Characteristics and description of tomato variety Stolypin

Tomato cultivar Stolypin - excellent tomato culture. It is considered one of the new ones, but has already managed to gain popularity among many gardeners. Choosing for cultivation tomato novelties, it is recommended to pay attention to this crop, its description and characteristics, which give an excellent harvest of large, even, oval-shaped fruits.


  • characteristic of tomato Stolypin

    The plant is obliged by its origin to Russian breeders. Shrubs determinant, reaching sixty centimeters you height. The plant is well grown , not only in greenhouse conditions, but also in the open beds of , even if the natural conditions are not the most favorable.

    Tomato is not a hybrid, belongs to early-ripening varieties, from the appearance of the first shoots to the beginning of the ripening of tomatoes, passes just over three months .

    Plants differ in quite good resistance to most diseases, tolerate cold well, set fruit in any weather.

    Bushes are covered with medium-sized foliage of dark green color. A characteristic difference of the plant is the formation of simple flowers and the presence of joints on the fruit legs. The stem grows until it forms several fruiting brushes. Ovary and buds appear almost simultaneously. At this growth in the height of the bushes stops.

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    The yield of a variety makes it possible to collect up to 8 kilograms of tomatoes per square meter of beds in a greenhouse.

    Fruits are similar to cream and their average weight is about 100 grams.

    Tomatoes are similar to cream, slightly elongated and oval. The skin is smooth, strong enough and dense, protects the fruit from cracking. The weight of one tomato reaches 120 grams , the color of fruits is pink, less often - red. The flesh is juicy.

    You can use ripe fruits for making salads, canning. Tomatoes are well stored, transported over long distances. For this reason, Stolypin is recommended for dilution for commercial purposes.

    The advantages and disadvantages of the variety

    The main features of the culture include the following characteristics:

    • excellent taste, high level of juiciness;
    • resistance to cold climatic conditions;
    • plant simplicity, ability to resist late blight;
    • excellent yields of among the other early ripening varieties;
    • ability to grow in any region of Russia.
    As a negative trait, some gardeners cite the fact that the plant loses flowers in the thirty-degree heat, it does not make tomatoes well.
    The disadvantages of the variety include poor fruit formation in hot weather.

    Soil requirements for planting

    The soil composition for the crop should have good fertility. For growing seedlings, planting containers is filled with a substrate prepared from river sand, peat and ash .All components must be thoroughly mixed, shed manganese solution and moisten well.

    The beds intended for further cultivation of the crop should be placed in a place well-lit by the sun , protected from strong winds. Dig up the soil, loosen. Fertilizer is added to the prepared well, sprinkling it with soil so as not to burn the root system.

    The best predecessors of the tomato Stolypin are onions, carrots, legumes, cucumbers and cabbage.

    Planting Rules

    Seeds Tomato Stolypin

    To plant seedlings for seedlings, you need in late March - early April. .Planting material is pretreated with manganese solution, washed with water. Seeding is done in the ground to a depth of two to three centimeters.

    The first shoots appear after four to seven days. At this time, they will need a sufficient amount of light, for which, if necessary, dawn light is organized.

    Watering is necessary in moderate doses. After the seedlings form a pair of true leaves, it should be dived into separate cups filled with nutritious soil.

    In the process of growing seedlings, it is recommended to feed two or three times using mineral compounds. A couple of weeks before moving the seedlings to a permanent place, should begin to harden , bringing it to the open air.

    Some gardeners in the warm regions of the country are planting seeds directly in open ground.

    The method differs in a later date of performance, makes it possible to save space in the room and strength. Such seedlings are characterized by excellent hardening, grow strong, perfectly accustomed to weather conditions. When transplanting, they take root well in another garden bed.

    Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground.

    . Seedlings are transplanted into the ground at the age of 50-70 days. The seedlings are moved to the greenhouse in May, and to open beds in June, when the threat of night frosts disappears completely. Landing is performed according to the scheme "70 to 30" centimeters .

    Grade care after transplanting

    culture does not need special care .It should be fed organic fertilizer once every seven days, watered with warm water regularly.

    The soil in the beds is mulched with straw or mowed grass to reduce the amount of watering and protect the beds from weeds.

    How to form a stem for a bountiful harvest

    Tomato Paceni plant forms, but their number is quite small, many gardeners do not stepchild. It will be better if the bushes are formed on three stalks .They will themselves resist wind impacts. But it will not be superfluous if you install support pegs near the plants and perform a garter.

    It is desirable to establish a support near the bushes and tie them up.

    Diseases and their prevention

    Tomato crop is excellent against late blight and other diseases in solanaceous plants. But as a preventive measure, landing is recommended to be treated with special fungicidal formulations.

    Insecting parasites should be treated with insecticides, which can be purchased in stores.

    Stolypin variety today is considered one of the delicious tomato plants. Anyone who wants to be convinced of this can calmly grow a culture in his garden plot.

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