Delicious, juicy plum - one of the favorite trees in the summer cottage, but also quite capricious in the care. But the result is worth it, besides, you can choose a variety with your favorite taste.
In order for the harvest to be generous, it is necessary to choose a sapling suitable for your particular growing region.
Consider the best and most popular varieties of plums. After all, to select the desired tree, you should know its characteristics.
- best varieties of yellow plums and their description
- Morning
- Tatar yellow
- Early loschinskaya
- White Honey
- Early-maturing
- The July
- Nina early
- Golden Ball
- early appearance
- Mid-
- souvenir East
- Romain
- Late-
- Greengage Michurinsky
- Svetlana
- What gradeplums are better for the Moscow region
- Plums and their description
Owing to their bright golden color and interesting honey taste, they seem most attractive for cultivation. Below we describe those that are most popular and in demand.
Self-propelled variety , medium size, first harvest in the sixth year after planting. Parents of the variety are Renklod Ullensa and Skorospelka red, as a result of the crossing of which Morning plum was obtained.
Fruits are collected in early August of , on average 15-20 kg of plums are collected from a tree.
The fruits are round, rather large sizes, are yellow in color with a greenish tint to , they may turn a shade of pink in the sun.
The plum has a yellow, moderately juicy and hard pulp, not too honey, with characteristic sourness due to the considerable presence of ascorbic acid.
The variety is not too resistant to attacks of such pests as aphids and moths, no immunity to fruit rot, frost resistance is average.
Variety plum Morning is self-fertile, large-sized fruits, frost-resistant medium
Tatar yellow
Bred by free pollination of the green green yellow. Medium-sized medium hardiness tree , poorly resistant to pests and diseases, which is a lack of variety.
Pollination by other varieties is necessary, as the described is not self-procreating.The crop is harvested at the end of the summer by .The fruits of this variety have an average size, bright honey-yellow color. They are juicy, with a grainy sweet-sour pulp.
Early Loschinskaya
The variety with high frost resistance is therefore suitable for cultivation even in very cold climates. Not self-fertile, so other plums are needed for pollination.
Fruiting the tree begins already five years after planting, allowing the best fruitful years to collect about 30 kg of plums from each.
The fruits are large, moderately soft, the stone is well separated , a pleasant honey aroma and flavor. Yellow plum with a greenish tint, sometimes with a blush.
The yield is early, and the fruits are capable of keeping ripe for a long time on the branches without dropping.
Plum varieties Early Loshchinskaya suitable for growing even in very cold climates, not self-procreatingOther pollinating trees are needed, Renklod and Hungarian Early are most suitable.
A tall tree with a rounded, not very thick crown, the most favorable for the rapid and uniform ripening of fruits.
A large-growing tree, sometimes reaching a height of 5 meters, occupies a large area in the garden. This must be considered when choosing a landing site.You may be interested in our articles:
- A detailed description of the Plum variety Candy.
- Description of the plum variety Chinese skoroplodnaya.
- Description of the Ural red plum variety.
The taste of plums resembles the real honey, due to which the variety got its name. The fruits themselves are large, sometimes of uneven size in one crop, rounded shape with a dense skin of yellow color.
Plums of this class are excellent in transporting , they have good commercial properties. Characterized by the presence of the pulp of a rich yellow color.
Juicy, very sweet with a moderately sour taste. Due to the structural density of the pulp is poorly separated from the bone.
White honey unpretentious to the growing area , high-yielding, tolerates even the strongest frosts. It takes root in any climate zone.
Early ripening
are considered to be the earliest varieties of plums for those that start to harvest from the end of July on .Consider the most popular ones.
A medium-sized tree with a not too thick crown, the crop is harvested by the end of July. The variety is distinguished by large fruits of red color with a violet shade of oval, elongated shape. The flesh of the plums is yellow, dense, very sweet.
After planting, begins to bear fruit in the third year of the , with one plum you can remove about 12 kg of the crop. It grows well in sunny areas with moderate humidity. Eat fresh or canned.
Prunus Variety July fruits on the third year after planting, large, very sweet fruitsUp to 15 kg of dark-purple large fruits can be regularly removed from one tree.
Plums have a wax coating, yellow sweet flesh with a pronounced sourish taste, well separated from the stone.
The variety is winter-proof. Zarechnaya plums are eaten fresh or prepared from it.
Golden Ball
High-yielding variety , one of the best among the yellow plums. The first crop is removed already 3-4 years after planting the seedling.
