Chokes for fluorescent lamps: the device, the purpose of the scheme to connect +

Throttle for fluorescent lamps is an indispensable element for the launch of the device and its subsequent free operation.

Studied in detail the features and wiring diagram, you can self-assemble luminaire and execute it to run correctly connecting all the components in the electric circuit.

The content of the article:

  • Purpose and throttle device
    • Why do you need the ballast?
    • What is a Choke?
  • Driving + independent activation
  • Overheating of the throttle and the possible consequences
  • Useful videos on the topic

Purpose and throttle device

Discharge lamps, fluorescent representative is, you can not ignite as normal, providing electricity. They simply will not work. To obtain this type of illumination sources need to additionally use a starting-regulating device.

Why do you need the ballast?

It follows that it is necessary not only to ensure the flow of current, but also to attach it to the operation voltage of the fluorescent lamp.

Therefore, the inclusion of the scheme involve ballast - resistance. It is included in series with the lamp and is designed to limit the current flowing through its electrodes.

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Its role can perform various electrical components:

  • in the case of DC - it resistors;
  • at ac - inductor, a capacitor and a resistor.

Among these devices the most successful one is a choke. It has a reactance without excessive heat release. Able to limit the current, preventing its avalanche increase when you turn on the grid.

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Throttle in switching power circuits
The choke limits the magnitude of the AC to the desired parameters. The pulse circuits supply its purpose - to block the sharp spikes of the transformer, passing the smoothed voltage
Limiter in high-frequency electrical circuits
In order to implement high frequency electrical circuits. Moreover, they often do not use cores. Execution can be single or multilayer
Sectional Winding wires
In a range of long and medium waves, to provide the required / specified parameters of a circuit used special design element - sectional winding wires
Cores in the form of rings
Application of magnetic cores nonrandom. It allows to significantly reduce the size of the reactor at the same parameters of inductance. At high frequencies, and uses ferrite magnitodiehlektricheskih compositions. The cores in the form of a ring it possible to obtain a large inductance
Throttle in switching power circuits
Throttle in switching power circuits
Limiter in high-frequency electrical circuits
Limiter in high-frequency electrical circuits
Sectional Winding wires
Sectional Winding wires
Cores in the form of rings
Cores in the form of rings

Choke is not only an essential element in the starter circuit switching, it performs the following functions:

  • It contributes to a safe and adequate for a particular current bulbs, which provides rapid heating of its electrodes during fueling;
  • high voltage pulse produced in the winding, facilitates discharge occurrence in the flask Fluorescent;
  • It provides stabilization of discharge at a nominal value of electric current;
  • promotes trouble-free operation in spite of the bulb deviations voltage periodically occurring in the network.

Important for the functioning of fluorescent light sources has a throttle inductance. Therefore, when buying this electromechanical component should pay attention to technical parameters that must match the bulbs.

Electromechanical gear
When selecting an electromechanical gear, which is also called a choke or current limiter, are important not only tehparametry but reputation of the manufacturer - unknown Chinese company can offer a limiter, the real characteristics of which are considerably lower stated

What is a Choke?

Throttle, used in circuits incorporating fluorescent type bulbs - this is nothing like winding wire on the core - inductor. It was her industrial design and is known as the choke in electrical engineering, which literally translates as "limiter".

Various types of throttles
Different types of windings with different cores, different size, shape and appearance. Inductance particular product depends thickness wire windings in the winding arrangement density and their number, shape and other parameters of the core

Throttle with the desired specifications is produced in industrial conditions, so the consumer will have no problem in selecting the desired option, the corresponding plug-in parameters light bulbs.

Moreover, having a collection of various electrical devices, such capabilities power tools and accessories can try on their own to build a coil to the desired inductance.

Image throttle in the schemes
The diagrams throttle image may differ. The circuits connecting fluorescent light bulbs more often you can find an option L6 - winding with a magnetic ferrite core

Choke consists of the following elements:

  • wire of insulating material;
  • core - most of the ferrite type or other material;
  • sealing compound, The compound - it is composed of substances that are resistant to combustion, which provides additional insulation of the turns of the winding wire;
  • housingIn which the winding is placed - it is produced from heat-resistant polymers.

The existence of the element depends on the features and characteristics of the specific model current limiter.

