Installing a washing machine in the bathroom

On the site of the progorodchelny curious cases of the infliction of household appliances caused to the owners are told. In one apartment there was a fire. .. a washing machine. The 72-year-old mistress poisoned herself with decomposition products of polymers, and smoked neighbors on the floor above called firefighters. The lady of old age went to the hospital. Installing a washing machine in the bathroom can cause a short circuit of the electrical wiring of the product. It may be water inside.

How to install a washing machine in the bathroom so that there is no harm

Short circuit is often caused by wetting the wiring. Not all of it is isolated. A small amount of liquid causes the current to flow. Actually, the water does not conduct current, devoid of free moving charges. Distilled water is considered to be dielectric. But it is worth adding a few of any salts, as positive and negative type ions are formed, carrying an electric current. Anodization method based on property. The negative electrode attracts from the solution precipitating cations( positive ions) of metals. A lot of protective coatings are obtained in this way.

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The water in the tap is far from being distilled; it contains salts washed from the earth's crust, missed by the filter at the water intake. On the way, a little rust is caught, the liquid is chlorinated. As a result, in the water there is a mass of carriers of both signs, conducting electricity. It is necessary to create a wet path between the ground and the phase voltage of 220 V, immediately the current flows. Inside the kinescope, the potential is generally close to 10 kV.This kind of tension will just blow everything up.

Voltage is present in many devices. In the microwave, for example, holes are made for ventilation above the halogen grill and to the left, where there are no electronic circuits. On the right is a magnetron, there is a high voltage obtained from 220 V. In order to eliminate the chance of water getting into the holes on the right side, they do not. They don't joke with voltage even in the living room, in the bathroom it is forbidden by law to use equipment with a voltage of 220. 12 V maximum.

Epilators and razors count on the latter value. With rare exceptions, such devices are equipped with a waterproof case and the possibility of wireless operation. So much easier to use. It is allowed to shave right under the shower, but you should not try to pour water inside the case of the washing machine. The risk factor is always present. In some models, even a simple leakage protection is missing! Everywhere, where there is a similar technique, a floor drain is required - the first remark on the installation of washing machines in the bathroom.

Owners of ordinary apartments like can not afford. Washing machines of the machine stand with foreigners in the kitchen or in the basement. In these rooms, the risk of electric shock falls. In the washing machine a lot of grounding. For example, TENA has an average contact for this purpose. The outlet for the washing machine is necessarily grounded, and the wire for wiring is used for at least three cores. Do not start electricity directly into the bathroom. Even the fans for exhaust work on regulators hung outside.

Ordinary Russians usually use an extension cord for the duration of the wash, trying to put it outside the bathroom. Preferred typical "rat", with antennae ground. In the bathroom it is important, the pipes show zero potential relative to the ground, it is easy to get an electric shock.

Do not ground over the water pipe, especially the gas pipeline.

A washing machine in a bathroom is always considered a danger factor, although Soviet activator models are used to be placed in this room. Most models have leakage protection, but you cannot put the socket inside the bathroom. Rare brands of washing machines detect a sealed enclosure, with the appearance of cracks, the water rushes to the floor. At best, knock out traffic jams in the shield. Recommended when installing the washing machine in the bathroom to equip the proper protection against leakage. This is done using devices:

  1. A UDI valve that shuts down with a sharp increase in flow and a pressure drop behind it. It is installed right next to the riser, to the inlet hose of the washing machine. The product is reusable, durable, made of steel. The price is 500 rubles. The technical solution protects against sudden breaks of the inlet hose of the washing machine and is unlikely to help with small leaks.
  2. Powder hose made in the form of coax. The inner space between the two coaxial tubes is empty. If the slightest leak is formed, water reaches the shut-off valve containing the absorbent. Powder, absorbing moisture, swells, the flow is blocked. The device is disposable, if a leakage has already occurred, you cannot use the powder hose anymore. The device does not protect against sudden sudden cliffs. The price is 1500 rubles.
  3. For a dishwasher in the kitchen, equipped with an integrated leak protection system, the previous two methods used at the same time are enough. But not for washing, which does not have inside the body of sensors. The machine will begin to poison the water directly on the floor. The complex protection of a bathroom, for example, Akvastrazh will help. This electronic unit mates with an extensive system of sensors installed in the required places. For example, under the case of the washing machine. In the event of an alarm, the water supply to the apartment is immediately blocked. The price starts from 8,000 rubles. The device is reusable, protects against any water leaks caused not only by the washing machine.

Where to install the washing machine in the bathroom

There are three options for installing the washing machine in the bathroom:

  • Under the sink. It will take a miniature model with a height of about 67 cm. We believe that abroad such is mounted in the furniture compartment or is built in, in Russia the technique is called "under the sink" and set accordingly. An error is indicated by the lack of commercially designed washbasin structures. The maximum will be able to buy a flat device with a siphon hole in the far corner or far behind in the middle. Uncomfortable to use.
  • Near the sink. Formed in the bathroom narrow slot on the side. Man tries to use space. This includes a top-loading washing machine. Take a narrow to fit.
  • A typical standard-sized front-loading washing machine will hardly pass through the Russian door. Narrow passes easily. Furniture bathroom for a washing machine allows you to embed the unit or hide inside the bedside table. The solution is not very successful, in the opinion of the authors.

There is not much sense to plunge into the design. Just trust your own taste. Now even wall-mounted washing machines with a load of 3 kg are produced. The design of the bathroom with a washing machine through this model will be exotic.

Do not forget that after being placed on site, the equipment will level out. Suitable construction level. Try to remove the shipping screws. It is allowed to decorate the body panels with a film coating. However, no one does this. Today, even red and blue washing machines are easy to get to put in the bathroom.

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