How to turn on the heating mode on the air conditioner

  • What you can’t do
  • Setting up a split system for warm air
  • Troubleshooting

Modern air conditioners can not only cool the air in a residential area, but also, if properly configured, for example in winter, give heating. If you do not know how to set your air conditioner for heating mode, then make sure that it generally has such a function. Of course, you can read about it in the instructions, but if there is none, you can enter the name of your model in one of the Internet search engines and familiarize yourself with its basic functionality. If you are convinced that your air conditioner supports thermal conditions, then the following information will be useful for you. So, how to turn on the air conditioner for heat?

What you can not do

The allowable temperature for heat heating in most devices usually does not exceed -5 C. By including a thermal module for heating air at lower temperatures, you risk getting a faulty device as a result of icing up the outdoor unit. An exception to this rule is inverter air conditioners, if they have a specialized winter kit for cold air, the threshold of which can reach temperatures of -15 C. So, if the temperature outside the room is acceptable for your air conditioner, you can go directly to the setting itself.

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Setting the split system for warm air

Take the remote from your air conditioner and turn it on. This is usually done with the On / Off key. After that, activate the thermal mode using the “heat” button. However, not on all consoles there is a button with exactly this inscription. There can be any other button, for example “mode”, which switches the air conditioner between its modes. On such keys, they usually draw a symbol for changing the weather with, say, the sun and snowflakes. If there is no possibility to switch the air conditioner to such a mode, then, most likely, it does not support such a function.

Sometimes it happens that we need the inscriptions on the remote there, and the air conditioner still does not heat anything. This is due to the fact that today, often for devices with completely different functionalities, universal consoles are used. Therefore, it is still better to make sure that the heating function is in your model.

Having switched to the heating mode, and you should see an indication of this on the device display, we can adjust the temperature you need. This can usually be done using the up / down or +/- buttons. In some models, the split system setup is performed before switching on. That is, you first need to set all the necessary parameters, and only then press the on / off power button.


If, after turning on the air conditioner, half an hour has passed and the room has not become warmer and warm air does not flow from the split system, then your device may not support this mode. Or, it indicates that it is not healthy. Perhaps you have something wrong on the remote. Try to repeat the above sequence of actions, carefully listening to the system( usually, if the signal reaches it, it emits characteristic sounds).Check if you managed to switch it to warm air.

In extreme cases, try changing the batteries on the remote control - it also helps in rare cases. If nothing helps, then you need to contact the master, who will eliminate the malfunction that has arisen - the lack of freon, etc.

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