Features of Japanese cherry Sakura

Forms of East Asian species of small-cherished cherry with double flowers are known under the generalized name "Sakura" or Japanese cherry. The habitat of distribution and the birthplace of exotic plants is Japan.

Contents, are fast-growing and reach a natural height of 20 meters. Modern selection has about 400 varietal variants.

Cultivation of garden varieties is based on grafting and crossing of cultivated species with sharp-serrated wild cherry.

is characterized by a sprawling rounded crown of .Its bark has a brownish-red color and is covered with a network of small cracks.

Cherry-sakura belongs to ornamental plants, its fruits are not suitable for ingestion.

Oval leaf plates with notches around the circumference in the autumn change color in the range from dark crimson to brown. The fruits are not suitable for ingestion of , therefore cherry-sakura is considered to be an ornamental plant.

Planetary fame East Asian cherries have won a colorful flowering. Petals of the plant have shades of white and pink tonality. There are species with yellow, red and raspberry tassels.

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For the period of their dissolution in Japan, working days are canceled and the national holiday is declared Hanami.

Value of the plant for the Hanami holiday

According to one of the versions of , the sakura petals of a reddish tint were stained with the blood of family members of one of the village elders.

After he showed the ruler the scars on the backs of his children because of the cruel treatment of the prince's servants, the latter ruined them to death on the top of the mountain, where sakura grew.

Fallen petals turned pink from bloody stains. Now they symbolize the instability of children's destinies in the modern world of .

The celebration of Hanami is symbolically effected by a family atmosphere. The duration of the process depends on the flowering period of the legendary cherry.

When Sakura Blossoms, Working Days Are Canceled in Japan and the National Holiday Is Announced as Hanami

Each of the trees is dissolved for several days : sooner or later - depending on the species. As a result, a chain is formed - the flowering plants pass the baton to the unfolding.

Japanese mass media notify the residents in advance of the estimated cherry blossom time and its duration: many people prefer to travel around the country to repeatedly catch a grandiose spectacle.

Traditionally, hanami falls at the end of March or the beginning of April .

Main varieties

Kiku Shidare

The most suitable cultivar of fine-grained cherries for steppe and forest-steppe zones with moderate continental climatic conditions. Healthy trees grow to the level of 4 m, with an annual increase of about 30 cm.

Crohn in Kik Shidare plants is sprawling and prone to thickening. Sheet plates have an elliptical shape with small frequent notches in a slice and a relatively large size( 7-9 cm).

The decorative feature of kik shidare is concluded by in the early prolonged flowering period( March’s end is the first decade of April).Clusters of large diametral( 5-7 cm) densely double pink flowers are numerous and abundantly cover the branches.

Grade samoplodny .A single-planted tree with qualified care intensively blooms and bears fruit.

For growth prefers sunny areas on sandy-clay, alkaline or neutral soils. The abundance of flowering depends on the regularity and timeliness of fertilizing with superphosphates.

Sakura kiku shidare is most suitable for steppe and forest-steppe zones with moderately continental climatic conditions.


This small-web-like tree species of garden sakura is lower than its decorative counterparts( up to 10 m height in an adult tree).The shape of the crown - obratkonichna. By virtue of this, kanzan is recognized as an exotic and creative decoration of country sites.

The rate of growth of trees of the variety is medium. The foliage is elongated oval with the arrival of autumn becomes fiery yellow.

Sakura Kanzan blooms with massive fragrant pink flowers , which are grouped into hanging elongated inflorescences of 3-6 pieces. Duration of flowering is average.

The plant is light-requiring and gives priority to neutral or strongly alkaline soils.

Sakura Kansan is light-requiring, blooms with massive fragrant pink flowers

Planting and growing

For planting decorative sakura it is necessary for to pick up an illuminated and ventilated area without stagnant moisture during the floods and rains. The best choice will serve as a hill and elevation.

When choosing a landing site, it is necessary to maintain a balance between light transmission( Sakura does not like shade) and the absence of strong blowing winds. The ideal may be the wall option.

It is recommended to stop the choice on grafted seedlings, which are traditionally purchased in the fall and are maintained until spring thaws in humid spaces at room temperature. Before planting, plants should have a height of about 1.5 meters, a mature trunk and a formed root network.

