Repair of water heaters Ariston with electric and gas heating

Contents of the article:

Water heaters Ariston are electric and gas. Repairing Ariston heaters with a gas burner is different from troubleshooting an electric boiler. Combines the model storage device, piping on water and a special valve that performs the function of bypass and reverse. The electronic control system is designed for both energy sources, but it can only be adjusted in the event of a failure by specialists.

How to save the tank from corrosion and destruction

Capacity consists of an internal tank, a casing and a gasket between them in the form of a foam insulation material. The inner tank Ariston is necessarily made of stainless steel sheet, connected by special welding, which does not change the structure of the metal. Inside made enameling. And now we need to remember whether it is possible to heat a dry enameled pan, whether it is possible to cook, if the enameling has rebounded, and when this happens. The boiler is much more expensive than the pan, the Ariston water heater body repair is complicated, so you need to do:

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  • inspect the integrity of the body from the inside and outside when buying a boiler;
  • installation strictly according to the instructions without distortions at installation;
  • use special factory-made valves;
  • No fittings on the safety system connections can be installed;
  • safety automatics cannot be disabled.

It is necessary to heat the boiler once without proper filling with water and microcracks may appear in the enamelled coating, through which metal will corrode and fistulas will appear in the hull. The reason is only careless operation of the equipment.

Do you need to rid the walls of scale, the recommendations of experts vary. Some believe that scale on the walls is a protective layer and additional thermal insulation of the walls. Others recommend dissolving and removing the precipitate annually with weak organic acids. But everyone agrees that it is unacceptable to use abrasive materials to remove sediment, you can scratch the protective layer. When repairing the Ariston water heater, clean the dirt from the tank and thoroughly flush the mounting points of the internal equipment.

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Repair of electric water heaters

The electric water heater needs repair if:

  • when connecting the plug to the socket does not turn on the indicator of the supply voltage on the boiler;The
  • light comes on, but the protection is triggered;
  • does not heat the water in the tank;
  • device does not respond correctly to commands.

If you have a heater with an electronic control system, the unit will lose the program if there is a power failure. Only a specialist can restore it. The service center performs any repair of storage water heaters, if the device is under warranty. Unauthorized intervention will void your warranty!

First you need to ring the feed pattern. Make sure there is mains voltage, the fuses are in the working position, the cord, the plug is working. There you need to check the serviceability of the RCD, the device is located in front of the plug.

It is possible to clear the heating element from scale using acetic, citric, oxalic acid or Antinakipin, leaving the element in warm water for several hours. But at this time the sealing gasket must be removed, it loses its elasticity in the solution.

After you need to open the panel mounting TENA and electrical connections. Check the condition of the element by ringing the terminals. The resistance should be 13.5 ohms for a kilowatt, for more power, the value is directly proportional to the value given. If the electric heater transmits an electric charge, then you need to check the thermostat. It is checked for contact activation at room temperature and at 60 C. But in order to check the thermostat, it is necessary to dismantle the assembly. Step by step it looks like this:

  • fix the position of the connected wires on paper or in the camera;
  • disconnect wiring;
  • remove thermoelements;
  • remove the magnetic anode, inspect it, clean the loose growth, if the material is heavily worn, replace;
  • unscrew the bolts and remove the flange with the heating element installed, release the heating element, clean it and inspect for cracks;
  • check thermostat status;
  • clean tank and flange connection;
  • after repairing the heater with their own hands, replacing the assembly, assemble and fix the parts in the reverse order.

Attaching any flange on any device with bolts is performed with a consistent tightening of opposite nuts. Then the tightening occurs evenly and there will be no leakage through the seal.

In order to avoid electrochemical corrosion of the tank, in addition to the magnesium electrode, it is necessary to have a complete ground loop, which is also necessary for your own safety. RCD and grounding have different tasks.

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Repair of gas boiler

The gas water heaters produced by the Italian company Ariston are large, the smallest is 180 liters and is installed on the floor. They are adapted to the change in pressure in the gas supply, water networks. Repair of gas water heaters Ariston is not welcome. Safe operation of the column depends on the proper removal of combustion products and the absence of leaks of unburned natural or liquefied gas.

Repair required in cases;

  • from the drive does not flow water;
  • bad traction, and there was a smell of gas in the room;
  • missing flame.
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Maintenance includes periodic lubrication of control valves, moving rods. Before work, shut off the main valve, and after checking with soapy water for leakage all components of the duct. When switching from liquefied to main gas, you will need to change the pilot burner nozzle and the water valve.

In order for the radiator to stay with clean pipes for a long time, it is necessary to heat water no higher than 45 degrees. At this temperature, hardness salts are dissolved.

It is necessary to pay attention to the use of plastic pipes and flanges when tying. It protects against stray currents and a random spark.

Diagnosing the causes of a gas storage unit malfunction is simple:

  • accumulates scale in the heat exchanger, which is an insulator and reduces the conditional passage of the tube - the water pressure is low and it is not very hot;
  • radiator drip - water does not heat up;
  • burner may not light up if there is no gas in the line or a supply hole is blocked;
  • water temperature below the set point - check the control system.

A malfunction is often manifested by clogging of the radiator. The tank is muffled, the radiator is left in place, but it is filled with liquid that dissolves scale. You can periodically heat the tube with a glow plug. When draining the chemical, limescale should be leached out.

If the heat exchanger is leaking, it can be soldered at home, like rosin is used as a flux. In addition, with your own hands you can clean the chimney, buy new batteries in the ignition system. Other troubleshooting should be entrusted to the gas service specialists.

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