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Maple. Curly, fluffy crown, carved leaf and majestic camp of the tree prompted many poets, rhyming musicians to compose real hits. Until now, millions listen to these songs and sing them. Of the 150 species of this perennial plant, more than half are found in the Northern Hemisphere. They are represented by large shrubs or massive giants, reaching 40 m in height, as a 16-storey building. The average age of the specimens is 200 years, with a greater fortress 500.
The maple tree impresses with its original foliage and dense crown. In the autumn, passers-by admired with a yellow-red carnival of colors, and in the spring with fluffy blooms.

Propagate perennial plant with seedlings and layering. In some cases, the seeds are planted in open ground to a depth of 10 cm. April is the best time for this method.
"Ash-leaved", it is also "American"
In Russia, the ash-leaved maple was brought from North America( USA and Canada) at the end of the XVIII century. Therefore, the variety is perfectly acclimatized on the spacious and sunny areas. If the soil is nutritious and wet, then the trunk is pulled up to 20-23 m. The peculiarity of the culture is incredible vitality. Powerful root system produces a lot of seedlings. As a result, new exhibits appear around the tree, forming whole groves. The same result is produced and the seeds ripening by autumn. They are presented in the form of krylatok and resemble miniature hang-gliders. In the wild, the plant lives to 100 years of age. From other members of a kind of American maple is different:
- The shape of the leaves. It has a complex structure, since there are 3-5 plates on one branch. Their underside is covered with fine fluff, and the outer side is smooth, but with a darker color. Spiky foliage with jagged edges is a bit like ash.
- "Aggressive character."Naturalists also call it a resilient weed. It grows and multiplies so quickly that it displaces all neighbors from the site. In this case, even cutting does not help.
- Branches. The trunk allows long sprawling shoots. They are green as well as olive with a red tint. Strong branches are covered with gray or purple bloom.
Ashen Maple withstands sudden changes in temperature, almost to -35 ° C.Feels comfortable in large cities with gassed air. Due to the fact that the wood is very fragile, and the trunk is curved and short, it is not used in landscape design. This species is mainly planted in order to quickly plant trees and trees.
On one tree there are both male and female inflorescences. The first are presented in the form of hanging beams with red anthers, and the second - green tassels.
“Ostrolist” - the main thing is not to get hurt
The culture is so named because the wide leaves( up to 18 cm in diameter) have sharp edges. Their appearance resembles a human palm with five fingers. Only a plant has blades with pronounced veins. A breeze blows, and the grove explodes with loud applause. This spectacle looks especially impressive in the fall, when the trees are dressed in red and maroon "dresses."It is worth adding to the botanical description:
- maximum height - 30 m;
- bark of young seedlings reddish-gray with small furrows, and over time it becomes lighter;
- inflorescences green with a lemon tint are located on the scutes that adorn the crown for 10 days in May;
- in the 17th year begins to bear fruit in the form of lionfish with two flat seeds.
Norway maple prefers to grow rapidly only on slightly acidic, moist, fertile and loose soil. Although the variety is light-loving, it is still loyal to semi-shaded areas. In such conditions, the tree propagates by seed, as well as by shoots. Gardeners successfully use the grafting method to increase their plantations. The first three years of active growth. During this period, they are transplanted.
When choosing a sapling you should pay attention to the variety of the Norway Maple Drummand. His crown has an unusual coloring.
It consists of a variety of green leaves with white / light green edging. Such an exhibit will be an exclusive example of a local park or garden.
Brown watery spots often appear on foliage caused by fungal spores. Also, the bark affects coral spot. If you do not cut the diseased branches and damaged areas, then in the end the tree will die . Sections are treated with a disinfectant.
"Globular", like an
globe. A globular maple will be suitable for creating a stylish landscape interior. It does not need pruning, since as it grows, it becomes rounded. The crown of the tree is so dense that it does not let in daylight. It grows more in breadth( up to 5 m).In the summer, such an alley will delight passersby with different shades of green, and in the fall - yellow. In combination with dark bark, the original leaf ball looks superb.
Like all other species of the Holly, the culture is demanding on the choice of soil. On sour, sandy, sour and poor soils, the tree dries. Too compacted areas also adversely affect the branching root system.
Sometimes branches appear that grow incorrectly. They should be removed immediately. This also applies to dry, diseased areas of the plant.
Amazing "black"
Even in nature, the classic always remains the same. Black maple is a clear confirmation of this. The second name of this "handsome" - "Royal Red" or royal red. A grove / alley of young saplings is able to make an imperial castle from a simple manor. The crimson-black crown is 10 meters wide, with a height of 15 m. In spring and autumn, it acquires a brighter shade of red. In May, scarlet inflorescences bloom on the tree with a slight lemon tint, after which the lionfish appear. The variety “Royal Red” is very fastidious to the growing conditions:
- is light-loving;
- dries with a lack of moisture;
- begins to rot in the marshlands;
- he needs only light and sandy soils.
Black Maple belongs to the genus of Norway. Therefore, the shape and cut of leaves it is the same - wide plates with 5-7 blades. Culture is used exclusively for landscape decoration. For a year, the tree grows up to 40 cm.
“White” - with a musical ear
Violin, harp, guitar and domra. These musical instruments are made from white maple wood. It has a beautiful shiny texture. Boards are so strong that they withstand mechanical loads and are not deformed under the influence of moisture. Also, the material is widely used in the manufacture of furniture, furniture and flooring. In addition to these features, naturalists point out a number of tree botanical characteristics:
- , height 20-40 m;
- branched root system reaches 1.5 meters depth;
- smooth bark gray at first, and with age it darkens and begins to peel off;
- trunk girth - up to 1 meter;
- foliage( 10-15 cm) of emerald hue;
- greenish-yellow inflorescences( on the shield 20-50 pcs.) Emit a fragrant aroma;
- round seeds( 5-10 mm each) are located in the lionfish.
