How to transplant and propagate home asparagus

Contents: Asd. Asd. If you look inside the pot, in which homemade asparagus grows, you can find a tightly grafted ball from a mass of oblong, juicy tubers and thin connecting roots.

Due to this structure of the root system, the plant is able to store nutrients and moisture for the future, waiting for periods of drought, and with good care to grow and reproduce quickly.

Asparagus Transplantation

Home-grown asparagus, getting into the nutrient soil, begins to actively develop the volume of the pot.

While the roots and tubers of the plant do not fill the entire container, it is not worth waiting for the growth of greenery.

This behavior is common to all varieties of home asparagus, whether it is a young sapling recently obtained from a seed, or an adult perennial specimen. Therefore, when choosing a pot for asparagus, you should not stop looking at a large container in the hope that it will be enough for a plant for many years. It is more correct that the diameter of the new pot was only a couple of centimeters wider than before. At the same time, young asparaguses, up to 4–5 years old, are usually transplanted annually, and more adult specimens can be transshipped not more often than in 2–4 years.

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The frequency of transplants directly depends on the condition of the pet and the amount of soil left in the pot, which the expanding asparagus roots mercilessly push out of the pot's allotted volume.

Despite the stamina, not all asparaguses transfer the transshipment to new dishes painlessly, therefore, noting that the plant does not suffer from a tight pot, it is better to refuse to transplant, and if possible, fill up the fresh substrate and feed home asparagus.

But there are situations when asparagus transplantation is indispensable. This procedure is necessary if the plant is only purchased and is in a shipping container with a small amount of peat filler.

In this case, it is necessary not only to transfer the plant to nutritious loose soil, but also to pre-wash the crown with warm water. Such a shower will help to wash away from the phyllocladium a wax-like substance that is treated with asparagus before being sent to the distribution network. The tool protects the crown from evaporation of moisture and loss of decoration, but if it is not removed, it will lead to a rapid fall of household asparagus.

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If a plant is transplanted with roots protruding from drainage holes, the root system can be easily damaged, which will prolong the acclimatization period and complicate rooting. Extract asparagus from the pot will help abundant watering. To do this, earthy lump carefully moistened, making sure that the water soaked it entirely. This can be done in a few tricks, constantly draining the water that has fallen into the pan.

Wetted roots are more elastic than dry ones, so they are not only easier to remove from the pot, but also easier to unravel. This is especially important if asparagus transplantation is combined with dividing the plant into several independent seedlings:

  • Before the transplant, remove all old, beginning to turn yellow or dry stems from asparagus.
  • A small amount of soil is poured on the drainage layer, on which the asparagus plant is placed, the roots of which can be sprayed with warm water.
  • The gaps remaining on the sides are covered with substrate, which is then made from the top layer.
  • After which the asparagus is watered and, if necessary, mulched with a small amount of substrate.

Soil for home asparagus

The best time for transplanting asparagus at home is spring. The beginning of the new vegetation period, the plant will easily transfer the procedure and quickly begins to grow.

Indoor to the composition of the soil indoor flower can grow in a nutritious, rich in organic matter, loose soil.

A mixture can be taken as such a substrate:

  • 2 pieces of garden soil;
  • 1 pieces of humus;
  • 1 part sand, which can be replaced by perlite or verticulite.

If the soil is mixed on its own, it is important to disinfect and sterilize all components of natural origin in order to prevent pests and pathogens from entering the asparagus pot.

When the necessary components are missing, replace them with the power of a universal primer for houseplants with a small addition of perlite. When transplanting asparagus, we should not forget that the plant needs drainage, which is made from fine expanded clay or gravel.

Sooner or later, the expanding pet will make the owner think not only about how to transplant, but also multiply the home asparagus. Most often, for this purpose, an adult bush is divided during transplantation, but if desired, young plants can be obtained by grafting or seeds.

Read also: What does room asparagus like and how to care for a plant

Reproduction of asparagus by dividing the bush

In this way, like reproduction by tubers or asparagus roots, there are many advantages. First of all, after dividing the common root system, you can quickly get several independent plants with their own roots.

Acclimatization of such asparagus lasts much less than the time required for rooting asparagus propagated by cuttings, or waiting until seedlings grow from seed.

The wetted earthen clod is removed from the pot, after which the remaining soil is removed and, if necessary, additionally wetting the asparagus roots, divide the bush into separate seedlings. When carrying out this procedure, you need to be careful, because many types of asparagus are prickly and can damage the skin on the palms.

The main thing is that all parts intended for reproduction of asparagus have healthy roots, as well as at least one growth point.

When this work is done, the plants are planted in pots prepared in advance for asparagus with an equipped drainage layer and nutrient soil mixture. After transplantation, asparagus is watered and put in a shaded place, where the drafts and the direct rays of the sun will not damage the pet.

Acclimatization takes about a month, during which the plant is watered moderately, but not fed, so as not to burn the damaged roots.

Reproduction of household asparagus by cuttings

You can get cuttings suitable for propagation from the asparagus plant from late February to June. The terms are determined by the fact that the active growing season of the flower begins in the spring, and it takes at least one and a half months to root the shoot. It is convenient to cut off the shoots during the spring transplant, while it is better to pay attention not to the young fillokladii, but to last year. For rooting cuttings suitable for a length of not less than 10 - 15 cm, without signs of disease or wilt.

Cut off shoots instilled in a mixture of wet sand, perlite and peat. The volume of the pot for asparagus should not be large; for the first time, a container of not more than 100 ml is quite suitable. In order to evaporate less moisture from the surface of the substrate, containers with reproducing cuttings are covered with bags or plastic cups.

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It is better if cuttings are placed on an illuminated window sill for rooting, where there are no direct sun rays and drafts. The temperature at this time should be in the range of 20–22 ° C.The soil is regularly moistened with a spray gun, and the plantings are ventilated daily, trying to avoid condensation.

Asparagus roots appear within a month, which is clearly visible if cuttings are planted in transparent cups. After that, a viable plant can be transferred to a permanent place of residence.

Propagation of domestic asparagus with

seeds For sowing, not only seeds purchased from the store are suitable, but also obtained independently, as a result of artificial pollination of white small asparagus flowers.

In the first case, it is extremely important to pay attention to the shelf life of seeds that quickly lose their germination. But fresh seed directly from the bush rarely brings and quickly sprouts, but, unfortunately, does not preserve the parental properties, if reproduction of asparagus of hybrid origin is carried out.

In the ground, black, rather large seeds are buried in February or March, having previously been soaked for 24–48 hours in warm water. And then the swollen asparagus seeds are laid out on the surface of the mixture of moistened peat and sand and sprinkled with a small amount of the same substrate.

In order to keep crops under constant humidity, containers are covered with film or glass and placed in a dark place:

  • The optimum temperature for pecking asparagus seeds is 18–23 ° C.
  • To eliminate the formation of mold and acidification of the soil, asparagus propagated by seeds is ventilated daily.
  • Watering is carried out by spraying, which will not allow to erode the soil and damage the root system of the sprouts.

The seedlings of asparagus propagated by seeds appear in 20–40 days. And as soon as green needles become visible above the ground surface, the plant needs to be transferred to light. And if necessary, it provides additional illumination so that the shoots are not excessively elongated and weak.

After a month, when small plants from asparagus seeds reach a height of 10 cm, they can dive into small pots, and after another 120 days - in pots for adult plants.

Seed Asparagus - Video

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