How to choose and replace the disc on a bulgarian
The main spare part of the angle grinder (USM) is a replaceable cutting tool. An abrasive disc that rotates at high speed cuts, polishes, or polishes materials. For the treatment of metal, circles are made of abrasive chips, wood cutters are used for wood, metal discs with diamond dusting are used for stone. Special nozzles - crochets, petal emery wheels in addition expand the possibilities of your Bulgarian. Next, we will find out what kinds of discs are there, how to properly remove the old one and put it in a new one, and also consider possible problems that arise during the replacement process and ways to solve them.
1Types of discs for Bulgarians: how to choose the right one
- 1.1.1Dissecting the metal
- 1.1.2We are peeling stone
- 1.1.3Expand the tree
- 1.1.4Diamond
- 1.1.5How to choose the thickness of cutting discs
- 1.2Grinding machines
- 1.3Sharpening circles
- 1.4Stripping brushes and discs
2How to make a replacement
- 2.1Step-by-step instruction
- 2.2Video: how to remove the old one and install a new disc
2.3Possible difficulties in the process
- 2.3.1What to do if there is no key
- 2.3.2The disk broke, the flange jammed
- 2.3.3Video: how to change the disc of the Bulgarian, if the key is lost
- 2.3.4What are cardboard gaskets used for?
Types of discs for Bulgarians: how to choose the right one
The industry produces bolgars and wheels for them in standard sizes: 115, 125, 150, 180 and 230 mm. Ushm from 180 mm is used for cutting stone. The most common size of machines for home and dacha is 125 mm, for them most of the disks and nozzles are produced.
.Attention! Always choose a disc for the size of your Bulgarian. A smaller diameter disk can be set in the USM. But to remove the casing and put a disk with a larger diameter is extremely dangerous!
.We offer to divide the disks by their destination: cutting, grinding, grinding and grinding. Let us consider each species in detail.
Dissecting the metal
Cutting materials is the most frequent task for repair and construction, a simple abrasive circle for metal easily cuts steel rods, roofing iron or plastic.These circles are made of corundum (crystalline alumina) or electrocorundum (synthetic corundum).
.When buying, we recommend that you carefully read the inscriptions on the disc or package. The circle for cutting metal by the form can not be distinguished from the disc by the stone.
.We are peeling stone
To cut the stone, we recommend to take a special disk - they use another abrasive - silicon carbide.He will cope with white silicate brick and slate. But the red brick, tile and, especially, concrete - they will not succumb to it - we must take a diamond disk.
.For work at home and at the cottage we recommend the drives of the Luga plant. They quickly erase and dust, but cost only 15-20 rubles apiece.
.Expand the tree
The discs cutting the tree are very similar to the circular saw blade.Actually, this is the circular disk, only the landing diameter is 2, mm is suitable for the grinder spindle.
.Attention! We do not recommend home masters to saw the tree with a hand grinder. The instrument, rejected by recoil, will cause a serious injury.
As you know, diamond is a very hard mineral, so diamond wheels can easily cope with red brick, porcelain stoneware, tiles.The main material that is cut with diamond discs is concrete.
With diamonds it is necessary to handle carefully - the disc does not cut steel, it can not be overheated. After two minutes of cutting the concrete, the disc will become very hot - pause. On the circumference of the disk for dry cutting, slits for cooling are made.
They produce discs for wet cutting ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. Water cools the disc and flushes dangerous dust.
How to choose the thickness of cutting discs
Every master knows that the thinner the instrument, the better. Less material leaves in the shavings, it is easier to saw, the cut out is cleaner.
Disks for Bulgarians 115 and 125 mm produced in thickness, mm. Disks 150 and 200 mm thick, mm. Pressed corundum powder reinforced with a synthetic mesh.
.Attention! The thinnest disk (mm) when sawing "walks" and breaks easily, its pieces fly with great speed in all directions. Do not forget the protection of eyes and hands.
.The recommended thickness of the cutting disc is, mm.
Grinding machines
The next most important work that the masters assigned to the Bulgarian is polishing and polishing. Such processing is applied to metal, wood, plastic and other materials.
The choice of grinding discs is very wide. If you restore the sideboard, a layer of petals will be suitable for removing shellac layers. It captures large surfaces and cuts a lot of material in one pass.
Another nozzle is screwed onto the spindle of the Bulgarian. To her on "velcro" (Velcro) sandpaper is stuck. For rough processing - P60 or P80, for more thin - P120 or P180. With a decrease in the grain size, the grinding smoothly turns into polishing.
Specially for polishing, there are nozzles in the form of pillows, felt or fabric discs. Before work on them, apply a polishing paste, for example, GOI.
Sharpening circles
In fact, for sharpening the instrument, there are special machines - sharpening. Nevertheless, the rotary disc of the Bulgarian is able to correct a blunt ax or cleaver, knife or scythe. Considering the wishes of the masters, the industry produces 115 and 125 mm grinding wheels for Bulgarians.
The discs are made of coarse abrasive, pressed into a thick plate (more than 5 mm) with a bulge in the center. If you install such a disk on the spindle, the flange is hidden in the recess and does not protrude above the plane of the disk. Rough grinding wheels are also used for cleaning welded seams.
Stripping brushes and discs
Masters, repairing houses of the middle of the last century, are faced with the removal of oil paint from the walls. For this work, wire corsets will do.
The crust is a cup, along the circumference of which there are steel or brass harnesses. They differ in the thickness and rigidity of the wire - for rough and thin stripping. The brush is screwed onto the spindle thread M14.
