in the photo, were already collected and were used to make mint pastilles and fragrant water, tinctures and soothing herbal teas.
What is the use of mint and is there any harm from taking funds based on it? Were the doctors of the past right, and what do the recent studies on the composition of spicy grass say?
How is mint useful for the body?
The modern possibilities of medicine and biotechnology have made great strides in comparison with the times of Avicenna, and even the real prototype of Dr. Watson, who probably in dank London repeatedly recommended mint tea to his patients.
But even today, experts are unanimous - mint, namely the leaves and stems of the plant, collected before and during flowering, is a powerful medicine for many disorders and diseases.
The beneficial properties of peppermint depend on the composition of plant materials, which is most valuable when it reaches a high concentration of mint essential oil - menthol, at the time of collecting from 2.5 to 6% of the mass of leaves or inflorescences. It is this substance that determines the taste and aroma of the herb, and is also the basis of the beneficial properties of mint, for example, its excellent bactericidal ability.
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At the same time, the herb caloric content is extremely low and is 70 kcal. Of the 100 grams of mint harvested, 3.75 grams are in proteins, 6.89 grams in carbohydrates and only 0.94 grams in fats. In addition, herbal raw materials are quite a lot of dietary fiber and valuable organic acids, vitamins and mineral salts.
- The vitamin composition includes the compounds indispensable for the human body: A, B1 and B2, B3, B6 and B9, C and PP.
- Macro elements are represented by calcium, phosphorus and sodium, potassium and magnesium.
- Trace elements in mint grass are manganese, zinc, iron and copper.
In addition to menthol, the benefits of peppermint for the body depend on the presence in the raw materials of such substances as ethers, tannins, natural bitterness, phytoncides and flavonoids.
Mint benefits for the body in traditional and traditional medicine.
Mint is involved in therapies and preventive measures aimed at combating many diseases. Drugs containing menthol or mint herb have a sedative, analgesic, vasodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. Mint is prescribed as a safe diaphoretic, bactericidal, and anesthetic for diseases associated with fever, local pain, and irritation of the nasopharynx and oral mucosa.
Essential oil from mint leaves with almost no contraindications, but with a mass of beneficial properties, as in the photo, in combination with other herbal ingredients effectively fights rhinitis, stomatitis and pharyngitis, manifestations of sore throat and other seasonal colds. Mint herb is also used to treat inflammations of the urogenital organs, digestion and liver. Fresh mint in the composition of dishes and drinks not only improves their taste, but also actively increases their appetite, relieves such unpleasant symptoms as heartburn, nausea and increased gas formation.
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The beneficial mint for the circulatory and nervous system is stimulating tonic effect.
On the one hand, mint-based preparations can effectively soothe and relieve stress, and on the other, it accelerates mental activity, helps the body to defeat migraines and insomnia.
It is because of such extensive beneficial properties that mint is widely used by traditional medicine and is included in the compositions of well-known, tested and new drugs. Such drugs using plant materials have analgesic, choleretic, antispasmodic and antimicrobial action, they actively soothe, stimulate digestion and the activity of the endocrine glands, have a beneficial effect on smooth muscle.
Medicinal properties of mint and contraindications for women
Useful properties of mint can be used in such difficult periods of a woman's life as pregnancy and lactation. At this time, the use of drugs is extremely limited, and even herbs should be treated very carefully.
Doctors are confident that daily consumption of up to a liter of mint tea will not harm the health of the mother and the unborn child.
Active substances in the plant:
- neutralize the manifestations of toxicosis;
- relieve nausea;
- improve appetite and general well-being;
- will eliminate the signs of gratuitous anxiety often accompanying pregnancy.
The benefits of mint for the mother’s body are to eliminate heartburn, have a mild laxative effect, and facilitate the discharge of gases. Using the medicinal properties of mint, women need to take into account the contraindications that exist for this plant.
If tea and external use of herbal raw materials do not damage health, then pure essential oil is not recommended during pregnancy, since menthol in such concentrations can provoke labor activity.
Do not get involved in the use of mint and young mothers. Herbal raw materials of such active action can reduce the amount of milk produced. What else mint is useful for women? Decoction of mint or herbal tea will relieve fatigue, help to cope with menstrual and headaches, normalize sleep.
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Useful properties and contraindications of mint for men
Mint is well known as a plant with tonic, tonic, analgesic and antipyretic properties. And the mint is useful for men's health?
- Undoubtedly, mint can effectively eliminate the effects of stress, fatigue, mint tea or decoction will calm and tune in a positive way.
- Regular consumption of mint in the diet will reduce the risk of developing heart and nervous system diseases.
- External application of peppermint refreshes the skin, reduces sweating and the risk of infection with fungal infections.
With all the beneficial properties of mint, there are contraindications for men who should be heeded. Excessive passion for drinks and dishes with fresh mint, teas based on it or drugs with menthol in a man can cause a decrease in potency, a feeling of relaxation, a decrease in attention, which is especially dangerous when driving.
Contraindications to the use of mint
With the existing mass of beneficial properties, mint has contraindications for all who decide to start healing with the help of this plant.
The first warning is the existence of personal intolerance to the substances in the composition of plant raw materials and preparations from it.
Use mint very carefully under reduced pressure. In this case, even a cup of seemingly harmless tea can cause an additional decrease in pressure and worsening of well-being.
Similarly, mint acts on vessels in the thickness of tissues, their tone decreases, and blood flow decreases. Therefore, exacerbations of varicose veins are not excluded. With regard to the digestive system, both the benefits of mint are possible, as well as the harm from thoughtless intake of plant-based products. For example, with caution take decoctions of mint and with high acidity, exacerbations of gastritis or peptic ulcer.
Pediatricians are not advised to give mint tea, decoction and other herbal remedies to children under the age of three.
Video about the benefits of mint
https: // watch? V = YalAxRACyCY