Bitter pepper is a savory vegetable that adds spiciness and sharpness to culinary dishes. It is a common product whose properties are widely used in cooking, preservation and medicine. This vegetable is appreciated by gourmets and folk healers - there are lots of recipes for using spices for non-ordinary purposes.
Table of contents
- Characteristics and composition: what does the vegetable contain?
- Benefit
- Contraindications to use and harm
- Treatment of bitter pepper: popular recipes
- Can pregnant or lactating women?
- Cooking
Characteristics and composition: what does the vegetable contain?
There are about 2000 kinds of bitter pepper, each of which differs in chemical composition, sharpness and shape of the pod. It has a rich composition of nutrients, among which you can find vitamins of groups A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, K, PP.
The plant is rich in minerals such as beta-carotene, phosphorus, choline, iron, and potassium and contains many essential oils.
In addition, the composition of the vegetable provokes the production of endorphin and sclopomine - the hormones of happiness, which improve the mood and well-being of a person.

There is an opinion about the harmfulness of bitter pepper, but when moderately used vegetable contributes to the overall strengthening of the human , improves digestion and strengthens the immune system.
A vegetable rich in many beneficial macro and microelements, has many beneficial properties:
- regular eating improves the condition of the central nervous system, promotes the treatment of insomnia and increases resistance to stress;
- normalization of the hematopoietic function of the body occurs, the work of the cardiovascular system improves;
- enhances brain activity and the supply of oxygen to vital organs;
- minimizes the risk of atherosclerosis, asthma, and renal failure;
- provokes the release of the hormones of happiness;
- has a bactericidal effect on both internal and external tissues of the body.
Contraindications to use and harm

The benefits of this product are observed only if used properly and with overdose the following negative effects and harm to the body can be:
Also be wary of special types of stinging vegetables: contact with irritated areas of tissue, open wounds or mucous membranes can cause severe irritation or even burn .
If you have an unpleasant feeling of nausea or dizziness, loss of consciousness or apathy, as well as a strong sensation of burning sensation, you should seek medical help.
It is recommended to wash with damaged water and with a large amount of water and apply a bandage, and in case of internal lesion, the best choice would be to deactivate the burning properties of acidic foods: lemon, kefir or yogurt.

Treatment with bitter pepper: folk recipes
Hot pepper treatment is widely popular for its effectiveness .On the basis of red pepper they prepare various tinctures, decoctions, oils, which eliminate a wide range of diseases.
- With the help of the fruit powder of the plant, you can stop external bleeding by simply sprinkling it on the wound.
- Tea based on red pepper warms better than any strong drinks and is safer for health.
- A spoonful of spices in a glass of water will relieve vomit, as well as eliminate bleeding when vomiting.
- 5 grams of hot pepper powder diluted in a glass of warm water will replace nitroglycerin and eliminate heart attacks. This recipe is good as prevention of strokes and myocardial infarction.
Due to its special properties, the spice expands the vessels when they narrow and narrows when expanding, than any medicine can boast.
Can pregnant or lactating women?

. Pregnancy allows the use of bitter pepper in small amounts. .A sharp vegetable will bring a lot of benefit to pregnant women:
- in a small amount of vegetable will eliminate nausea and gagging;
- improves the blood circulation of and increases the production of gastric juice, with the result that the baby gets the necessary nutrients faster;
- helps get rid of the blues and bad mood, eliminates the private mood change in pregnant women;
- reduces the risk of thrombosis;
- helps stabilize the hormonal background of the mother.
The use of this spice adversely affects the quality of mother's milk .
Cooking application
In cooking, is used in the form of powder, dried and fresh pods, as well as tincture or decoction .The plant has bactericidal and preserving properties, which makes it indispensable assistants in the preservation of both vegetables and meat.

Due to its spiciness and spiciness, it is used as a food seasoning to the prepared dish or as a component of various sauces and marinades. Broth or tincture of pepper, as well as tea and alcoholic drink infused with a burning vegetable improves appetite, accelerates blood and has a warming effect.
Bitter pepper is a multifunctional remedy that relieves many diseases and adds spice to dishes. It is easily grown even on the windowsill, but at the same time, its cannot be faked by using gene-modification technologies, which makes bitter pepper an ideal remedy for all ills.
Eating this vegetable in small quantities provides an invaluable benefit to the whole body. Be healthy!