Jetstream furnace with your hands: the device and principle of operation

The term "pyrolysis" refers to a process where there is a slow burning solid fuel to produce a gaseous medium. Despite the "professorial" facility name, make Jetstream furnace with their hands is relatively simple, and home-made, in practice, are quite common.

The explanation is simple - gasification boiler with wood are easier to maintain and often more effective and economical other similar equipment. Together, let us look at how this works and equipment that is needed for its production.

The content of the article:

  • The operating principle of the pyrolysis boilers
  • How the boiler in practice?
  • Homemade pyrolysis boiler
    • Assembling the internal parts of the equipment
    • Testing and final assembly design
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The operating principle of the pyrolysis boilers

Boilers heating systems, which are used as fuel solid combustible materials, in addition to the classic, also belong to the pyrolysis designs. Commonly referred to as gasification boiler.

To better understand the operation of the home pyrolysis boiler, it is logical to consider carefully the device of such equipment. To begin with the features of the furnace as the main part of the heating structure. In fact, the working area of ​​the fuel chamber of pyrolysis boiler is divided into two separated chambers.

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The firebox of the boiler pyrolysis

The design of the pyrolysis section in the boiler 1 - filling chamber (passive), where the pyrolysis process (partial combustion) occurs; 2 - gas combustor (active), formed during pyrolysis

One of these chambers is loaded solid fuel - wood, pellets, briquettes, etc. There begins primary solid fuel combustion process with limited supply of air. In this state, the fuel does not burn but smoulders. The gases released during slow combustion are supplied to the other chamber region - active, where even at increased rapidly burn through the air supply.

Technically, such a burning process is realized in a simple manner. Subregions common chamber simply divided grate and nozzle. The upper part of the chamber - passive furnace, the lower part of the camera - the active insert. Thus it is necessary to take into account structural feature - a top feed air into the fuel chamber (upper blast).

Actually, this design differs from the classical gasification boiler single-chamber design, where the lower supply is used.

pyrolysis boiler pump

Classical air pump design (often referred to - fan, but technically it is a wrong name), which is used in the scheme of pyrolysis boiler. This is an important detail, ensuring the efficiency of the equipment

Technologically device pyrolysis boiler characteristic point is also the organization of forced draft. The design of a two-stage combustor has inflated aerodynamic resistance. Therefore, there can not do without having to install an air pump.

How the boiler in practice?

Practical application of the equipment is convenient to consider the step by step process:

  1. Download wood - laying on top of the grate area of ​​the camera.
  2. Ignition of the fuel and commissioning flue pump.
  3. Formation wood gas at a temperature of 250-850 ° C.
  4. Transition wood gas in the lower region of the furnace.
  5. The combustion of the wood gas with additional air supply.

Further, fuel chambers obtained in the bottom region of the heat used to heat the coolant. Coolant may be either an aqueous medium or air.

A complete set of boiler parts

1 - Active chamber; 2 - water inlet; 3 - secondary air; 4 - chimney; 5 - release pipe; 6 - throttle; 7 - water outlet; 8, 9 - sensors; 10 - the thermostat; 11 - door passive chamber; 12 - primary air; 13 - passive camera; 14 - the air pump; 15 - outline of the heat exchanger; 16 - nozzle; 17 - Door of the active camera

If you pay attention to all of the existing structure of domestic boilers operating on solid fuel, the main alternative to gasification boilers in favor of the traditional performance design.

This similar embodiment of the boiler on the wood, which has a single undivided firebox bottom and working principle of the air supply to the combustion chamber. But such a system is considered to be less effective and uneconomical due to the rapid combustion of the fuel.

Pyrolysis is capable of producing the boiler efficiency at 85-95% under the condition of 100% load. However, efficiency falls off sharply when the load is less than 50%. That is why the pyrolysis equipment manufacturers recommend users to operate the equipment at maximum load.

The same holds true for the self-made designs provided they fully respond to the classical scheme of pyrolysis and operation requirements.

For the "pyrolysis" operation requirements, it should be noted fairly stringent:

  • mandatory equipment air pump;
  • allowable fuel moisture content not exceeding 25-35%;
  • load equipment is not lower than 50%;
  • return water temperature is below 60 ° C;
  • loading only major fuel array.

Also of note is the high cost of pyrolysis systems industrial manufacture. Perhaps that is why is very popular version of the "do it yourself".

Homemade pyrolysis boiler

Typically, in the manufacture of such heating technology with their hands as a basis is taken popular scheme Belyaev. We can not say that it is a simple solution that allows us to produce a heater without any problems. But perhaps one of those decisions that can actually be implemented.

Boiler scheme Belyaeva

Three-dimensional diagram of a pyrolysis boiler for the production of their own hands. This is one of the simple circuit variations, which can be done in a residential own

under this scheme the master is required for the production of equipment:

  • metal tube (d = 32; 57; 159 mm);
  • pipe profile (s = 60x30; 80h40; 20x20 mm);
  • steel strip (20h4; 30x4; 80h5 mm);
  • fireclay brick;
  • a metal sheet;
  • air pump;
  • temperature sensor.

You must also have a complete set of plumbing tools, welding machine, plus (and welder skills, Respectively). for the production of pyrolysis boiler own hands the work is clearly not master alone. At least one assistant is needed.

The first step, according to the selected scheme is necessary to prepare sheet metal parts structures. It is recommended to prepare sheet panels, cutting them to size professional precision equipment.

