Dachnik's hardships in the garden in September

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Before the onset of cold weather there are only a few weeks, and the summer resident still has so much to do! The garden in September requires attention, and the application of physical strength. After weeding, much less plants need watering and feeding. Now gardeners are faced with other, no less important tasks.

Harvesting and storage of the harvest in September

The beginning of autumn is always associated with harvesting. It's nice to fill baskets and buckets with own vegetables, roots and greens. But then they need to be saved, and the vacant beds to prepare for the next season.

In the first month of autumn, while warm and dry, they gather in the garden:

  • tomatoes;
  • sweet and hot pepper;
  • eggplant;
  • color, white-head, Savoy and Peking cabbage of early autumn ripening periods;
  • radish and radish, sown in the second half of summer;
  • spicy-flavored greens.
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Until the years of insect pollinators have ceased, the green beans are actively fruiting, zucchini and squash are tied. No month of the year can compare with September with the variety and abundance of the harvest. On potato ridges, where the leaves are already drooping and dried, dig potatoes, harvest beets, carrots, it is time to collect root parsley and celery.

Although the day is still very warm, at night the first autumn month can present a surprise in the form of freezing.

Even a short-term drop in temperature threatens to reduce the quality and early damage of fruits of all solanaceous cultures, courgettes and cucumbers. From frosts, pumpkins suffer and the tops of root crops rising above the soil level. This should be taken into account when leaving the work schedule in the garden in September.

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If the cold rainy days are approaching, it is useful to cover up the untreated material or film before they are freed from the plant beds. Tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins can be removed even by unripe. At home, in dryness, they gradually mature.

Before the kitchen garden is completely bare, the vault is prepared in advance. Cellars and cellars by September should be dried and cleaned, processed from fungus and rot, and racks and containers washed. To root crops, potatoes, cabbage and pumpkins for a long time, the basement needs efficient ventilation. The existing channels are cleaned of cobwebs and dust, and vegetables are placed so that they always have access to fresh air.

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Earthwork in the garden in September

The garden is released from plants in September, preparing for the winter and the next season. As soon as the potatoes are dug out, beets and carrots, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables are removed, the tops are harvested and burned. In compost, these plant remains should not be sent, so as not to accumulate harmful fertilizers in fungi, bacteria and insect larvae.

The exception is legumes, accumulating nitrogen in the roots. In order to enrich the soil, only the above-ground part is removed and composted, the rest is dug up or pass the beds with the cultivator.

Before the cold weather, there is time to:

  • remove and dig up the garden;
  • improve soil composition;
  • to fight against soil pests;
  • make fertilizer and dolomite flour for deoxidation.

In autumn manure and bird droppings are introduced into the ground. Over the winter, fresh organic matter will be able to perernite and will not harm the root system of plants in the spring.

To improve the structure of the soil in the sandy soil add humus, chernozem, clay. A dense clay substrate is enriched with peat and sand, structured humus. This will make the soil easier, roots get more oxygen, moisture does not accumulate and does not cause rotting of cultivated plants. Under the planting in autumn, wood ash is introduced, which gently reduces the acidity of the soil and replenishes the natural reserves of potassium and other useful elements.

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If the site is occupied by perennial rhizome weeds, peeled beds and passages between They can be treated with chemical weapons, which in spring and summer are dangerous for cultural plantings.

We must not forget that harmful microflora accumulates in closed ground. The soil in the greenhouses and under the hotbeds in the warm season is treated with fertile compounds, for example, phytosporin, fertilized and digested.

In the first two weeks it is not too late to sow early ripening vegetables and green cultures, for example, radish. In the second half of September garlic and onions begin to be planted in the country gardens. After the seed is embedded in the soil, the ridges are gently poured and thickly mulched.

The list of dacha work in the garden in September depends on the climatic conditions. In the north, the pinch always whips up the gardener. And in the south, he has much more time to complete the season, to harvest a crop grown in the garden and prepare for the arrival of winter.

Do not forget about the September troubles in the country - video

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