Maple Sycamore( one of the common names) is famous for its sprawling and dense crown. Its leaves, branches, bark and flowers have healing properties. According to one study, with the help of tinctures, as well as decoctions, about 45 different diseases can be cured.
After collecting, the bark is dried in a special installation at 50 ° C until it becomes loose. Store raw materials should be in cardboard( with ventilation) boxes no more than 3 years.
"Tatarsky" - the true spirit of the nation
An amazing combination of red inflorescences and green leaves touch to the depths of the soul. Impressive endurance varieties. Tatar maple survives in harsh winters, although southern regions are considered its homeland. It perfectly tolerates dry weather conditions. Saline soils and exhaust gases rarely harm the plant. This variety attracts many unique features:
- maximum height of a tree or shrub - 10 m;
- bark - black and smooth;
- dense crown has a spherical shape;
- oval leaves with embossed edges painted in bright green color, and veins have a fluffy cover;
- on a green background of the lionfish stand out a fiery red hue.
The variety perfectly adapts to many conditions. So, a gardener doesn't need to look for a special place for maple. Like all cultures, the Tatar maple grows best in open areas, with light shading.
The landing pit is made of medium size: the depth is 50 cm, and the width is 80 cm. The roots generally grow in breadth, so do not overly bury the seedling.
"Ginnala" - crimson autumn
Culture was brought to Europe from the Far East. In Mongolia, China and Korea, whole groves of this plant adorn the shores of water bodies, therefore its second name is the riverine. Ginnala maple belongs to the class of shrubs, although the crown extends to 5 meters. It acquires a conical shape and resembles a sprawling tent 7 m long. The characteristic features of this variety are:
- at first has an orange-yellow color, and later acquires a fiery red hue;
- blooms( for 21 days) with pastel-colored panicles that exude a pleasant fragrance;
- oblong leaves with three blades, the longest of them is 8 cm.
If the seedlings are watered with 20 liters of water every week in the summer, it will add up to 25 cm in volume and volume in the autumn and spring seasonfor a month. Top dressing in the form of humus and mineral fertilizer will play a key role in this matter.
The roots should not be buried too deep in the ground. Five centimeters - the optimum height of the soil near the radical neck.
“Japanese” - a prototype of the sakura.
A small tent-shaped tree is used as a decoration of parks and gardens. The bright red leaves of a perennial plant in the rays of the autumn sun look stunning. Depending on the angle at which the light falls, they shimmer in purple, pink or orange. Such a fire show from Japanese maple has made it a favorite of many gardeners. Before planting such a luxury, it is important for a gardener to know: the
- sapling grows very slowly until it reaches 3-5 m in height;
- for planting choose only wet soil with a weak acid reaction;
- area should be well lit and without drafts;
- variety adapted for growing in a container;
- wood does not tolerate lime treatment.
In hot weather, red maple is often watered - up to 15 liters at a time. Until August, the seedling is fed with fertilizers and irrigated abundantly. Luxurious leaves, which can consist of up to 13 blades, it is desirable to spray. At the same time water should not stagnate in the soil. As they grow, the crop is cut to give the crown the desired shape.
Since the root system is very close to the surface, it is important to make thermal insulation flooring. Constantly leveling the soil around the tree and increasing its stock, the gardener will provide reliable protection both in drought and frost.
"Canadian" - immortalized on the coin and the flag of the country
Since the perennial plant produces sweet juice, it is also called sugar maple. Durable wood in its characteristics is not inferior even to oak. It is worth adding to the description of this view that:
- crown dense and wide;
- light gray trunk has a lot of coarse furrows, from which smooth red-brown branches run smooth with light shine;
- trunk is higher than 40 m;
- simple with 5 lobes leaves attached on long petioles;
- this variety is considered long-lived, because its age is in the centuries;
- inflorescences of the Canadian maple are collected in bulk brushes, consisting of 14 miniature flowers.
It is worth knowing that the old branches of the perennial plant are quite fragile, therefore, they break under strong wind or hurricane. Therefore, it is planted in closed areas. Next to it can be both oak and conifer species. In its dense foliage settled many birds, as well as forest dwellers.
Although the variety tolerates cold, it still needs wrapping in the first years of life.
A sugar variety has a “close relative” - silver maple. It differs from it in a wide crown, which grows to 20 meters. In this case, the branches are located on a short trunk( 2 m).The culture received its unique name because of the amazing structure of the leaves. They are presented in the form of 14-cm plates with 5 blades. The upper surface is green, and the lower is gray with a soft fleecy coating.
As a result, chaotic gusts of wind can turn a tree into a silver sea. In the autumn the picture changes. The plant is dressed in a yellow-orange "outfit", which burns with fire in the rays of the morning sun.
"Field" - a flat copy of
A distinctive feature of field maple is considered to be an unusual shape of a leaf. Large plates have from 3 to 5 shallow cuts. An amazing view of them give long( 13 cm) petioles. Due to this, a volumetric crown is formed( up to 8 m).This gorgeous "cap" keeps on a thin trunk, whose diameter is 60 cm. In May, small inflorescences bloom on it and delight the owners eye for about 15 days. By mid-autumn, seeds appear in the place of the fruit. Unlike other species, the field lion has horizontal wings. Yet more than 15 meters the tree does not grow.
Spring or autumn, young or centenary, maple always look charming. For this reason, gardeners choose only its constant exhibit of their personal plots.