Connecting lamp via a throttle
Participating in the ignition circuit of the discharge bulb with a starter, the inductive reactance of the choke limits the current in time of energization of the lamp, and generation of self-induced EMF in the amount of 1000 ensures its ignition and combustion stabilizes arc

The starter circuit is imperfect, though, and shows excellent results. But the flickering light bulb, noise and choke its large size, as well as the false start due to an unreliable starter led to the invention, an improved version puskoregulyatora - e.

Electronic ballast during operation help to reduce the power loss of up to 50%, eliminate the flashes bulb. Their use is possible to reduce the weight of the throttles, as well as significantly improve the impact of the lighting device.

True electronic ballast EMPRA cost is significantly higher, and you need to purchase from manufacturers with an excellent reputation - such as Philips, Osram, Tridonic, Other.

Driving + independent activation

Fluorescent light bulb just is not included - it requires ignitor and current limiter.

The miniature models of the manufacturer, all these elements prudently integrated into the housing and the consumer can only screw the product into a suitable cartridge lamp / chandelier and flip the switch.

And for more overall products require ballasts, which is both electromechanical and electronic type.

To attach it properly, ensuring trouble-free operation of the device, will know how to connect the individual elements in the electric circuit.

Various versions of switching light bulbs
Wiring fluorescent bulbs (EL) with the throttling device, where LL - this choke, SV - starter, C1, C2 - capacitors

However, with the scheme, but without practical experience in the implementation of this kind of work, it will be difficult to cope with the task.

Moreover, if you want to connect away from home - in the hall or other educational institution public institutions - the unauthorized interference in the power supply may result in problems.

To do this, in the state institutions should be an electrician working on a permanent basis, or serving the institution as needs his services.

Connection of two light bulbs
In the scheme is implemented to connect two lamps in series luminescent type. A significant problem - if you break / burn one of them, then the second, too, will not work

Consider a two-step connection to the mains tubular LL using the starter circuit. What need 2 starter throttling component type must necessarily correspond to the type of light bulbs.

And also should pay attention to the total capacity of the starter, which should not exceed this setting at the throttle.

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Installing the holders for the bulbs
First, in the luminaire housing put holders for lamps - 2 for each. And the same mechanisms for securing 2 starters. These parts are equipped with sockets - terminal blocks
Location of bulbs in holders
The holders must be carefully put each of the LL of the tubular type, taking care not to break the bottle. All actions should be performed when disconnected from the network lamp
Connecting a short wiring to the starter holder
To assemble the electrical circuit required to stock short and longer wires. Short wire to be inserted into the holder of the connector for the starter
Performance testing the assembled circuit
The second end is connected to one of the mounting holes of the first type of fluorescent bulb. It is important to ensure good contact with the
Compound long wire with a starter holder LL
The second holder socket for the first starter to insert a long posting, good fixing it there. To live not interfere, it should be carefully put in the cavity of the lamp
The second end of the core is attached to the second starter lamp holder
The second end of the length of the line to be placed and fixed in one of the slots of the second holder of the first LL. Moreover, this connector must be symmetrical hole on the opposite side of the bulb, which is already fixed wire, extending from the starter
The compound of the first tube with the second one-chain
Now it is necessary to interconnect the first LL in the second. To do this, you need to take another short postings - one end is fixed in a free slot of the first light bulb, and the second is connected to a hole near the second carrier LL
Connecting the power cable
At the first light bulb on the back side was another free slot. It is to be used to power the circuit - you need to connect the power cable wire, which will later be included in the grid
Installing the holders for the bulbs
Installing the holders for the bulbs
Location of bulbs in holders
Location of bulbs in holders
Connecting a short wiring to the starter holder
Connecting a short wiring to the starter holder
Performance testing the assembled circuit
Performance testing the assembled circuit
Compound long wire with a starter holder LL
Compound long wire with a starter holder LL
The second end of the core is attached to the second starter lamp holder
The second end of the core is attached to the second starter lamp holder
The compound of the first tube with the second one-chain
The compound of the first tube with the second one-chain
Connecting the power cable
Connecting the power cable

When connecting the power cable to the lamp it is important to remember that for the current limitation responds throttle.

Therefore phase power wire to be connected through it, and connect the neutral wire in the light bulb.