The use of cutting-type "grinders" hand tool also requires some skills and work compliance with safety regulations at work, but it does not ensure the accuracy of the cut, which then affects the quality of the welding performance. This point should be taken into account. The intelligent solution for cutting sheet metal - order in the machine shop.

Assembling the internal parts of the equipment

From one part of the sheet metal necessary to make the fuel cell. For this material, commensurate with the schematic parameters, connected and welded. It should get a two-part design, which should be supplemented by air ducts.

These elements of the fuel chamber are made of a metal channel bars or used for the manufacture of profiled pipe. Over the front side area of ​​the duct holes are drilled.

Ducts of pyrolysis boiler

The air passages within the combustion chamber. On these channels is fed air via an air pump. For uniform air flow distribution across the length of the channel are drilled hole

Lower level in active combustion chamber, in the wall situated across the duct, cuts into the metal tube (secondary air supply). Then begins the work with trumpets, as was the turn of the tubular heat exchanger assembly.

This part of the pyrolysis system is made of metal pipes d = 57 mm:

  1. Taken two metal sheets of drawings, the size and layout is done.
  2. On the basis of a marking location on the tube sheet holes cut d = 60 mm.
  3. Cut pipes d = 57 mm along the length dimension.
  4. The pipe ends are inserted into the holes of the sheet and scald.
  5. Repeat the operation with the other sheet.

At the output is supposed to be finished heat exchanger, which is bonded to the boiler body where indicates scheme.

The heat exchanger of the boiler

Example of manufacturing the heat exchanger of the two steel plates and tubes, cut to size. This requires high quality welding, to further the operation of the boiler had no problems

Next to the heat exchanger (the upper level) set the throttle. This part is equipped with a handle and is also welded to the structure. The end portion of the throttle body is closed with a piece of sheet under the chimney pipe.

Next, there will be only weld the front panel with the fuel chamber windows for doors for each of the two sections and the module for an air pump.

The heat exchanger with a throttle valve

Fixed part of the heat exchanger and throttle valve structure. Variant of the adjustment mechanism in the form of the hand lever to be locked in any position of the damper

Before setting the front panel, the inside of the combustion chamber must be strengthened with fireclay bricks. This material is cut to size, some of the angle. Brick grind and adapted for the place of installation.

Processing fireclay brick exposed to both fuel boiler working chamber section. In this space region accurately obkladyvayutsya flaps Air Release (of supply) pipes. After laying bricks installed front panel.

Realize fireclay brick

EXAMPLE vykladyvaniya fireclay brick inner region of the fuel chamber. Brick lining protects pyrolysis chamber wall from possible burning boiler as long term operation

In essence, the main assembly of pyrolysis boiler in this phase is complete. Assembled structure to be processed - to remove scale from welding, cleaning up welds, straighten, if somewhere there are small bumps.

In the next stage - the conclusion of the assembled structure in a sealed housing. This part of the structure is also made from metal sheets. However, before crimping needed.

Testing and final assembly design

Assembled structure must be tested. Required action - check the tightness of the boiler area where there should circulate coolant. For crimping of the heat exchanger temporarily set caps on nozzles heating feed and return.

Then the heat exchanger is charged with water. It is desirable to use hot water from the heating or hot water supply network, to be able to check the welds in conditions of thermal expansion of the metal.

The basic construction of pyrolysis boiler

The front part is almost finished structure derived from the nozzles for supplying air into the working chambers. Window sections until the fuel chamber without doors. This facility will sheathe sheets of cabinet

Provided that no leakage at the seams of the heat exchanger and the water is drained to begin framing structure pyrolysis boiler external metallic panels. Also at this stage it is made and the doors are hung windows combustor sections.

pyrolysis plant doors require high performance, taking into account the operating conditions. So doing (or use ready-made), these components are usually made of cast iron with the additional thermal amplification fireclay bricks.

Doors fuel chamber sections

EXAMPLE door structure one of the sections of the fuel chamber of the pyrolysis boiler. To strengthen the protection from the effects of high temperature combustion process is used in addition to the metal firebricks

The final stage - installation of pyrolysis boiler at the place of its future operation. Mounting structure is conducted on the foundation or on a concrete slab. The height of the foundation (plates) relative to the ground level recommended to maintain the size not smaller than 100 mm.

After installation and balance of the levels of the lower part of the boiler is fixed to the foundation. Remain attached chimney, set the air pump and to connect the infeed / outlet coolant lines.

The boiler is enclosed in a housing

Boiler pyrolysis action fully enclosed in a metal case and ready for installation on the workstation. As the fastener support members are welded on the body angular hooks

Production of pyrolysis boiler design yourself - a job that requires a significant investment of forces. Of course, not do without the overhead in terms of financial resources.

Maybe for the purchase of material and appeals to a third-party service costs will be lower than the cost of industrial production equipment. However, the difference is likely to be less significant. But the main issue is not the money.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

About the self-production of the boiler pyrolysis steps:

Technically, the independent production of pyrolysis boilers without the presence of an appropriate base is an extremely complex process. Also requires skills in working with metal, a clear understanding of engineering schemes and technological fine points of production of boiler equipment. Without all this, you should not even get to work.

If you have the necessary knowledge and skills, and can provide valuable advice for the assembly of pyrolysis boiler another Site visitors - leave, please, comment, share secrets, ask questions in the box below Article.

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