An amazing kobey climbing

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Another of the favorite plants of gardeners is Kobe, which grows from seeds of which is somewhat labor-intensive. But the time and effort invested are compensated by the chic look and abundant flowering.

Brief Botanical Reference

Liana Kobeya( translated from the Latin. Cobaea) is a curly bottom shrub. The plant belongs to the Sinukhov family. Despite the fact that it is a perennial, Kobe is grown as an annual. Liana is named after Barnabas Cobo, a Spanish Jesuit naturalist monk who lived in Peru and Mexico for a long time, the birthplace of Kobe.

If we talk about the natural conditions of growth, the plant prefers moist subtropics and the tropics of America. Since 1787, the vine has been used as an ornamental plant for the decoration of hedges or gardening arbors.

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Soil Requirements

Growing Kobe requires compliance with a number of rules. Only with their meticulous implementation can you achieve seedlings and get suitable seedlings. First of all, let's talk about the ground. For good development, it is necessary to provide the plant with a soft, moderately moist and loose soil. Unfortunately, in the latitudes of Russia the natural conditions are different, so you have to find a way out of the situation, regularly loosening, wetting and feeding the earth.

Seed preparation

Just because sowing seeds will not succeed - they simply will not grow. The fact is that the seeds are covered with a hard shell. It is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation: remove it mechanically or just dissolve it to a mucous state.

The first step is scarification. To do this, damage the seed coat by rubbing it, for example, with sandpaper. After the seeds are distributed in a damp cloth so that they do not touch each other, wrapped and placed in a plastic bag, thereby creating a "greenhouse".

If you have a container that resembles a Petri dish, you can also use it. A simpler option is a regular plastic container with a lid.

Seed condition is checked daily. If mucus appears on the surface, it is removed with a cloth, after having been wetted in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure for removing mucus is carried out in several stages. The appearance of mold indicates excessively low temperature in the container, so it must be moved to a warmer place. As a rule, germination lasts for 2 weeks, but in some cases this period is extended to three weeks.

Read also: Tropical beauty in your garden Kobey climbing

Watch your seeds carefully. As soon as they turn out, the seeds are immediately sown. If you are late, the seed box will simply remain on the plant and then it will have to be removed manually, which is fraught with damage to the plant itself.

You can also pre-soak the seeds in special substances - germination accelerators:

  1. Epin Extra. Soak for 4 hours, preparing a solution of 4 drops of the substance in 0.1 l of water.
  2. A mixture of honey and aloe juice in equal parts. The duration of soaking 1 hour.
  3. Zircon. Soaking time is also 4 hours. The solution is prepared from 5 drops, dissolved in 0.1 l of water.

Next, the seeds are dried and sent to a cloth.

Planting Seeds

In order for a future Kobe to be resistant to external influences, growing from seed must begin at the end of February. To do this, prepare the substrate, poured it into the boxes. In the ground, make a hollow in 1.5 cm depth, distribute the seeds in them flat side down, sprinkled with earth and lightly tamped.

Planting can be planted in peat tablets or in individual paper cups in which it will be possible to wholesale the young in the ground immediately.

The soil with seeds is watered, covered with glass or film and sent to a warm place, preferably under direct sunlight.

Do not forget to carry out daily ventilation of the greenhouse and remove condensate.

Winter sowing

Often gardeners to obtain early flowering planted the seeds of vines immediately in the ground in July, be sure to spend all the necessary training. At the end of August, the newly emerged youngsters are dug, planted in an individual “house” and sent to spend the winter in a cool room where the temperature does not fall below zero. The ideal temperature for wintering is 8-10 degrees. If it is lower, then the plants additionally cover.

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Kobei watering is carried out moderately and only with complete drying of the soil. If the plants are strongly branched in the summer, then they are pruned. At the end of May next year it will be possible to plant vines in open ground.

With proper cultivation and proper care, the length of the vine can reach 11 meters, and flowering lasts until autumn.

Seedlings care

Watering should be moderate during germination. You can pour growth stimulant. When shoots appear, the box is shaded from direct sunlight. After a time, when the sprouts acquire a pair of leaves, they can already be transplanted. For this purpose, the kobey is pulled out together with the earthen clod and rolled into the pot 2-3 times more than the previous one. This will avoid the next transplant and the vine will develop and strengthen without additional stress.

Be sure to monitor the capacity of the tank. In a close pot, the vine is yellow.

After the transshipment, it is necessary to finally install a support for each germ. As for feeding, it should not be carried out, because the vine will not grow and develop, but become entangled, which will complicate its further transplantation. As soon as the vine reaches a little more than 20 cm in height, it will need to be clipped to start planting the bush.

Planting in the open ground

It is possible to transplant seedlings only when the temperature at night does not fall below 4ºС.As a rule, this corresponds to the second half of May - the beginning of June. Consider, the young growth is extremely sensitive to cold, therefore the grown up liana before planting should be tempered. To do this, in the last two weeks before transplanting it is carried out to a loggia, a veranda, or to a greenhouse. If the temperature continues to fall below zero at night, the plants should be covered with foil.

Landing. Option 1

In a sunny place devoid of wind, dig a hole at least 40 cm deep. Mixing in the same parts peat, humus and sod land, fill the hole.

The distance between the instances must be at least one meter.

Next, the liana, together with the earthy lump, is pulled out of the tank and transferred to the well, setting in the very center of the substrate.

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Watering seedlings, sprinkled with earth, lightly tamped and set footing.

If the shoots do not ascend at the same time and there are weak plants, they are also planted in the garden, but they are fertilized with organic matter.

When the night temperature drops, the shoots are covered with plastic bottles or plastic film. The next 2 weeks are adaptable for plants.

Landing. Option 2

Seedlings can also be planted in early May. As a rule, it is an emergency landing carried out with heavily grown vines. The algorithm is identical to the previous option. But after disembarking, all the loops are neatly distributed on the ground and carefully covered by a thick film. All corners are securely fixed so that the film does not “run away”.

With this method, daily ventilation is important. Flowering vine will come 2 weeks earlier.

On the onset of heat, the greenhouse is removed, the rods are lifted and fixed to the installed supports.

Further care

Care should be taken when young are planted in the ground:

  1. Watering is carried out at normal temperature. It should be moderate, and in the heat - plentiful, to avoid stunting.
  2. When weeding, you need to be very careful not to damage the plant. In this regard, Kobey is very capricious.
  3. With regard to supplements, they are carried out twice a month alternately: first they make mineral fertilizers, and after 2 weeks organic fertilizers. It is especially important to use nitrogen-containing drugs. Top dressing ends at the end of June, otherwise the foliage will “clog” the buds.
  4. Kobe requires care and lashes. They need to be regularly distributed in the right direction, tie up and remove yellowed leaves.
  5. The soil should be loose and wet. In order not to have to perform these manipulations on a daily basis, mulching with peat, sawdust and humus is carried out.

We discussed in detail how to grow a koba, determined the rules for planting vines, taught you several methods of planting seeds and seedlings. All you have to do is choose a direction and, moving along it, grow your creeper. You can additionally see the video on how the Kobe is climbing climbing out of seeds. When you follow all the tips you will get a beautiful plant with abundant and long flowering.

Growing Kobe from seeds - video

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