After removing the oil paint, the curved concrete wall should be ground. With this task, only the Bulgarian will cope. The working surface of the diamond roughing disc is perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Synthetic diamonds cut and smooth concrete, like sandpaper wood.
How to make a replacement
Discs for Bulgarians are consumables, they are quickly erased when they are cut. The worn out disc must be replaced. Let's see how to do this using the example of our "Interskol-115" USM.
.Attention! Before operation, check that the machine is disconnected from the mains!
.Step-by-step instruction
The disk is attached to the spindle of the grinder by a clamping flange with thread M14. To unscrew the flange, the carabiner wrench is included in the set of the Bulgarian. Its pins engage in the holes of the flange.
To unscrew the flange, the spindle must be locked. To do this, a lock is made on the opposite side of the housing from the disk. When the button is pressed, the cotter pin enters the hole of the driven disc of the reducer and does not allow the spindle to rotate.
Insert the carabiner wrench into the flange holes. With your right hand, press the lock button, while simultaneously turning the left key counterclockwise and pulling the flange from its place.
Our bulgarian rotates clockwise. If you have another direction, remember - you need to unscrew it in the direction of disk rotation.
.If the flange succumbed, unscrew it with your hand, remove it and put it aside.
We remove the old disk. We do not need it any more, it can be thrown away.
Remove the lower flange.
When heavy sawing from the inner side of the casing is formed, the burning out of burned metal particles and abrasive. We use a steel brush to clean the casing.
We install the lower flange on the spindle, making sure that the flats on the flange coincide with the grooves on the spindle. Put the gasket on top.
If no gaskets are attached to your bulgarian, this washer can be cut from cardboard or from tin.
.We put in place the disk, close the second gasket.
Thanks to the gaskets, if the disc jams in the material and breaks, you can still easily unscrew the flange.
.From the hand, twist the upper flange against the direction of rotation of the circle (in our case clockwise), holding the abrasive disc. With your right hand, press the lock button and twist your hand until you feel resistance. We insert the carabiner key and spin a little more, no more than a quarter of a turn. Too much tightening the flange is not necessary, the disc will crumble.
This completes the replacement of the disc, you can continue sawing. Sometimes when changing a disc on the path of a master, obstacles arise. What to do in such situations - we will consider further.
Video: how to remove the old one and install a new disc
Possible difficulties in the process
What to do if there is no key
The horn key to the Bulgarian is not attached and may well be lost. How to unscrew the flange in this case?
- Make the horn key from the nail.We take the nail "weave bend in the shape of the letter "P" so that the distance between the vertical posts is equal to the distance between the holes in the flange. We cut the point and the head with a hacksaw. We stick the resulting "key" into the holes of the flange and turn off the fastener, remembering to fix the spindle. If the nut is tight and the strength of the fingers is not enough, we insert another nail between the vertical segments - the lever will be larger.
- Use the gas key.We take the big pipe key, it is also called "gas pipe". Such an instrument of sanitary engineering is twisted steel pipes. We build the key so that it wraps the flange entirely. Try to move the nut from its place, fixing the spindle. The gas key has a huge shoulder. If force is applied, the spindle lock will break.
- Tapping the nut.Take a metal rod or a thin chisel. Secure the spindle. Knock on the edge of the hole in the flange in the direction of rotation of the disc. So you can build a nut from the place. This method is not the most secure: the tool damages the flange and breaks the holes for the key.
The disk broke, the flange jammed
Imagine that the master makes an anvil from a steel rail, saws the point with a bulgarian. The disk skewed in the material and jammed. The motor continues to work and firmly tightens the flange tightly. All work has risen. How can I change the disk if it is not being unscrewed now?
- We disassemble the reducer.Unscrew the fastener and remove the gear housing. With a gas wrench or pliers we hold the spindle shaft, with a horn or other gas wrench we twist the flange. The disk with this method is not affected, you can remove and normal, a good drive. The method works even if the spindle lock is broken.
- We use two gas switches.The method does not require parsing the Bulgarian. Gently break the remains of the disc to get to the bottom flange. The first gas key clamps the upper flange, the second key - engage the bottom. We spin in opposite directions.
- Gray the nut with the burner.The heated nut is heated by a portable gas burner. The nut from heating will expand and it can be easily turned away.
- Saw a flange with a hacksaw.Some masters prefer to saw a jammed flange with a metal hacksaw. A barbarous way - you have to buy a new nut.
- Lubricate the thread with penetrating grease.Pour the seated nut with WD-40. It penetrates into narrow cracks and threaded joints. After a five-minute break try to move the nut with the key.
- Cut the remains of the disc with a hacksaw.We break the disc with pliers while it is possible. We remove the protective casing, insert a hacksaw into the slot in the metal and cut out the remains of the abrasive wheel. Delicate and reliable method. It does not require parsing of the Bulgarian and hard influences on the instrument. The master must have patience, since the method will take up to an hour. Abrasive quickly erases the saw blades, they will need several pieces. Dignity is the preservation of the guarantee for the USM, there is no risk of breakage.
Video: how to change the disc of the Bulgarian, if the key is lost
What are cardboard gaskets used for?
It's very simple and very important. To ensure that the flange is always easily unscrewed, it is necessary to lay a gasket between the abrasive disc and the flange. Or two - on each side of the disk.
Such disks can be bundled with a Bulgarian or you can cut them yourself.
For the spindles of angle grinders, the factories produce thin and thick abrasive disks, metal cutting wheels, nylon brushes. All these spare parts turn the Bulgarian into a universal tool and reveal its possibilities from an unexpected side. For example, a Bulgarian turns into a wine press. The disk is easy to change, but the master should know about some features of the process, so as not to get into a difficult situation.