It is preferable to plant in deep autumn or early spring , before swelling of the kidneys, with a well-established warm temperature regime. Simultaneous planting of several seedlings provides in the future a greater degree of flowering abundance and fruit formation.

Plants should be planted at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other and between-row space 2.5-3 m.

For planting decorative sakura, it is necessary to pick up an illuminated and ventilated area without sticking moisture.

It is advisable to place in them a mixture of the upper fertile layers of earth and humus.

Immediately before planting, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with 15-18 liters of potassium sulfate solution with the addition of superphosphates. Root neck sprinkled with earth can not .

At the end of the planting, the pristvolny zone is watered and gently mulched with humus or a thin peat layer of 4-5 cm.

At the initial stage of tree growth, care for the tree trunk should be careful and thorough. Damage to the root system and should not be allowed to promptly remove weeds .In this case, Sakura strengthened faster and without harm perezimuet.

. Features of

care. Successful growth of sakura is possible with proper care of and the creation of optimal conditions for development. Systematic drainage and regular feeding contribute to the growth of a healthy tree.

The condition of the cherries is greatly influenced by the content of nitrogen and potassium in the soil. Their lack is fraught with manifestations of acute sakura reactions: poor flowering and premature foliar discharges.

Soil depletion is eliminated by adding humus and compost( 6-8 kg) at each root. Chemical fertilization is carried out with a solution of the necessary elements at the rate of 15-18 g for one square meter of the forest zone.

Several abundant irrigations of sakura are permissible at the stage of active growth. The rest of the time it is enough to maintain the natural balance of soil moisture. Excessive moistening leads to a low degree of bud formation, poor flowering and shredding of the petals.

Young Sakura needs additional feeding, infrequent watering, pruning and shelter for the winter.

Before starting sap flow in early spring , dry and damaged branches are cut, thinning the crown .

Adult plants are frost-resistant , and young trees successfully hibernate in sheltered form. Before the beginning of the cold season, the sites of the scion, the stumps and the bases of the large branches are wrapped with agrofiber or improvised materials that do not create a greenhouse effect.

During the vegetative season of the , the sakurs are sprayed with chemicals: primary - before flowering, secondary - after a month after the ovary of the berries.


The removal of the affected and dried branches of the , sprouts that impede comfortable light absorption and sufficient air exchange, is carried out in early spring, before sap flow begins.

Fragments with traces of activity of harmful organisms are subject to cutting and burning.

Cut-off areas should be treated with garden var. It is important to ensure that gum does not form at the site of the cross sections. The appearance of adhesive growths is excluded in the case of proper drainage and irrigation.

Diseases and pests

If Sakura is affected by harmful organisms, the flowering rate decreases, the petals frown, and the tree develops behind the norm. There may be evidence of stratification of the cortex and the formation of growths.

Unwanted neoplasms should be immediately removed and the localization of the cuts with healing agents be processed.

You may be interested in the following publications:

  • Planting Bessei cherry( sand) and tree care.
  • Planting and maintenance of felt cherries.
  • Description of bush steppe varieties of cherries.

A common ailment of sakura, like other cherry trees, is , a fungus infection that causes the leaves to dry, blacken and mummify berries.

Spraying sulfur powder can help a plant in this unpleasant situation. It should cover the affected segments and prevent further spread of fungal aggression.

A common disease of sakura is a fungus infestation, which causes the leaves to dry, blacken and mummify.

The foliage that falls from the unhealthy sakura should not be left under the tree for the winter. Healthy and infected leaves and branches to be taken out of the site and burn.

Such a precaution prevents the spread of fungal diseases to neighboring cultures.

The effect of combating organic matter is enhanced by the use of insecticides. Restrictions on the use of chemical preparations are imposed on for the period of flowering and fruit set. In case of urgent need, this rule can be neglected.

To grow on the garden one of the most spectacularly flowering plants on the planet is a feasible task that does not require excessive physical, material and emotional waste.

Contemplation of the unsurpassed aesthetic impact of a natural miracle becomes a reward for your work. It is worth trying : the gurus of sakurovedenie, the Japanese, consider a person to be heartless if he is deaf to the manifestations of the surrounding beauties.

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