3 schemes, how to pinch a pumpkin in the open field
Pumpkin deservedly enjoys a reputation among gardeners: it is an indispensable source of carotene and various vitamins. It is not only tasty, but also useful. Grow it in all regions of the country in the open field.
Every gardener, for sure, has a desire to plant this berry if he, at least once, has planted it in his plot.
As a result of the fruitful activity of breeders, the species and varieties of these plants are very numerous. In the article we will look at this procedure in the care, as the correct nip and the formation of the bush.
Vegetable is an unpretentious plant for growing, besides, it does not require any special conditions of the content. But if at the time when the plant is ripening, the cultivation of the stems is not given due attention, then you can be left without a crop. Therefore, pinching is a very important procedure in the care of this plant, and directly affects the weight of the fruit and the quality of the crop.
To answer the question, you need to understand how the stem of the plant develops. From the seed planted to the formation of a new seed, the plant develops in twelve stages of morphogenesis. The bud of the growing season is transformed into a flower on the third step. In annual plants like pumpkin, the formation of flowers in conception occurs on the seventh day.
In other words, the young branch of a berry, having a 3-4 leaf phase, already has an ovary for ripening. Therefore, the gardener's task is to accurately know the mechanism of formation of ovaries and pinch the branch for the growth of female flowers. This operation adjusts the number of fruit-bearing branches.
It is necessary to understand that for full ripening of vegetables, it is enough to leave 2-3 lashes of the plant in order to get up to seven fruits, of average size.
If you leave the pumpkin without pinching and pinching, there will be many unripe fruits that will not be stored and will soon rot.
Large and ripe pumpkins that grew after pinching a plant at the stage of forming
shoots. Types and varieties of pumpkins
With all the variety of species and varieties, these vegetables are divided into two main types - the bush and multi-leaf pumpkins. In multiple-leaf plants, all lashes should be sent in a certain direction, making timely pinching, pinching and cutting of interfering leaves.
The bush types of pumpkins have small internodes and many shoots. On the main shoot, the first fruit is formed and it must be pinched. They need to form a bush: remove side shoots that do not bear fruit, and unnecessary leaves. After such procedures, the fruits will ripen faster and their quality will improve.
Pumpkins are conventionally divided by purpose:
Decorative pumpkins. These vegetables are mainly for crafts;
Aft. In these varieties, the name says it all: they are used to feed animals;
Dining varieties. These varieties are ubiquitous and dwell on them a little more.
Pumpkin, - the only vegetable that improves its qualities during storage. Under the necessary conditions, the starch is converted into sugar, and it becomes sweeter, moreover, carotene accumulates.
pumpkin Vitamin, late and high-yielding variety is a long-varied species. Fruits weighing up to 6 kg, thin, with a short oval, orange-red flesh, have a high content of carotene.
With early ripening, the Little Red Riding Hood variety is also distinguished by high yields: can produce up to 20 fruits per plant. They are thick-skinned, have a small weight, with a very interesting shape, resembling a turban. Lash length up to 3 meters.
Early ripe variety Smile constantly pleases gardeners with its yield. On one bush it forms and matures up to 6-7 fruits. Vegetables are small, from one to two kilograms, orange in color, have a sweet, fragrant taste.
Pumpkin Shrub Gold has large fruits up to 3 kg, round flattened shape. Ripens fruit on day 90.The pulp of the berry is yellow, - juicy, slightly sweetish.
Of the bush species, the variety Gribovskaya bush should also be noted. The variety grows very compactly, since it has no branches, up to 8 kg of fruits can be collected from 1 m2. Vegetables are orange in color, very juicy and sweet to taste and can be stored for a long time.
Variety smile Gourd mushroom pumpkin Little Red Riding Hood Vitamin variety pumpkin Shrub gold pumpkin
Pinching and the formation of pumpkinsDepending on the variety and region, as well as on weather conditions, decide how much to leave the ovary. It is recommended to leave 1-4 ovaries. Experienced gardeners are advised to do pruning stems with different options, that is, leave one plant with one stem, another with two, and so on. Choosing and preparing a pumpkin shoot to pinching
There are different schemes:
In one stem. Forming a plant into one stem, all side shoots and unwanted ovaries should be removed immediately after their formation. On the main stem leave 2-4 ovary. After the final ovary, leave 4-6 leaves and in this place pinch the “growth point” to pinch part of the procedure, on the branches you need to cut off all the flowers - both male and female inflorescences.
In two stalks, the classic way. Leave two fruits on the main whip, and one on the side. On the side shoots save 3-4 leaflets and pinch the tops.
In three stalks, one main with 2-3 pumpkins and two side with one fruit;
When processing a vegetable, it is necessary to simultaneously form it. To do this, thin out the leaves on the left shoots, remove excess axillary shoots and direct the whips in a certain direction with each whip not prikopat, then they can turn the wind and bind the whip, which will negatively affect the growth of the plant.
As well as watering prikatannyh internodes lash, the plant will receive additional food. In another version, if the vegetable is planted near the fence, then the shoots can be hung on it. Then, when the berries are ripe, place them during growth in any nets and tie them to the fence.
Pinching pumpkins with pruners
After all these manipulations, all nutritious juices will be sent to the left fruits.
For storage, vegetables must be fully ripe, have a whole crust, with a shiny, slightly frosted pattern. If there are scratches on the surface, then they need to be treated with green paint and close up with a bactericidal plaster.
In conclusion, I would like to note that the pumpkin, with proper care, will give excellent harvest. This is a product that is useful and accessible to everyone. It only remains to include it in your diet, and the result will not take long. With its use, you can not only lose weight, but also provide your body with useful trace elements.
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