Planting and growing tomatoes in open ground in Belarus

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The historic homeland of tomatoes - Latin America. The plant at the genetic level is demanding on the temperature and light conditions. Return frosts on the territory of the Central region and Belarus are possible until the end of May. Before establishing average daily temperatures above +10 degrees, planting tomato seedlings in open ground is highly undesirable.


  • Dates for planting tomatoes in the open ground in Belarus and the Kuban
  • varieties that can be planted
    • Tomatoes open ground for Belarus
      • Vilina
      • Kalinka
      • Rouge
    • For Kuban
      • Asvon F1
      • Kuban Gift
      • New Kuban
  • Sowing the seeds for seedlings
    • Preparation of beds
    • Growing seedlings
    • Planting scheme
  • Errors that gardeners allow when transplanting into soil

Terms for planting tomatoes in open ground in Belarus and Kuban

For such regions as Belarus and Kuban that are not similar in climate and light regime, even the agricultural technology of tomatoes differs. It makes no sense to grow seedlings for tomatoes in the Kuban - it is easier and cheaper to sow the seeds immediately in the ground, until the earth has lost the remnants of winter moisture.

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At the other extreme, the tomato bush does not have time to grow and give the crop in the short summer of Belarus. Only one way out - the use of agricultural technology with a seedling method of growing tomatoes in open ground.

Greenhouse to protect seedlings from spring frosts in Belarus

Only in the 2nd half of May - early June, an acceptable temperature is established for growing tomatoes. Given the vagaries of the weather, it is advisable to plant the seedlings using light film covers.

  1. Frost protection - withstands short-term drops to -2 degrees.
  2. Transplanted plants under shelter take root better - there is no need for frequent watering and loosening.
  3. Convenient for vacationers of the day off - 4-5 working days seedlings do not require attention.
Summer heat and mild winter - this is how the climate of Krasnodar Territory can be described. A full crop of tomatoes in the Kuban can be obtained in a seedless way.
Features of planting in the Kuban:
  1. From the first days of growth, a seedling forms a powerful root system.
  2. Plants do not need acclimatization after transplantation, due to this - healthier.
  3. No cost for seedlings.
In Kuban, you can plant tomato seeds directly into the ground

Varieties that can be planted

Claimed by the breeders only zoned varieties give a crop. They are most adapted to the characteristics of the local climate.

Tomatoes of open ground for Belarus

Zoned varieties

  • of early maturity - “Profitable”, “Talalikhin”, “Bely poured”, etc.;
  • middle ripening - “Rouge”, “Peremoga”, “Excellent”.

These and other varieties of the Belarusian Scientific-Research Institute of Vegetable Growing are resistant to bad weather conditions - they are little affected by fungal diseases.


Hybrid of early term of ripening bears fruit within 25-45 days. Srednerosly shrub brings an average of 2.5-3.0 kg of round fruits weighing 80-100 g of excellent taste. This variety is highly resistant to Alternaria and Septoria.


Adapted to the conditions of Belarus variety with an unusually friendly return of the crop. Srednerosly bush brings 2.5-3.0 kg of small, very tasty fruits with a thin peel weighing 60-70 g. These tomatoes are relatively resistant to late blight and other infections.


Medium ripening variety introduced to the register in 1994.Compact medium-sized bush 50-60 cm with dense foliage gives 2.5-3.0 kg of bright red tomatoes with an average weight of up to 100 g. Tomatoes of high taste rating have a universal purpose.

Under the film cover and in greenhouses, the yield reaches 8 kg.

Resistant to late blight and other fungal diseases.

For Kuban,

Varieties for the Krasnodar Territory and the Donetsk Region should be drought-resistant and adapted to high summer temperatures. Well feel varieties with thick greens, which covers the fruit from the rays of the scorching sun.

Asvon F1

A determinant variety of tomatoes for industrial and home cultivation using a seedless method. Very fruitful grade for tselnoplodny conservation. With 1 bush, you can get up to 10 kg of tomatoes weighing 60-70 grams.

Characteristic - the fruits do not crack when processed and retain their presentation in the bank. The only negative - the crop can be obtained only on very fertile soil: ideally, a mixture of humus and sand.

A gift of Kuban

A medium to 0.7 m tomato with thick large foliage. The vegetation period is 110-115 days. A red-colored tomato is a round tomato slightly pointed to the bottom. Average yield - up to 5 kg from a bush. Fruits of universal appointment weighing 100-120 grams tasty and fleshy .The variety is resistant to cracking and top rot.

