Proper cultivation of Sachs beans without fiber

Many housewives appreciate the beans for the fact that it is not just a dietary product, but contains a lot of vitamins and beneficial substances for the body. In addition, from it you can cook a lot of different and delicious culinary masterpieces. Especially useful and nutritious is the saxa bean variety.


  • Description and Characteristics of the Sachs Bean Variety Fiberboard Subdivisions
  • Collection and
  • Prospects Disturbance Featuresat the Voronezh Experimental Station in 1943.The merit in this belongs to AV Krylov. He created a bush plant, whose height reached 43-54 cm. The variety had a purple color of sail. The length of the bean was 11-13 cm. The seeds themselves differed in yellow color and weighed 300 g.

    Sachs - early ripening vegetable plant. After 50 days you can collect the fruits. The yield varies from 125 to 160 centners per hectare of .

    Breeding history and region of growth

    Not one scientist managed to work on the sax grade. After the departure of Krylov A.V.from the Voronezh Experimental Station, Yatsynina KN continued the work on this variety. In 1949, Mikhelman N. worked on improving this bean. Over time, Sachs was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements as a variety standard.

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    It is recommended for cultivation in all regions of Russia and the former USSR countries.
    The yield of a variety is from 125 to 160 centners per hectare

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    This bean, like any other variety, has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, it has much more advantages than disadvantages.

    The main advantages of the variety include:

    • high yield , a lot of pods grow on the bush;
    • you will have green beans to the frost;
    • from it you can cook a lot of delicious dishes;
    • suitable for freezing.

    As mentioned above, there are few disadvantages, there are only 2 of them:

    • in case of bad and cold weather, the pods will be smaller in size;
    • tearing fruits you need with green , otherwise they will be hard and not tasty.

    . Planting

    . These beans are planted at the end of May, at the beginning of June, .It is well tolerated neighborhood with different cultures, except onions. The variety is planted immediately to a permanent place, it does not require the cultivation of seedlings.

    It grows very quickly and does not require special attention.
    Sack bean seeds without fiber

    As for the landing site, it has been prepared since autumn. To do this, carefully dig up the soil and make it potash and phosphate fertilizers .In the spring, the procedure is repeated, but you can also add manure or humus.

    For planting seeds break through the furrows, the depth of from 5 to 8 cm .Bushes are planted from each other at a distance of about 20 cm . indents 40 cm of between the rows.

    Seeds can be germinated, but you can not germinate. For germination it will be enough to place them for a day in warm water with potassium permanganate.

    Growing conditions for

    It’s absolutely easy to maintain .You just need to follow the rules of watering and feeding.

    Until sprouts appear, beans should not be watered at all.

    After it germinates, watering is carried out regularly. However, do not excessively moisten the soil. When there are 4 full leaf, then watering should stop until flowering. Then it is resumed again.

    When watering the sax bean, it is impossible to excessively moisten the soil.

    It is also necessary to conduct 2 supplements. The first is carried out at the appearance of sprouts, and the second at the beginning of flowering. The main thing during the flowering period, do not use nitrogen fertilizers, because they can cause abundant greens and dull the growth of pods.

    Features of this variety

    Sachs have their own characteristic advantages:

    1. The has no parchment layer or fiber in the valves and seams of this culture, because the fruits have a wonderful delicate flavor;
    2. It supplies the soil with nitrogen, so in its place next year you can plant the most fastidious vegetables;
    3. Starting from July until the autumn, this culture will throw out new and new fruits.
    After the bean of a sax you can plant the most fastidious vegetables on this place.

    Diseases and pests

    The plant is notable for its excellent resistance to many diseases.

    It is relatively resistant to anthracnose, however, it is slightly affected by such diseases as:

    • mosaic;
    • bacteriosis.

    Bean mosaic - a viral disease that occurs on a plant in the form of gray-brown sediment on the foliage .The affected part swells and decays. Over time, the plant ceases to grow. Because of the disease, the beans may die at all.

    A distinctive feature of the bacteriosis is that white circles appear on the legume culture, which resemble mucus to the touch. This disease causes the beans to curl and fade.

    In order to prevent the above diseases, the following preventive measures should be taken:

    • should be regularly changed to the landing site; ;
    • pre- to process seeds ;
    • use for planting fresh material taken from healthy and strong plants;
    • after harvest, the garden plot must be cleaned of grass and weeds and plowed well;
    • if the beans were subject to any disease, then this culture should not be planted in the same place earlier than 3 years.
    When bacteriosis is affected, the sax bean dries and fades.

    As for pests, bean bugs are especially eager to enjoy this crop. The most common among them are:

    • sprout fly;
    • cereal aphid;
    • whitefly.

    During the growth period, they suck in nutrients, minerals and juices from the stem, with the result that the legumes die. In winter, these insects lay larvae that penetrate deep into the fetus.

    The most rare pests are the larvae of the germ fly. However, their peculiarity is that they are very small and inconspicuous, have a black color. At the same time, such a fly reproduces both in the fruits and in the seeds.

    If your legumes are attacked by these insects, then can be used to hold the crop on the steam bath or put it in an freezer to kill them.

    During the growing season, the crop can be treated with toxic chemicals .Suitable means - Aktara. Spraying is better before the ovary color, or after flowering. It should strictly adhere to the instructions on the package.

    For the prevention of the appearance of pests, you can use the Aktara

    tool. As you can see, the asparagus bean of a sax is a picky culture, therefore even a novice gardener will like it. And also she will surely please the hostess with her taste and low calorie content.

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