Planting and caring for potatoes in the open field


Let's learn how to plant an apple tree in summer

Let's learn how to plant an apple tree in summerGardening

Contents of the article: Summer planting of an apple tree Planting an apple tree with a closed root system How to care for an apple tree in summer? How to choose seed...

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How to poison the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes?

How to poison the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes?Gardening

;)and pancakes - all this causes not only abundant salivation, but also pleasant emotions. Only in order that all these delicacies to prepare a vegetable must first be grown, but this is not ...

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Why spud potatoes?

Why spud potatoes?Gardening

Article content: Reasons for spilling potatoes How and how many times is hilling done? Loosening and hilling of potato rows - video The answer t...

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