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Phase core power supply cable is connected to the choke
The second strand of the supply cable must be inserted into the connector electromechanical ballast, which is also called a choke. Proper hole selected on the basis of the symbols applied to its housing
The compound of the second valve with the second starter
Now we have to go further formation of the circuit by connecting the second LL with a second starter, or rather, with its holder. To do this, you need to take another short wire and insert one end into the socket bulb holder, and the second - the starter mounting hole
Connecting to the circuit of the second face of the lamp
A similar procedure to be done on the other side of the tubular Fluorescent, also using short postings. Particular attention should be paid to the reliability of contact being created - so that nothing is dangling
The compound of the second valve with throttle
It remains to complete the formation of the chain using another long wire, the end of which will connect the second bulb holder in the free connector, and the second - the opening of the throttle component
One by one for each starter bulbs
Now we need to consolidate all of the circuit elements required for the assembled system. Purchased in advance for this, take 2 starter. It is important to be consistent with the type and power parameters LL
Installing starters in holders
Each starter, which is also called starter, should be placed in pre-prepared holders, which have already connected wires. This element is a small flask with two electrodes - the rigid and flexible bimetallic
Choke one to two light bulbs
The second starter similarly mounted in the cavity of the holder, located on the opposite side near the throttle. From one ballast component 36 can be powered W bulbs 2
Performance testing the assembled circuit
It remains the most interesting - check the assembled circuit, including the power cable into the power grid in action. If done correctly, the two LL run and begin to shine. Otherwise, they do not react
Phase core power supply cable is connected to the choke
Phase core power supply cable is connected to the choke
The compound of the second valve with the second starter
The compound of the second valve with the second starter
Connecting to the circuit of the second face of the lamp
Connecting to the circuit of the second face of the lamp
The compound of the second valve with throttle
The compound of the second valve with throttle
One by one for each starter bulbs
One by one for each starter bulbs
Installing starters in holders
Installing starters in holders
Choke one to two light bulbs
Choke one to two light bulbs
Performance testing the assembled circuit
Performance testing the assembled circuit

Such wiring diagram relevant for large lighting. As for compact models, they are equipped with a built-in mechanism for start-up and adjustment - miniature ballasts, mounted inside the product housing.

Compact fluorescent light bulb
The compact fluorescent lamp socket and between the tubes with a mixture of gases is small size ballast. He copes with the unit running and lifetime can significantly outperform the other elements LL

Overheating of the throttle and the possible consequences

Using lights that have left the service life and occasionally there are a variety of failure, may result in a fire.

To avoid this situation will regularly inspect the state of lighting - visual inspection, the basic units.

overheating throttle
By the end of lamp life can be seen significant overheating of the ballast - of course, check the temperature of the water can not be, for this you should use the measuring instruments. Heating is capable of reaching 135 degrees and above, which is fraught with unfortunate consequences

When improper operation may explode the bulb lamp. The smallest particles are able to fly away in a radius of three meters. And they retain their fiery capacity, even after falling from the ceiling height on the floor.

The danger is overheating choke coil - the device consists of different types of materials, each of which has its own characteristics.

For example, insulating spacers impregnated manufacturers complex compositions, the individual elements of which have unequal flammability and smoke-forming ability.

Danger of windings circuit
Even the seven turns of the choke, which happened circuit, capable of becoming a fire hazard. Although higher probability of ignition circuit is at least 78 coils - this fact was established empirically

Apart from overheating throttling element, there are other situations with fluorescent lamps, representing a fire hazard.

It can be:

  • problems caused by violation of manufacturing technology gear that affect the final quality of the device;
  • Lens Material poor lighting device;
  • Ignition circuit - with the starter or without fire danger identical.

Keep in mind that the problems could lead negligence in the performance of the connection, the poor quality of contacts or Circuit components that often occurs when using very cheap devices purchased from unknown manufacturers.

Conscientious companies offer a guarantee on their products, and the technical parameters of devices listed on the package or the package is correct. This fact has a direct impact on the service life of both the gear and discharge lamps

Useful videos on the topic

Subtleties of the assembly of the two schemes with series LL:

The video that the throttle is and why you need it:

Throttle check for breakage subject:

On the rules of the throttle selection depending on the type of discharge lamp:

After reviewing the appointment and chokes device used to start fluorescent lamps, can be armed with the wiring diagram and try to implement it yourself. However, it is important for the home.

In public institutions the solution of such issues should be entrusted electrician spetsdopusk to electrical work.

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