Which heater is better for home

On winter evenings, in order to keep the apartment warm, an additional source of energy is needed. Let's talk about which heater is best for the house to choose. If there is no Russian stove in the kitchen, it is recommended to consider a number of useful appliances.

Classic devices

Classic products are traditionally used and recognized as useful.

The stoves

Despite the bright associations that occur with the word bourgeois and related to the times of the New Economic Policy, cast-iron stoves still warm well, although they are criticized for their increased fire risk. The design is ideal for an unheated room where people do not have to sit up.

Modern stoves, stoves with a beautiful patterned vyazyu, cast relief ornament, painted in the original style. A similar thing is not ashamed to put in the apartment instead of a fireplace.

The main drawback has already been named - the risk of fire. It is easy to get burned on the metal wall of the heater. In order not to get angry at night near the stove, the hood is maintained in good condition, and the oxygen supply is stable. The lack of air can easily lead to unpleasant consequences.

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For these reasons, home heaters are not considered the best option. There is the freedom to burn any fuel, firewood - everything that burns. The advantages of heaters-burzhuek include high power: set in the center of the room the stove is able to heat a large area.


Not everybody can afford a real fireplace, but the imitation of a stone hearth looks just amazing. If it is impossible to equip a heater for a house with a chimney and a chimney on the roof, lined with terracotta and refractory bricks, create an original false copy by the willing. You will need three sheets of drywall, metal profile and finishing materials.

Electric heaters for the home in the form of the furnace of the fireplace create the illusion of the presence of a flame. The principle of operation of the device is based on the Joule-Lenz law. Additional methods mimic the burning of fire.

The device is built into the portal of a false fireplace or inside the wall. The thermostat protects the heater against fire, the control panel is optionally included in the kit. Selected models are equipped with fans for forced blowing.

Electrofireplaces will add solidity to the room. Reliable heaters are devoid of the dangers arising from the living flame, the overhead of maintenance. Excluded:

  • spark;
  • carbon monoxide;
  • flue and chimney arrangement;
  • purchase of firewood;
  • cleaning of the firebox and exhaust duct;
  • need constant monitoring.

Classical types of heaters for the home are a global variety of the problem of obtaining heat. A significant amount of effort is required to commission a revolutionary solution like this. A civilized person wants simpler solutions, the market, responsive to demand, gives customers such freedom.


Electric heaters

For a long time the best heaters for the house remained electric. For a trivial reason, there is no alternative.

The principle of operation of the electric heater is extremely simple. Nichrome thread is wound tightly on the core of ceramic or other heat-resistant material. Due to the high resistance of the spiral, most of the electric current is converted into heat and light.

Some models were additionally equipped with reflectors - stainless steel mirrors - to direct the flow of heat in the right direction. The efficiency of heaters for home leaves much to be desired, the effect is so satisfactory, so as not to look for a new way.

The reader may naturally have a question - if the heaters for the house are powered by a 230V socket, why the names of the appliances are so different. Identified a number of principles of energy transfer to the room and surrounding objects. To distinguish between the abundance of models, each modification is given a name that characterizes the underlying processes.

Oil heaters

If we consider modern heaters for the home, oil models occupy a prominent place. Every second device in a warm apartment belongs to the specified family.

Several connected pressurized sections are partially filled with circulating oil. Convection of fluid in the heater for the house occurs naturally, although in industry there is forced circulation. In the latter case, a special pump drives the oil through the heating element to increase the heat output of the device. The working medium is sometimes ordinary water. On a similar principle, the central heating branch is built.

It is not allowed to turn over the oil heater, operation is possible only in a vertical position.


The radiator integrated with the coil is the basis of the home converter, there are three types:

  1. Electric.
  2. Gas.
  3. Waterborne.

The division of heaters is based on a fundamental attribute, the name takes its roots from the physical processes going on inside.5% of energy is radiated into space, the rest is obtained due to natural or forced convection( circulation of air masses).

The quality is ensured by the special design of the aluminum radiator. Wall convection heaters use electricity or gas. Water models are more often mounted under the floor surface.

Each species has a unique purpose. Electric are good for small cabins. Loyal weight will allow you to hang cases on the walls like cast-iron batteries. Gas heaters for home look at home in the kitchen, but wiring the network around the house is difficult and unsafe. As for water convectors, it is up to devices to take heating of relatively large areas, installing a radiator under the floor saves space in the room.

The advantage of a gas heater for a house is its independence from the presence of electricity. For example, in the winter they turned off the light, but the gas remained. It is recommended in private homes to use boilers for several types of energy carriers. A typical set - electricity, gas, firewood. And heaters for home use as an addition to the powerful boiler, located in the basement.

Infrared Heaters

An option designed to give a comfort to the family hearth, look infrared heaters for the home. If not for the fragility. Two drawbacks of the models are fixed:

  • low mechanical strength;
  • heat flow pattern.

The second quality of the device is often an advantage - when we want to warm up quickly. If the family is big, you will have to bunch up. Uncomfortable . Air IR heater does not heat, heats people, furniture, walls, objects.95% of the energy is converted into rays.

The oil heater is not recommended to drop, but the device is on the floor, weighs solidly, and the type of equipment in question is often suspended from the ceiling. The method of application is optimal - hang the device and forget about existence for a long time. So do in industrial shops. In appearance, the heater is no different from fluorescent lamps. Fits harmoniously into the interior.

Light weight is the main advantage of the infrared heater: some models fit into the bag, which means we will take it to the country house.

This is the best heater for a home where a single person lives or a loving married couple spending time together. In other cases, for each tenant buy a separate device.

IR heater efficiency, low weight and instant start make the device an indispensable thing when you want heat quickly. Having come from a frost and having turned on a heater in the socket, the owner receives a soft sun in the sole order, and heats an asterisk on one side opposite to the reflector.

Fan Heater

Hairdryer coined as an evolutionary continuation of a fan heater. The heater is widely used by the industry, provides uniform and relatively fast heating of the room in terms of volume, and the warm stream beats far away.


The resulting conclusion is not surprising novelty. You think which heater is best for the house to choose - take into account the purpose of the device.

A water convector hidden in the floor is ideal for a nursery. Use ceiling-mounted and highly suspended wall-mounted IR heaters until the baby grows up and starts playing with a ball( surface temperature exceeds 200 degrees Celsius).None of the types of devices( except built-in water convectors) are not protected from shocks and falls.

An oil battery from several sections, standing at the feet under the desk, looks more profitable in your personal account. Looking at the TV we will recommend carbon heaters, a fan heater will create a cozy and warm atmosphere for the long winter vacation.

The foregoing does not mean that gas convectors are useless if they help out in the absence of electricity, but in a private house it is necessary to provide a multifunctional boiler( gas, firewood, electricity) so that it does not have to freeze at night in the bedroom or dig holes in the wall under the coaxial pipeline.

Electrofireplace will provide the living room with pathos, not false, but a true sense of comfort. Finally, traditional stoves are still useful for workshops, subject to fire safety conditions. Electric convectors are simply designed to replace the heating radiators on the walls in the absence of central heating.

In-home heaters for a house with ceramic elements are characterized by high efficiency and speed of operation. The advantages of the devices will be appropriate application.

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