Novelty Kuban

A mid-latent universal ultra determinant variety was bred for mechanized harvesting and processing. Tasting assessment of fruits - 4.7 points. For gardeners, the variety is convenient because it does not require daily care, the mature heart-shaped fruits do not crack and firmly hold. Tomatoes weighing about 100 grams are collected in brushes( 3 pcs. Each) yield from 1 square meter.meters to 7 kg of fruit.

The height of the bush is only 20-40 cm, the growing season is 140-150 days, until the frost in late September - early October.

If you plant 3 of these varieties on the plot, a continuous conveyor of fresh tomatoes is provided for the whole season.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Tomato seedling is ready for transplanting into open ground when it has 3-4 pairs of true leaves. This usually occurs on the 50-55 day from the time of sowing the seeds. It is possible to sow seeds for seedlings in the normal mode, depending on the variety and area, select the terms.

Preparation of beds

For growing tomatoes in the open air, beds should be prepared in advance, preferably in the fall. This is done not only to save time in the spring. The soil enriched with nutrients should be structured: the elements applied to the soil should be distributed evenly and be transformed by soil bacteria into a form accessible to tomatoes.

Autumn preparation of the beds is preferable to

. Under digging from the autumn, they make up 1 square meter.m beds

Natural ● 5-7 kg( 1 bucket) of humus or compost;

● 0.5 L Bank of Wood Ash.

Mineral ● 80-100 g of nitroammofoski( the dose is slightly increased - most of it will go to the ground with melt water)
Phosphate mineral fertilizers are poorly soluble in water - they are applied to the soil only in autumn. If you add granules in the spring, undissolved fertilizers can burn the roots.

Flower beds can be prepared and vein. Only this must be done in advance - no less than 2 weeks before planting the seedlings.

Growing seedlings

Before planting seedlings in the soil, fertilizing is done in 7-10 days; complex fertilizers should be added to young plants. The easiest way to prepare an solution is the Kemira or Master top dressing special for seedlings. It is very simple to prepare them: according to the instructions, 5 grams of fertilizers( 1 tsp) are dissolved in 2 liters of water.

Hardening seedlings

Seedlings before planting in open ground should be taught to direct light and open air - harden. For such a tempering procedure, seed boxes with tomatoes are taken out at first by 0.5 hours and gradually increase the time to 2 hours.

Planting scheme

The distance between the bushes depends on the size of the plant itself. In the backyard, tomatoes are preferably placed in double rows with a north-south orientation. For the climatic conditions of Belarus, this location has many advantages.

  1. Medium grade varieties( from 50 cm) grow better on supports. Dual rows allow you to fix bushes on a common trellis or wire.
  2. Tomatoes are evenly illuminated by the sun during the day and are well ventilated. This is the best prevention of fungal diseases.
  3. If necessary, the double row can be easily protected with a light film cover on the arcs.
  4. All tomatoes at a glance - it is easy to care for the garden and harvest.
Cultivation of tomatoes in Belarus and Kuban differ not only in the way( seedling and seedless), but also in the density of planting on the bed of open ground.
Belarus Pretty cool and damp summer Free location on the garden for better ventilation and lighting
Kuban Hot sun and little rainfall
  1. Plants should prune each other to protect from the sun's rays.
  2. Dense planting of bushes retains moisture in the soil.

For Belarus, the optimal distance for medium-sized tomato varieties is 50 cm in a row and 60-70 cm between rows for band planting in double rows. The passage between the rows should be at least 1 m.

Errors that gardeners allow when transplanting into the ground

Growing tomatoes does not present any difficulty even for beginning gardeners. Tomatoes have never been special sissies - this is a very hardy plant.

There are a number of errors that can be avoided.

  1. Too early planting of seedlings in open ground.
  2. The application of excess fertilizer per well. Nitrogen fertilizers make you gain green mass, and not form flowers and ovaries.
  3. Excessive watering, including watering over the leaves, which will inevitably lead to an epidemic of fungi.
  4. Thickness of the beds in the conditions of Belarus will not lead to the expected yield increase, but will only provoke diseases.
  5. As soon as the seedlings take root, start the formation of a bush - this will improve ventilation and increase plant immunity.
  6. Stop the watering as soon as the tomatoes have gained a characteristic variety.
Moderate correct watering of tomatoes

The climate of Belarus is quite different from the subtropics - the nightshade of the nightshade. Key points for the success of growing tomatoes in Belarus:

  • correctly calculate planting dates for seedlings;
  • in time to land young plants in the prepared bed;
  • provide maximum comfort for seedlings until it grows.

Compliance with simple rules guarantees the harvest of zoned tomato varieties.

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