Williams Pear Lavish Harvest - Favorite Among Varieties

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Among a variety of grades is to provide a pear Williams, fragrant and juicy fruit which will always find her lover. This variety was bred in England by the scientist Richard Williams on the basis of the Ordinary Pear and is named after the creator. There are several varieties of varieties, but the following are the most popular among gardeners:

  • summer pear with the same name Williams Summer;
  • late ripe Williams Winter;
  • pear with an unusual rich red color of the fruits of Williams Red.

What is this variety so attracted the attention and what are the features of its varieties can be found in the brief characteristics of the Williams pear with a description and photo below.

Pear Williams Summer

This variety is rightfully recognized as the best among summer late-ripening pears and has several other names - Duchess Summer, Summer Pear, Bartlett, Williams Summer, Williams Bon-Chretien.

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Young seedlings grow rapidly and soon form a not very tall tree( maximum 3 meters in height) with a thick crown in the shape of a wide pyramid. The branches hang down, which makes care and harvesting quite convenient. However, after 10 years of life, pear growth slows as a result of regular, abundant and early harvest.

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A feature in the characteristic of Williams pear is late flowering, while the inflorescences are tied before the formation of deciduous mass. In addition, temperature drops almost do not have a negative impact on them.

Fruiting begins at 6 years after planting. The fruits are tied by two or three pears in one ovary and begin to ripen in late August, while the skin remains green. If you harvest after Williams pear gets yellow color, the storage time is significantly reduced. The average weight of the fruit is about 150 g, young trees for several years can produce a larger crop( up to 200 g).The flesh is very juicy and sweet, with a thin sour and intoxicating aroma.

Pear Williams is self-productive; for pollination, Forest Beauty, Klapp's Favorite, or Bere Ardanpon should be placed under it. A good result is obtained by grafting on a quince, in this case the pear begins to bear fruit from the third year of life.

The virtues of Williams Summer pears are:

  • excellent taste qualities of fruits that are not equal among summer varieties;
  • high yield;
  • skoroplodnost.

Among the shortcomings, the following should be noted:

  • weak resistance to some diseases and pests( scab, aphid, suckling);
  • low winter hardiness, especially young seedlings;
  • susceptibility to drafts;
  • short storage period( 2 weeks).
Read also: A popular drink for the winter: a compote of pears and plums

Pear Williams Red

This summer pear variety Williams is also called Rouge Delbara. Its characteristic features are the red color of bark and leaves on young shoots, as well as the bark of adult branches, which are located on the sunny side. In addition, ripe fruits get a beautiful burgundy blush saturated hue. It is convenient to care for an adult tree, as it is short, with a rather thin crown. Pear Williams Red has an average resistance to low temperatures and drought.

Fruiting begins at 5 years of life, pears ripen in late August. The flesh is very tender and juicy, sweet and sour, with a delicate aroma of muscat. Fruits of medium size are stored in the basement until the beginning of winter.

Favorite Clapp, Bere Giffard, Bere Hardy are used as pollinators for the Red Williams.

Pear Williams Winter

The second name of the variety is Cure. A tall tree with a thick crown, drooping during the ripening season. The branches grow at an acute angle from the trunk.

Fruits for 5 years, large pears( up to 250 g), slightly oblong, with a thick peel of dense structure. Sometimes on them the longitudinal strip of brown color is shown. The pulp of this variety of Williams pear is sweet and sour, slightly dense( granular) and moderately juicy. Publishes a faint muscatel flavor. Crop can be stored up to 2 months.

The winter variety is also self-productive. The summer variety Williams or Olivier de Cérit is suitable as pollinators.

The main advantage of the variety is its high winter hardiness and drought resistance. Frozen seedling has the ability to recover. In favor of pear Williams Winter speaks also the large size of the fruits and high yield.

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One of the drawbacks is the fact that as a result of a cold summer, fruits lose their taste. The amount of sugars in pears decreases and they become grassy. For this reason, the variety is practically not grown in regions with a cold climate.

Despite some drawbacks, all varieties of Williams pears are an excellent choice for a gardener. Indeed, the taste of summer varieties, it has virtually no equal. Its fruits are equally good when used for food or for preservation. And the winter variety tolerates frost well and is able to produce a crop even after freezing. Given the characteristics of the varieties and the climate of the growing region, you can get a tasty and generous harvest every year.

Interesting about Williams pear - video

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