Especially valued for large yellow fruits with an original peach and pineapple flavor, golden yellow color.
A distinctive feature is the arrangement of fruits on the branches, they seem to stick around them.
Plum variety Golden ball high-yielding, fruit with an original peach and pineapple flavorPlums are medium in size, red, with juicy, moderately sweet, aromatic pulp.
The variety is considered to be dessert , well transported. From one tree remove up to 10 kg of a crop.
Some of the best varieties of mid-season plums include Oriental souvenir and Romain .
Oriental souvenir
The tree of this variety has a spreading crown, reaching 3 m in height. Large plums are round in shape, when ripe they turn orange. Over-grown fruits acquire burgundy color.
The flesh is orange-yellow, characterized by a juicy and dense texture, crisp.
Plums are distinguished by the sweet, spicy taste of with a sourness and a pronounced peach-like aroma. The bone of the fruit is small, almost not separated, because it is preferable to use plums varieties Souvenir East fresh.
When making compotes, fruits break up and fall apart, so it is good to cook jams and juices with pulp.The variety is highly frost-resistant, it is characterized by abundant spring bloom , it needs plum pollinators. Fruit harvest from one tree, formed in clusters, is collected up to 40-45 kg.
The variety is susceptible to perforated spotting, klyasterosporiozu, makes hard winter-spring thaw.
Plum variety Oriental souvenir is highly frost resistant, it is preferable to use fresh fruitThe crown is small, the fruit is rather small in the shape of a heart, burgundy, with a characteristic almond flavor.
Plums of this category, , bloom from mid-May, and the crop is removed by the end of September, .
Renklod Michurinsky
The tree of this variety is characterized by a medium-thick rounded crown. The first harvest comes after 3 years with large, regular fruits with a purple-red color.
The flesh is very juicy, tender, orange in color, with a pleasant sour taste.
Juice Renklod plum is colorless. Stone is well separated, suitable for preservation. The variety is well transported and stored in the refrigerator.
Renklod Michurinsky plum variety is well suited for preservation,
is well transported and stored Svetlana
high-yielding variety, more than 40 kg of fruits are removed from one plant. Yellow plums, elongated, irregular elongated shape of medium size.
Flesh of a light yellow shade, crisp and dense, sweet and sour, with firm skin and poorly separated small bone.
Fruiting begins after 3-4 years, it is highly resistant to frost, moderate - to catastrophic and rubella. It is not immune to moniliasis.Fruits are suitable for processing and the use of fresh , well transported.
Which varieties of plums are better for
near Moscow? Almost all of the above varieties of plums are suitable for growing in the Moscow region of .The following varieties are also suitable for growing in the Moscow region.
In addition to high frost resistance, the variety perfectly tolerates the repeated spring frosts, which are often the culprits of the loss of the crop during the flowering period.
Fruiting is plentiful and regular, the harvest from one tree reaches 50 kg.
Plums of bright yellow color, have good sweet-sour taste, pleasant aroma.
The tree grows up to 5 m in height. tolerates drought well and is resistant to fungal and viral diseases.
Plum Yakhontovaya perfectly tolerates frost and drought, resistant to fungal and viral diseases
Russian plum
Or plum hybrid grows in almost all gardens of the Moscow region. It is a hybrid variety of cherry plum, obtained by crossing it with the Ussuriisk plum, due to which the variety has acquired sufficient frost resistance.
also differs from ordinary cherry plum moderately in large fruits with juicy pulp .
Scythian gold
A species of cherry plum obtained by breeding from plum Kuban Comet.
Tree of medium height with a spreading crown. The fruits are bright yellow, rather large in size, with a pronounced plum aroma and delicate flavor.
Hungarian Bogatyrskaya
Plum late ripening, fruits are removed in September. It tolerates frost, high-yielding variety.
50 to 70 kg of oval-shaped purple plums with a bright aroma and sweet honey taste are collected from a single tree.
High-yielding plum variety Hungarian Bogatyrska tolerates frost
traveler The frost-resistant variety is immune to viral and fungal diseases. For landing it is better to choose a sunny place. The rich harvest of is taken at the end of July.
Fruits are yellow with a purple side, orange flesh. The most suitable variety for making jam.We have described the best varieties of plums, of which each summer resident can choose a suitable variety, focusing on taste, resistance to diseases and frost, as well as other criteria.
Choosing a place for planting a seedling, give preference to well-lit and places not too blown by the winds.
- Plums and their description