Description and characteristics of tomato variety Fatima

The variety of these tomatoes is considered popular with most gardeners. Even a beginner summer resident can grow them. Its appearance is obliged to Russian breeding specialists, who first discovered it in the twenty-first century. According to the characteristics and description of Fatima refers to early ripe tomatoes.

Table of Contents for the Sort of Tomatoesvarieties, well cultivated in unprotected soil. Sprawling shrubs, reach the height of 60 centimeters , but they are not counted among the standard ones.

Fatima - a hybrid plant, has the same name F1, characterized in that it is classified as a medium-early tomato and diluted in greenhouse conditions.

Tomatoes are not susceptible to late blight disease, as well as other diseases. The yield of culture is excellent. Fruits of large size, pink color, differ in a heart-shaped form, the weight of each reaches 300-400 grams .The consistency of tomatoes is fleshy, the taste is sweetish.

Fatima has a fleshy consistency and a sweetish aftertaste.
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Tomatoes of this variety barely crack.

Cameras in the tomato is not too much, dry matter is contained on average. Mature fruits are stored for a long time. They are used for salads, sauces, tomato juices and canning.

Advantages and disadvantages of

The most important advantages of this tomato are:

  • size of ripened fruit;
  • excellent taste and trademarks;
  • versatility in use;
  • good disease resistance;
  • excellent yield.

Disadvantages by gardeners are not marked by , which allows him to take the leading places in the beds for several years already. From planting seeds to ripening, requires up to three months .

The plant is considered to be thermophilic, requires a sufficient amount of sunlight.

One of the advantages - the weight of the fruits of Fatima can reach 400 grams

. Seeding rules

Tomatoes Fatima grow in any region of Russia .Seeds should start sowing in March. Before sowing, seeds should be pre-processed in a one-percent manganese solution. If seed is stored for more than one year, then it is recommended to soak them in heated water for several hours before processing.

This tomato variety does not need pasynkovanii, but the bushes are required to tie to the supports.

Purchased planting material should not be handled, as this can only harm their germination.

For planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil composition, for which is used: the land from the garden .It contains a lot of pathogenic bacteria and other harmful parasites. To get rid of them, the soil must be disinfected by steaming. The soil is loaded into a colander, kept for ten minutes over boiling water.

Prepared land is poured into the landing tanks, they arrange five-centimeter furrows. In the hole is laid on several seeds, the distance between them - about two centimeters .After sowing, the furrows are sprinkled with earth, shed water.

Seeds of Fatima variety.

. Tomato transplantation in open ground.

. This event is allowed to start in early May .If you plan to grow tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, the seedlings are transferred in the middle of spring.

A couple of days before transplanting, seedlings need to be treated with special stimulants. These include Immunocytofit, Epine. The use of such funds will significantly accelerate the development of young bushes.

Almost all tomatoes are planted in the ground, containing a huge amount of nutritional components. For this reason, before transplanting seedlings, beds are processed with mineral compounds. In most cases, compost, phosphoric or potassium humus is used.

The soil in the beds is loosened fifteen centimeters in advance to get rid of the formed crust.

Seedlings are transplanted into small holes, the depth of which is not more than 15 centimeters .Landing lead according to the scheme "forty to fifty."Seedlings are dug at a right angle. If the bush is different in height, then immediately should be installed near the support peg for subsequent garters.

If a shrub grows large - it needs an

garter. Care after transplanting

Like all other plants, Fatima tomato bushes need care. Bushes will develop poorly in too dry ground, so will have to be irrigated regularly.

If cloudy days prevail, this event should be organized once a week .For hotter and more sunny days, the interval between waterings is reduced to two to three days.

Several times during the growing season, tomato plants must be to feed .The first time such an event takes place ten days after transplanting seedlings into unprotected beds. For this purpose, special compositions made on the basis of mullein, nitrate and superphosphate are used.

Among other things, the land between the bushes must be periodically to loosen in order to provide oxygen access to the root system. At the same time, weed vegetation is removed.

Diseases and their prevention

It has already been noted above that fitoftorois is not terrible for this tomato variety , and the tomato is excellent in other diseases. But if suddenly trouble happened, then it is recommended to treat the bushes with a special fungicidal composition. Any insecticidal drug will protect against harmful parasites.

Harvesting and storage rules

With proper care, the yield of Fatima reaches 10 kg per sq.m.
If the right care is organized and the weather is favorable for the growth of tomatoes, the yield can reach 10 kg per square meter of planting.

You can start cleaning at the end of July - beginning of August .Tomatoes are removed from the bushes as they ripen.

Considering the fact that fruits practically do not crack, they can be kept fresh for a long time.

If you follow all the recommendations, Fatima's tomatoes will delight you with a rich harvest of fruits of excellent taste. They can be used not only for personal consumption, but also for sale. Plants are unpretentious, the beginning gardener can quite be engaged in their cultivation.

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