The most unpretentious and beautiful ornamental shrubs for garden and garden

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In the suburbanchastke not do without a large perennials. Beautiful ornamental shrubs for summer cottage and garden create a unique atmosphere day after day, help to divide the space into zones, determine the nature of the site. Shrubs is a place in the hedge and the arrangement of borders. Plants of various sizes and shapes are a great backdrop of perennial flowers and letniki, as well as bright decorations for the whole garden.

What are some shrubs? Today, landlords are offered a variety of: decorative leafy

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  • ;
  • plants that decorate the garden at different times with their flowering;
  • tall breeds;
  • ground cover or low garden shrubs.

A lot of plants flourishing or striking with variegated color, but when choosing ornamental crops to give, attention is paid not only to their beauty, but also to the complexity of their care. The less labor is required for cultivation, the longer the shrub retains its bright appearance, the more valuable it is for the summer resident.

There are many such unpretentious and incredibly showy plants. Among them are those that can be found in every garden, and undeservedly forgotten shrubs. Descriptions and photos with the names of ornamental shrubs to give will be a good help when choosing the most worthy plants.

Beautiful shrubs to give: a photo with the names

An indelible impression is left by the bushes, in spring or summer, covered with hats of flowers. If you create a catalog of photos of the most unpretentious shrubs to give, on the first pages will be the varieties of garden lilac, chubushnik, due to the similarity of flavors often referred to as jasmine.


In May, the gardens and summer cottages throughout Russia are covered with lilac, pink, purple and white clouds.

This is a blooming lilac, spectacular shrub:

  • up to three meters high;
  • with a pointed heart-shaped or broad-lanceolate-like foliage;
  • with shoots covered with grayish-brown bark;
  • with racemes of simple or double fragrant flowers of various colors.

In nature, there are several dozen species of lilacs. There are many more cultivated varieties and hybrids. All plants winter well in the middle lane. The high beautiful bushes depicted in the photo for summer cottage prefer sunny places and can easily grow on any soil.

In order to maintain decorativeness, faded buds are removed in time, cut out the root growth and rejuvenate adult lilac bushes.


Garden Jasmine or, more correctly, Chubushnik blooms a little later than lilac. In the garden and in the country, a beautiful ornamental shrub spreads an exquisite fragrance; white, simple or semi-double flowers located at the ends of numerous shoots attract the eyes and hundreds of pollinator insects.

Existing varieties of chubushnik differ from each other in terms of flowering, shape and size of the rims. Bred even variegated shrubs of this species. At the same time, all plants are very hardy, not susceptible to pest attacks and are rarely affected by diseases.

Like lilac, chubushnik requires pruning after flowering, and shoots that have reached 5 years of age are also cut for rejuvenation. To keep the shape will help remove the root growth and rarefaction of the bush.


Photos of these most unpretentious shrubs to give always cause a wave of admiration. Very different in appearance, spireas are covered with white or pink flowers, strike with decorative foliage and are divided into two large groups. Plants that bloom in spring are covered in large quantities with hats of flowers that crumble rather quickly. In the summer, the flowering of other varieties begins, transforming the garden for a long time.

Thanks to the presence of both compact forms and large varieties, the spireas help to create hedges; they are indispensable for group plantings, but they will not get lost on the site alone, becoming its bright decoration.

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With traditional care, ornamental bushes in the country feel great in the sun and in partial shade, take root in areas with any light, loose soil.

A rybinoporny ryabinnik

The closest relative of the spirea ñ a ryninnik will not leave indifferent the summer resident who is carried away by flowering shrubs. Depending on the variety, the height of the shrub with carved leaves, resembling rowan, varies from a meter to two. In the first half of summer flowering begins, which lasts up to 3 weeks. At this time, fluffy crown shrub covered with white racemes inflorescences. In autumn, the appearance of the shrub changes with the color of the foliage, which turns from light green to bright golden.

In the middle lane, the ornamental shrubs for the dacha, the photos and names of which are given in the material, are excellent for hibernating without shelters and are not naughty, even with minimal care. Fieldfare is no exception. However, the better the plant on the site, the greater the risk of its growth.

To limit the formation of root shoots, slate, a plastic border or dense geotextile are instilled in during planting.


The blister has many advantages. Pictured in the photo the most unpretentious shrub to give from spring to late autumn will be its decoration thanks to:

  • dense decorative foliage of green, golden or purple coloring;
  • spectacular bloom in the first half of summer;
  • reddish-purple fruit appearing in the place of white corolla.

