Solar heater for home

Prices bite, a guarantee of 25 years at 80% of the nominal power is also impressive. The solar heater for the house during the day collects energy, at night the power comes from the battery. Advertising trick or the only possible alternative to diesel generator - try to think.

Prices and Solutions

The price for 1 W of power for typical solar panels installed on the roof fits into $ 4-8.At the same time, the supplier often undertakes to cut the elements to order or set the standard version. Here is a set of typical solutions provided by solar energy, laid out by the company on the official website:

  1. Providing energy to a private house.
  2. Equipment for uninterrupted operation of communication stations.
  3. Solar Wi-Fi hotspot.
  4. Separate lanterns powered by the fluorescent lights.
  5. Chargers for cell phones.
  6. Billboards with lights.
  7. Window glass, capable of generating energy.

These are quite understandable projects, developed and others. Engineer Scott Bruceav proposes to make road surfaces from solar panels. This is a truly ambitious project, but the garden of eco-trees looks much more amazing. From the "plants" are easily charged mobile devices.

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What the store counters offer. Today, there are two designs:

  1. frame;
  2. frameless.

In addition, purchase photocells separately. The complexity of the correct use of devices falls on the shoulders of the buyer.

Common features of

Regardless of the presence of a frame, each solar battery is made up of modules formed by photovoltaic cells connected in series, in parallel, in parallel or in a mixed way. The latter will provide the necessary voltage and power. Within the site, close attention is paid to the characteristics of photocells. The total properties of the structure are determined by the worst value of the parameter. For example, in a series circuit, the current is limited by the maximum internal resistance of the photocell.

Solar panels on the roof of the house consist of a myriad of modules, packaged in the manner mentioned above. Let's discuss the differences.

Frame Solar Panels

Tempered glass substrate provides reliable protection for sheet solar panels deposited on one side. Rain, snow, hail will not harm the source of autonomous power supply. Clear glass easily transmits light and prevents mechanical damage to photocells. On the inside of the battery are protected by layers of laminate. Lavsan( polyester) is used.

For additional sealing, photocells are recessed into a film similar in properties to polyethylene. The ends are finished with an aluminum profile, planted on the sealant, preventing the cake from splitting, which - starting from the outer surface - looks like this:

  1. A strong layer of tempered glass.
  2. Photocells embedded in film.
  3. Inner laminate layers.

The aluminum profile has the shape of the letter F, supports the structure at some distance from the roof surface. A single element will not provide sufficient output voltage, a number of pieces are connected in series. Frame construction is complemented by elements of electrical connections.

Frameless Solar Panels

In this embodiment, the frame is missing. The substrate will be fiberglass, or the substrate is completely absent. In the latter case, both sides are covered with lavsan film. Solar cells are carefully sealed.

Evaluate the purchase of

The nominal parameters given in the tables for solar cells are measured under normal conditions. These are:

  • ambient temperature 25 ºС;
  • light flux 1000 W / m2;
  • AM1.5 spectrum.

The abbreviation indicated in the last element of the list will mislead even an experienced engineer. In fact, there is no difficult. The nominal parameters of solar cells can be tested by the spectrum of the star observed at the average continental latitude of the United States. This is south of Moscow, corresponds to the position of Volgograd or Rostov-on-Don.

The standard characterizing the state of the atmosphere of the test spectrum, on the official website costs 80 Swiss francs, it is proposed to be satisfied with what we get about the measurement conditions in open sources:

  • air parameters are evaluated in 30 layers, according to the paid standard;
  • angle of the Sun at its zenith is 48.19 degrees;
  • atmospheric turbidity at a frequency of 500 nm( blue) - 0.084;
  • equivalent column of water vapor - 1.42 cm;
  • equivalent thickness of the ozone layer is 0.34 cm.

Turbidity at a wavelength of 500 nm is selected based on the sky blue condition. This color prevails in the spectrum visible from the surface of the Earth.

A scientific statement warns against the question of why solar heater power supply runs counter to documentation. Are the conditions from the list similar to the area where the battery is installed?

How the situation looks in winter. The rated power of the solar battery is 1000 W, the exact value of the voltage is not important, it will remain converted by the inverter. So, the temperature turned into a minus. Special correction for the nominal voltage is taken into account when the conditions deviate from the norm. Below 25 ºC, the voltage at the output of the battery increases. At the same time, the power flux density in winter will not be 1000 W / m2 in Khimki. Measurements also provide for the Sun to cast rays at a right angle to the surface of the solar cell. Deviation from the condition naturally reduces the output power.

These aspects are taken into account when choosing a solar panel for the house.


Autonomous Electric Circuit Scheme Solar batteries with a nominal 12 V are used for batteries and devices for which the voltage is sufficient. The charge controller is sensitive to ensure that the equipment is operated according to technical standards. If necessary, the circuit between the solar battery and the battery opens.

Home appliances do not work directly from a constant voltage of 12 V; a special inverter is used. Alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz and a nominal value of 230 V is already entering the house. The heater is powered by solar panels in a mediated manner - through an inverter.

And what about the power supply network. Solar panels in the courtyard will not pay the state, even to earn extra money.

Solar industry development programs exist in developed countries, even in Mongolia.


Finally, we mention the solar water heaters, called collectors. It is enough to put one on the roof of the house to eliminate the need for heating. The Chinese province of Hubei is building residential buildings equipped in this way. At our latitudes, solar water heater is useful mainly in the summer at the cottage.

The collector consists of special vacuum coaxial tubes coated with a dark paint that absorbs light. In a section two cylinders, inserted one into another coaxially, are obtained. The inner one - the copper conduit - is heated by radiation from the outer walls.


  1. A layer of paint absorbs the energy of sunlight and heats the outer tube. The inner walls radiate heat.
  2. Through vacuum, energy reaches the inner tube through which water flows.
  3. The liquid is heated and collected in a tank, from where it is distributed to consumers.

Sometimes a collector is sold as part of a solar heater or buy the device separately. The cost of the product fits into $ 500, which will allow you to get 15 - 25 liters of hot water.

If you work on the design, we get warm water in the winter. The main condition is the absence of snow and ice on the collector pipes. Place the device in a sunny attic or even take it out to the street. It is important to ensure the isolation of the external conduit. Insulate, for example, glass wool in combination with PENOFOL.


Solar heater works well even when the mains power is turned off. Advantages of this solution:

  • household appliances are fed from the inverter, not only the heater;
  • full fire safety, when compared with the basement gas boiler;
  • no need for additional indoor installation;
  • durability and fault tolerance - silicon will not break;
  • manufacturer’s warranty up to 25 years;
  • excellent electrical compatibility with various types of equipment.

The disadvantages include:

  • will have to clean the surface of the solar battery from rain stains and other dirt;
  • expensive purchase is protected from vandals and thieves;
  • solution cost is relatively high.

Price is the only limiting factor. If funds are found, the solar panel on the roof will not interfere. The first water heater( Switzerland) worked at the expense of solar energy. Think about the prospects for the use of the energy donated by the Universe.

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