In the spring this beautiful tree pleases us with its magnificent flowering and stunning aroma, and in the summer gives us its delicious fruits. It turns out these little red berries are just a fount with vitamins .Let us consider in more detail what is the use of cherry, and what could be the harm to human health.
Table of Contents
- Fruit or Berry?
- Ingredients cherries, beneficial properties for the human
- Calorie
- benefits of cherries and berries decoction of twigs and tree bark
- cardiovascular
- Gastrointestinal
- Joints
- nervous system
- Immunity
- fight colds
- Children
- Women
- Pregnant women
- Cherry in cosmetology
- When dieting
- Contraindications to using
- The benefits and harm of cherry fresh and dried leaves
- Cherry in cooking
Fruit or meOde?
A very interesting question that stumps many of us. But still, we will find the answer. Turning to the botany, remember, what is such a fruit? A fruit is a fruit of a plant with seeds inside, with the help of which it multiplies. In our case, the seeds are bones.
So cherry, in spite of its small size is a fruit, belongs to the stone fruit type .Composition of cherries, beneficial properties for the human body

Nature has given this wonderful fruit a lot of useful substances and vitamins.
The cherry contains:
- organic acids - folic, pantothenic;
- macro and microelements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, iron and others;
- set of vitamin - A, B, C, E, PP, N.
Just an incredible amount of elements contained in such a small sour berry.
Despite the huge content of vitamins and minerals, cherries are low in calories. 100 grams of pulp contains only 52 kcal .So for those who want to get a good dose of useful elements, but do not want to get better - cherry is an excellent choice.
The benefits of cherry berries and medicinal decoctions from twigs and tree bark
Besides the fact that eating cherries is a great way to supplement your body with vitamins, you can also help it cope with illnesses. Also, this fruit and its leaves are widely used in cosmetology.
Cardiovascular system

For this system of our body, a sour berry is an indispensable therapeutic agent. Due to its high content of vitamin P, coumarin and oxycoumarin, eating cherries will help strengthen the cardiovascular system. Namely:
- normalizes blood clotting , reduces the risk of blood clots and angina;
- with high blood pressure , will help him to normal;
- strengthens vessels and capillaries;
- supports blood formation function ;
- lowers cholesterol .
Cherry is also called the “heart berry”, and this is not because of the red color, but due to the enormous benefit to the cardiovascular system .
The gastrointestinal tract
- eating cherry fruit will help to cope with constipation ;
- cherry juice, will prevent dysentery pathogens;
- cherry well whets the appetite ;

- tree sap from a tree( popularly called glue), used in inflammatory processes of the stomach.
- ,
- uses cherry juice for arthritis, sometimes with the addition of milk;
- in the treatment of gout , the use of cherries enhances the effect of medications;
- with radiculitis use a decoction of bark and twigs of the tree, which will help to cope with the pain during an attack.
- nervous system water extract from cherry is used as a sedative;
- decoction of wood bark will ease the state with neurosis.
- Immunity A high content of vitamins and minerals will prevent vitamin deficiency;
- Vitamin C content will help strengthen the immunity of as a whole.
Fighting cold
Cherry juice is useful for colds
- Cough can drink cherry juice, it is an excellent expectorant;
- Cherry juice has the antipyretic effect of , it is recommended to drink it at high temperature.
Children love this fruit very much, so delight them with juicy berries and cherry juices. Cherry contains iron, which is easily absorbed by the child's organism .Also, the use of cherries helps to increase hemoglobin. If the child has disturbed sleep, and he is too agitated, it is recommended to drink cherry juice, it has a sedative effect. Also, this delicious juice will help reduce the high temperature of
. Be sure to warn children that you should not eat cherry stones. From a pair, accidentally swallowed, nothing will happen, but if you eat a dozen of seeds, you can be seriously poisoned.Womens
Berry consumption reduces the risks of varicose extensions .During menopause, regular use of cherries will help to cope with uncomfortable sensations. The antioxidant properties of cherries slow down the aging process of .Juice and fruit pulp are part of many cosmetics.
For pregnant women
Cherries contain a large amount of iron.
For women in an interesting position, cherries will help to cope with anemia due to their high iron content. Also increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The content of folic acid in cherries is very important for the development of the baby, especially in the first trimester of .Of course, a huge amount of various vitamins will also be useful for the future mom and her baby.
It is worth remembering that in this position you need to eat everything in moderation, and this also applies to cherries.Cherry in cosmetology
Face Masks:
- Whitening. Grind a few cherries by adding a few drops of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of cream. Apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with water.
Cherry has found wide application in cosmetology
- From wrinkles. A tablespoon of pulp + a tablespoon of viburnum juice + ayine spoon of honey. All well mix and grind. Apply on face for 10 minutes, rinse with water.
- Normalization of complexion .Pounded cherry pulp mixed with pounded raspberries and strawberries, all components, 1 tablespoon. The resulting mixture is applied for 15-20 minutes on the face, rinse with water.
For shiny curls, wash your head with a decoction of cherry twigs.
When Dieting
During the diet, the body is deficient in vitamin. An introduction to the diet of cherries will help get all the necessary vitamins. Also, a frequent companion of diets are constipation. Eating cherries and cherry juice will help solve this problem.
Acidic fruit will help remove excess toxins and toxins from the body. To all this, cherry low-calorie product, but still, it is not necessary to abuse .
Contraindications to the use of
Despite all the usefulness of the fruit, there are contraindications that can not be neglected. Consumption of cherries can be harmful for such diseases:
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with a stomach ulcer;
- acidity;
- diabetes;
- lung disease( inflammatory).
Before using cherries as medicines, you should always consult with your doctor.The cherry erodes the tooth enamel , to prevent this, after consuming the sour fruit, you need to rinse the mouth well.
The benefits and harms of cherry fresh and dried leaves
The cherry tree is amazing, not only fruits are useful in it, but also leaves. To make tea, the leaves should be collected in May, when they just blossomed. That's when they have the most beneficial properties. Even if they are dried, they will not affect their components, so feel free to stock up on dried leaves for the whole year.
Cherry leaves contain many nutrients as well as
berries. They contain almost all the vitamins and mineral elements that fruits, namely: A, many from group B, C, pectins, folic acid, calcium, potassium and others..
Not only tasty and fragrant, but also healthy tea is made from cherry leaves. Due to its diuretic effect, it will help to cope with some kidney diseases, cleansing them of toxins. For a better effect, make a decoction of the leaves.
Leaf tea is very useful, with the addition of honey it is an excellent drink to strengthen the immune system and fight against colds.Also leaves of this tree will help to stop small bleeding of .To do this, clean and slightly softened sheet attached to the wound.
There are no contraindications to the use of cherry leaves. But if you decide to use them as a treatment for diseases, you should consult with your doctor.
Cherry in Cooking
This fruit is indispensable in cooking, thanks to its special taste with sourness. It produces very tasty syrups, jams, and jams. Also berries are added to pastries.
The most surprising thing is that when frozen cherries almost never lose their beneficial components .Therefore, boldly freeze these fruits and delight your family with them all year round.
Frozen Cherry
Cherry Jam
Cherry Pie
Cherry is very, very useful, it has been known for a long time. You do not have this tree in the garden? Be sure to plant and enjoy the spring beautiful flowering, and in the summer a tasty harvest. There is no such possibility, purchase already collected fruits in stores. If you have no contraindications to its use, be sure to eat at least 5 kg of per season.