The wormwood, akin to spireas, mountain ash, irge and other ornamental shrubs, is completely unpretentious, characterized by rapid growth and simple care. The plant of the most spectacular forms protects the beauty in the sun and in the shade, but the bushes with purple foliage are best planted in open areas.

Japanese quince

In May, the Japanese quince begins to bloom. The fruits of this plant resemble a real quince, but much smaller and harder. They are edible. However, the shrub, the height of different species of which varies from 0.5 to 2 meters, is valued not as a fruit, but as a decorative culture.

Beautiful fruit shrub for garden and garden has a wide spreading crown, covered with stiff elongated foliage of dark green color. The peak of decorativeness is due to the appearance of a multitude of yellow, orange or, depending on the variety, large red flowers.

Japanese quince is frost-resistant, light-requiring, not afraid of drought and shearing, tolerates planting on any, even acidic soil. Some plants bloom again in the second half of summer.


Blue Honeysuckle with edible early fruits is a popular garden plant. However, when you design the site often forget about other types of shrubs, many of which are extremely decorative and unpretentious.

In the Russian context, shrub honeysuckle real, Tatar, honeysuckle and other species feel great. Plants with a height of one and a half to three meters are densely leafy. Young greens and shoots have a bluish tint. In June, the bushes are covered with tubular white, yellowish, pink and orange flowers that emit a delicate aroma. After they wilt, red, orange or dark fruits appear.

At the cottage, ornamental shrubs take root in the sun and in the shade. Feels good on any soil, giving a gain of up to 50 cm per year.

Almond three-bladed( Luiseania)

A bright decoration of the site will be a three-blade almond plant. An ornamental shrub or a small tree up to 3 meters high blooms until foliage appears, covered with a bright cloud of simple or semi-double flowers. Corollas can be painted in pink, crimson, coral tones. The numerous flowers opening in May sit tightly on the shoots, so the crown seems completely pink.

In the middle zone, plants can freeze slightly, so young almonds are sheltered for the winter, and areas that are protected from the wind are selected for planting.


If there is a lot of shade on the plot, many ornamental shrubs at the cottage feel depressed, grow poorly and bloom. Salvation for the cottager will be shade-loving hydrangea. She is equally good at single landing and in a group. Spherical or sprawling hydrangea bushes, thanks to the efforts of breeders, delight summer residents with white, pink, blue and greenish inflorescences, which can be admired in the garden, in cut and as dried flowers.

Culture stands out for its long flowering, versatility and adaptability to the shadow. Hydrangeas prefer sour soil and abundant watering.

Unpretentious shrubs to give: photos and names of beautiful plants

The lush flowering of bushes in the country always attracts attention and makes the site "special."But the petals inevitably fade, and the green merges with the general background and is no longer so attractive.

Read also: Flowerbeds with roses - a variety of styles and forms worthy of the queen

In order to use the bushes in the design to be interesting in summer and autumn, in addition to flowering plants, you should plant ornamental foliage and original fruit crops. If you look around, it turns out that there are a lot of names for beautiful shrubs to give, as in the photo.


In the forests of central Russia you can find an amazing shrub with ribbed shoots, bright fruits, decorated with unusual orange-pink pericarp and foliage, which by autumn is painted in bright pink and purple-purple tones. This European euonymus is an undemanding plant that can decorate a hill or become a highlight in a group of other shrubs.

Creeping euonymus with green or variegated foliage is very popular today. Forchun euonymus, for example, does not exceed 20 cm in height. This culture will equally be useful under the canopy of garden trees, under tall beautiful bushes in the country or, as in the photo, among stones and perennial grasses.


Speaking of the best bushes for the design of the dacha, you can not ignore the snowberry. This deciduous plant up to a meter high does not hit with bright flowers or variegated foliage. The highlight of the snowdrop is a very long flowering and ornamental white or pink fruits that remain on bare branches even in winter. In the summer, shoots are densely covered with pinkish small flowers and ovaries of varying degrees of ripeness.

In the middle lane, depicted in the photo unpretentious, shrub for giving, according to the name, neither freezing, nor death from drought is terrible.

The best place to land is sunny spots or a transparent shadow next to other decorative perennials or as part of a living border.

Currant golden

Currant for many gardeners is a favorite and valuable fruit crop. But not everyone knows that, apart from white, crane and black currant, there are other interesting varieties.

