Description and characteristics of tomato variety Pink Giant

Tomatoes are one of the most beloved vegetables on the table. They are used in the preparation of various salads, soups, sauces, etc. There is a huge number of varieties of tomatoes. But one of the most beloved and sought after is the Pink Giant variety.

  • Description of
    • led by Vladimir Nalishyt, and in 2001 was registered and recommended for cultivation throughout Russia.

      According to the description, the plant is tall, standard, with unlimited length of the stem. Feature of the variety - can reach a length of more than 2m. However, in open ground plants have a smaller height. Therefore, it is most often used for growing in high greenhouses.

      Tomatoes of this variety belong to the class of middle ripening, as the fruits ripen as in 105-110 days ( measured from the moment of planting).

      The variety is average yielding. Usually vegetable growers get 3-4 kg from each bush. With high-quality agricultural technology, you can get up to 10 kg of vegetables and more.

      Characteristic of fruits

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      Tomatoes have a pink( crimson or bright red) color. Fruits are ribbed, flat-round shape. Tomatoes are fleshy, large from 300 to 600 grams .Some growers grew fruits weighing up to 0.5 kg or more .There is little seed in each fruit.

      The average fruit weight of a variety is 300-600 grams.

      Pulp has a pleasant sweetish taste. Perfectly suited for use in raw form, as well as for the production of tomato juice. Canning is not suitable, since they have a large size.

      According to the characteristic, tomatoes can be stored for a long time and they tolerate long-distance transportation of well.

      The advantages and disadvantages of the tomato variety


      • tasty, fleshy fruit, the possibility of their long-term storage and transportation;
      • plants are resistant to diseases ;
      • tolerate sudden changes in temperature and lack of moisture;
      • can be grown both in open ground and in the greenhouse .


      • requires garter stalk and racemes;
      • a small amount of fruit from each bush;
      • small seed chamber.
      Tomato Pink Giant is well stored and resistant to long-term transportation

      Soil requirements

      Tomatoes grow well on loose, rich in microelements and nutrients neutral with pH 5-5.5 or sour loams.

      For tomatoes, each year, is required to change the place of growing .It is not recommended to plant them after nightshade, for example potatoes. Cucumbers, legumes and cruciferous plants are considered good predecessors.

      Planting tomatoes on heavy soils will lead to loss of yield.

      Planting seedlings

      To obtain a high-quality crop of tomatoes, you must first grow quality seedlings. Seeds sow for 2-2.5 months before the date of planting seedlings.

      Seed Preparation Procedure

      Seeds Variety Pink Giant
      1. Soak seeds before processing in warm water for 3-4 hours.
      2. Disinfecting and saturating seeds with manganese and potassium in a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, they fall asleep in a gauze bag and then immersed for 15-20 minutes in a pink solution( 0.5-1%) of potassium permanganate. Then washed under running water.
      3. Disinfection and saturation of seeds with microelements in the ash solution. To prepare it, take one tablespoon of ash from deciduous trees and pour a liter of water. After one day, the solution is filtered. Seeds are immersed in the solution for about 5 hours.
      4. Seed treatment with biostimulants.
      5. Germination of seeds .If you sow the seeds without germination, then it is likely that they will have poor germination and seedlings, and as a result, you will get a little. For germination, seeds are soaked for 3-5 days.
      6. Germinated seeds are sown in prepared ground or in a prepared mixture of peat, humus and sod land, which can be purchased in specialized stores. For planting in moist soil make grooves with a depth of about 1 cm at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Seeds are planted after 1.5 to 2 cm. Shoots appear around the fifth day. In order for the plants not to stretch in the first days, it is advisable to install containers with seedlings in a room in which the temperature is maintained at about 16 degrees.
      7. After the appearance of the first true leaflets, the pick of seedlings is recommended. This will make it possible to form a good root system in the future. In parallel with the picking, the plants are transplanted into large containers, in which they will develop before planting in the ground.

      The ambient temperature should be around 22 degrees .This will allow the plants to develop normally and not to stretch too much. It is also important that the seedlings containers have normal lighting. Therefore, it is desirable to install them on window sills.

      If the purchased seeds are already treated with stimulants( in this case, they are covered with colored compounds), then they should not be soaked and disinfected.

      Planting tomatoes in open ground

      For planting seedlings, you need to choose an open and sunny place.

      For tomatoes, choose a sunny and closed place from the winds. Since the variety is tall, we prepare the wells according to the scheme 70x70 cm .In this case, the planting will not be thickened and the plants will be well ventilated.

      should also be used to prepare trellis or supports for each plant. Plants are planted at the age of 2-2.5 months. They must have 6-7 true leaves.

      • Care As the Pink Giant tomatoes are tall, the bush forms into 1-2 stalks. Therefore, be sure to remove the extra stepchildren.
      • For large fruits in inflorescences leave no more than 4 flowers.
      • Lower leaves are usually removed. This contributes to the fact that plants are less sick and better illuminated.
      • Watering is performed by with separated and non-cold water .After watering the land loosened.
      • To get a good harvest, you need to feed the tomatoes. For tall tomatoes, fertilizer doses are doubled. For fertilizer, you can use mullein or bird droppings, diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

      chicken manure solution can be used as a fertilizer. It is recommended to apply three times for the entire growing period:

      1. 1.5 weeks after transplanting to the ground;
      2. After the second brush has bloomed;
      3. After collecting the first fruits.

      It is also necessary after each feeding to mulch the soil around the bush. Due to this, the earth will not dry out quickly and overheat in the hot summer. Also, a layer of mulch of the order of 5 cm prevents the growth of weeds.

      This variety of tomato requires the garter. You can tie each bush separately or install tapestries.

      Variety shrubs require mandatory garter

      Diseases of tomatoes

      This variety is quite resistant to many types of fungal diseases. For the prevention of diseases, care must be taken to ensure that plantings are not thick and well ventilated.

      Bushes can be affected by by the Colorado potato beetle, aphids and thrips .For the fight against insects and bugs use various chemical preparations. If there are not many tomatoes and the plantation is not very infected, then Colorado beetles and their larvae can be harvested by hand.

      Thus, the variety of tomatoes “Pink Giant” can and should be grown on the garden plot, because it doesn’t take much time to care for, and its fruits grow beautiful and very tasty. Also, there are similar varieties - Red Giant, Orange and Lemon Giant.

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