A vivid example is golden currant, which without effort will not only give the site owner a generous harvest of delicious berries, but also decorate the garden. In the spring, a large shrub with a sprawling crown up to 2.5 meters high is first covered with smooth three or five-fingered foliage, and then the branches are covered with brushes, numerous yellowish-orange tubular flowers. Excellent honey plant, golden currant attracts a lot of insects to the site, and its flowering lasts up to 3 weeks.

In July, bright brown-golden or almost black sweet fruits are sung, which both children and adults like. Closer to autumn, the foliage on the shrub acquires first an orange or pink-red, and then a purple, carmine and purple color, which lasts until the snow itself.


Kalina can not be called a truly unpretentious shrub, but its beauty and the benefits of berries pay off the efforts required to care for the plant. In Russian gardens you can see ornamental species of viburnum, and ordinary, equally wonderful specimens. In the spring and in the first days of summer, viburnum bushes are literally strewn with elegant white wreaths and lush hats of inflorescences. Flowering lasts up to two weeks.

The bright red fruits of Viburnum ordinary appear closer to autumn, then the color of the foliage begins to change, which turns green from red to purple.

The advantages of culture include frost resistance, stable flowering, adaptability to the sun and shade, as well as decorativeness throughout the growing season.

However, with the overall unpretentiousness, viburnum requires attention because of the need for constant watering and protection from pests. This beautiful ornamental shrub for garden and garden is very "loved" by aphids, which from viburnum easily spread to other closely related plants.

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Numerous photos of unpretentious shrubs to give with this name show plants that are very different in appearance. This is explained by the fact that “wild rose” is a collective name uniting dozens of species of cultivated and wild roses.

All of them, unlike garden variety and hybrid beauties, are unpretentious and generously share their beauty and useful fruits with the summer resident. At the site there is a mandatory place wrinkled rose with simple or double flowers with a diameter of up to 8 cm, sweet and spicy aroma and color in all shades from white to thick pink. This shrub is wrinkled, giving the name to the shrub, large leaves and flattened fruits with juicy orange flesh and a mass of pubescent seeds inside.

Garden shrub related to park roses, has a universal purpose, blooms from May to the end of summer. Due to this, and the foliage painted in autumn in yellow tones, the bush is decorative from early spring to late autumn. Wrinkled rose grows well on all types of soil, does not freeze out in winter and with regular pruning easily kept within the specified boundaries.

Not less decorative rose gray, with purple-silver leaves, pink flowers and edible bright red fruits. The shrub up to 2 meters high blooms in the middle of summer, waiting out the harsh winters without loss and is not afraid of drought.

A light-loving plant is not demanding on soil fertility, but is afraid of stagnant water and reacts poorly to the increased acidity of the soil.


Irga is well known to the summer residents of the Urals and Siberia, but it will be no less interesting for those who care about the beauty of the site in other regions of the country. The plant height from 2 to 5 meters, not only stands out winter hardiness. Magnificently blossoming spring irga - this is a great melliferous.

The white flowers collected in a brush or of a milky shade cover the entire shrub with flowers, and by the second half of the summer they turn into placers of rounded, gradually ripening fruits. At this time, the shrub is painted in all shades of pink, purple and purple.

Simple, oval or almost rounded leaves of shadberry in spring and summer have a dark green color with a purple glow, which is replaced by festive carmine, orange, scarlet and purple colors in the fall.

The fruits of the ergi are tasty and useful, therefore, the drought-resistant and frost-free shrub is more often grown as a fruit crop. But the rich flowering and bright autumn foliage make it a valuable ornamental plant.


Another shrub with useful fruits, hawthorn has long been valued as a plant valuable for landscape design. In addition to varieties with ordinary, white flowers, today there are popular specimens with pink, simple and terry corolla.

The blossoming hawthorn transforms the garden throughout June, and closer to the autumn the shrubs become covered with reddish-purple fruits. A tall beautiful shrub for summer cottage, as in the photo, is good both in single planting and in a group, alongside other bushes and smaller herbaceous plants.

Well-lit areas with loose soil are selected for hawthorn planting. Without time-consuming care, the plant will delight for many years with its excellent appearance and generous harvest.

The list of noteworthy ornamental plants does not end with the above names and photos of beautiful shrubs to give. There are many more cultures that can decorate the site, without demanding daily protection or laborious care from the gardener. An excellent example is the barberry migrated from the forest. A bright forsythia illuminates the vein of the flower bed. A spectacular action, cotoneaster and aronium make an unforgettable impression on the viewer. The choice is huge, and with a careful approach, even a beginner can choose plants for the soul.

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